irc node bot with,, urban dictionary, and more functionality
You can either download this repository, or git clone it into the directory you want your bot installed in. After the folder is in your installation location, run:
cd b0t
npm install
If you run into errors durring the install try running these commands:
npm update -g
run npm cache clear
And then run install again.
npm install
In the b0t folder, you should see a config.example.json. We want to make a copy of this file, and name it config.json.
cp config.example.json config.json
Open it in your favorite editor, nano, vim, etc.
vim config.json
Go thru your new config.json file, line by line and make sure you have everything entered correctly.
key | description | example |
bot_nick | the nickname your bot has on the irc server | "b0t" |
permissions | order these from lowest to highest user permission symbols in the irc. these are used to permission commands if you don't want to give everyone access to a command in the chan. | ["+", "-", "@", "%", "&", "~"] |
command_prefix | this is the character that starts every command that the bot listens for. (i.e. !np) | "!" |
owner | your irc nick, or whomever owns the bot. | "your_nick" |
network_name | the network name for the irc channel. if your bot is running on the same server your irc network is on, you can leave this as localhost. | |
channels | an array of channels you want your bot to join. | ["#test1", "#test2"] |
reg_password | NickServ registration password. You don't have to have this, but if your bot isn't registered it may cause problems with commands. | "bot_nickserv_pw" |
op_password | if your bot is an oper on your network, set their oper password here. | "bot_oper_password" |
voice_users_on_join | will autovoice everyone in the room when they join, or the bot joins. NOTE: atheme uses, if ChanServ baby sits your room, it may de-voice. | true/false |
parse_links | parse links in chat, and say their title | true/false |
less_chan_spam | bot says more things in PMs to users, like errors, !commands, !cmd help, etc. Keeps channel feed a bit cleaner. | true/false |
API | If you would like to use a set of commands that require and API key, you must go register for that API key and copy and paste it here. DO NOT DELETE THESE SECTIONS. If you don't want to use a set of commands, just leave the api_key section blank. This will automatically disable all of the commands that require the key. | |
debug | Generates more logs in your console. If you're having an issue with the bot, good to set to true, otherwise just leave it as false. | true/false |
Currently, the bot uses 3 different api's that require a key. Here's where to get them, as of the time this readme was written:
Last.FM - You will need an api_key and a secret. You can enter an app_name here too, otherwise it defaults to b0t.
YouTube - You will need a google account to use this. The first time you use a youtube command like !yt, the terminal console will throw an error with a link to enable your api key for youtube.
Trakt.TV - You will need an api_key here. The docs should have a link for creating your key.
Weather - You can get a free key for Weather Underground here, so long as you don't go over a certain number of requests a day.
Untappd - takes a couple of weeks to approve your api_key and secret.
Test your bot out by running
node b0t.js
If all goes well your bot should start up and join your network and channels. You may want to look into an easier solution to manage your bot, as running it this way can be a bit annoying and hard to maintain. I prefer forever which takes two seconds to set up.
A list of all of the currently available commands. You can also type [bot_nick] -owner to bot say it's owner, -version for the bot version, and -link for a link to this repo.
###Other Commands general commands that don't have a specific category
command | action | default permission | syntax |
commands | list all of the available bot commands for user's permission level | all users | !commands <*-list> |
set | set the channel topic | all users with voice | !set <topic> |
reg | register a user for any service (lastfm, trakt, location) | owner | !reg <service> <irc nick> <data> |
unreg | unregister a user for any service (lastfm, trakt, location) | owner | !unreg <service> <irc nick> |
updates | check for updates to b0t script | ops | !updates |
###Last.FM Commands !np and !wp require a account, and registration with the bot to use.
command | action | default permission | syntax |
np | get your last scrobbled song from | all users | !np |
yt | get your last scrobbled song from and attempt to locate a youtube video of it *NOTE this command requires the YouTube API | all users | !yt |
wp | get all users in current chan w/ registered nicks last scrobbled song | all users | !wp |
sa | get similar artists by percentage | all users | !sa <artist name> |
bio | get artist bio | all users | !bio <artist name> |
lastfm | register your username with your irc nick | all users | !lastfm < username> |
###Trakt.TV Commands !nw and !ww require a account, and registration with the bot to use. Note that accounts must be set to PUBLIC to use with these commands.
command | action | default permission | syntax |
nw | get your last scrobbled show/movie from | all users | !nw |
ww | get all users in current chan w/ registered nicks last scrobbled show/movie | all users | !ww |
trend | list top 5 trending movies/shows | all users | `!trend <-movies |
trakt | register your username with your irc nick | all users | !trakt < username> |
###TVMaze Commands
command | action | default permission | syntax |
tvmaze | gets tv episode data | all users | !tvmaze <tv series> |
###Weather Commands
command | action | default permission | syntax |
w | get current weather (if no zip or city/state is used, attempts to get weather for your registered location) | all users | !w <*zip/city, state> |
location | register your location with your irc nick | all users | !location <zip/city, state> |
###Untappd Commands
command | action | default permission | syntax |
ut | get your last beer drank from | all users | !ut |
wu | get all users in current chan w/ registered untappd nicks last checked in beer | all users | !wu |
untappd | register your untappd username with your irc nick | all users | !untappd < username> |
###Urban Dictionary Note that urban dictionary doesn't require an api key to use.
command | action | default permission | syntax |
ud | get urban dictionary term/word definition | all users | !ud <term> |
If you wish to modify any of the default command responses, other bot responses, command permissions, or manually disabled commands, you can modify the inc/commands.js file. Keep in mind if you break this file, your bot will be sad.
The respond variable is for general bot responses. Formatting is done using the npm package irc-colors, which you can read about here:
The commands variable is for each of the bot commands. If a command set requires an API, it's listed under that API section. If you do not enter an API, that section of commands is disabled automatically.
Command syntax: note: commands that have an * next to them are optional, and do not throw errors if you do not enter them when calling the command in the channel.
"Section/API Name from config.json" : {
"command" : {
"action": "what action this command attempts to perform",
"commands": ["input", "*input"],
"format": function(d){
if(d && d.err) return er(d.err); //error handling, best to leave this in here.
//do some stuff with d (data) variable here, return a string for the bot to say in chan.
return str;
"perm": "+", //if this section isn't present, all users have permission to use command. Otherwise everyone with a + and up can use it.
"disabled": true //if you add this it disables the command.
###Contributers Thanks to everyone in oontz, but especially: