#Wifi scanner #Written by Nguyen The Anh #Run for Raspberry Pi 3 #https://github.com/e1601118/wifiscan
Configuration instruction: You must have a wifi adapter network on your Linux machine
Installation instruction: a) Download all the source code and store in ONE directory b) Open Terminal windows, change directoy to you folder above c) Type "make" to compile
Operation instruction: a) Type "./wifi.a" to run the program b) If you wish to see the list of wifi (include ESSID, Channel, Frequency, MAC), open file wifiscan.h, and type #define DEBUG
List of files include: a) makefile b) main.c c) wifiscan.h d) wifiscan.c e) graph.h f) graph.c
Copyright and licensing: This is an open source code project. No licensing required
Contact information: Name: Nguyen The Anh Email: [email protected]
Credit and acknowledgement: This project is done by following the teacher, doctor Gao Chao, supervisor of Application Development course, Vaasa UAS