A partial implementation of a Janet bytecode VM in Javascript.
The following code works in the browser:
(defn worker
"Does some work."
[chan name n]
(for i 0 n
(ev/give chan (string name " working " i "..."))
(if (= i 3)
(:js.fetch "http://localhost:8080/mock-endpoint?sleep=0.5")
(ev/sleep 0.5)))
(ev/give chan (string name " is done!"))
(ev/chan-close chan))
(defn go []
(def bob-chan (ev/chan 1))
(def sally-chan (ev/chan 1))
(def output-arr @[])
(ev/go (fiber/new (fn []
(def chans @{bob-chan true
sally-chan true})
(def [res-op res-chan res-value] (ev/select (splice (keys chans))))
(if (= res-op :take)
(array/push output-arr res-value) # [:take chan value]
(put chans res-chan nil) # [:close chan]
(if (= (length chans) 0)
# Start bob working in a new task with ev/call
(ev/go (fiber/new (fn [] (worker bob-chan "bob" 5))))
(ev/sleep 0.25)
# Start sally working in a new task with ev/go
(ev/go (fiber/new |(worker sally-chan "sally" 10)))
(:js.fetch "http://localhost:8080/mock-endpoint?sleep=6")
(array/push output-arr "Everyone should be done by now!")
(defn test []
(def output-arr (go))
(def [l0 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9
l10 l11 l12 l13 l14 l15 l16 l17] output-arr)
(and (= l0 "bob working 0...")
(= l1 "sally working 0...")
(= l2 "bob working 1...")
(= l3 "sally working 1...")
(= l4 "bob working 2...")
(= l5 "sally working 2...")
(= l6 "bob working 3...")
(= l7 "sally working 3...")
(= l8 "bob working 4...")
(= l9 "sally working 4...")
(= l10 "bob is done!")
(= l11 "sally working 5...")
(= l12 "sally working 6...")
(= l13 "sally working 7...")
(= l14 "sally working 8...")
(= l15 "sally working 9...")
(= l16 "sally is done!")
(= l17 "Everyone should be done by now!")
jsvm is a partial implementation of the Janet bytecode VM in Javascript. This is mostly meant as an exercise to figure out how the event system and channels work in Janet proper.
- Event loop with fibers, channels and timeouts
- Resume, yield and signals
- Support for Javascript
in event loop - GC (completely deferred to the Javascript GC)
Everything in a test in the test/
directory should work. If it isn't in a test it probably isn't implemented.
janet server.janet
Open http://localhost:8080/test
- Create a Janet image from code with:
janet -c myfile.janet myfile.jimage
- Get the bytes from the image:
(string/join (map string (slurp "myfile.jimage")) ", ")
=> "212, 4, ....., 0"
- Copy the image bytes into Javascript and run the vm:
<script src="vm.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript>
const jimage_bytes = new Uint8Array([212, 4, ...., 0]);
const jimage = unmarshal(jimage_bytes);
// the image must have a function named 'test'
const func_start = jimage.get(janet_symbol("test")).get(janet_keyword("value"));
const fiber_start = janet_fiber(func_start);
janet_schedule_signal(fiber_start, null, JANET_SIGNAL_OK);
const done_callback = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
console.log("AWAIT VM");
}).then(function () {
console.log("AWAIT VM done");
console.log("VM", VM);
console.log("fiber starts at VM done: ", test_name, fiber_start);
console.log("start fiber last value: ", fiber_start.last_value);
}).catch(function (error) {
console.log("VM error:");
MIT, same as Janet
Gijs Stuurman / https://thegeez.net / twitter.com/thegeez