- dash (shell)
- imlib2
- xsetroot package (status2d uses this to add colors on dwmbar)
- ComicMono Font
- Alacritty
- picom
- feh
- acpi
- dmenu
git clone https://github.com/thelinuxpirate/ChadWM ~/.config/chadwm
cd ~/.config/chadwm/chadwm
sudo make clean install
(Note: chmod +x all of the scripts)
- barpadding
- bottomstack
- cfacts
- dragmfact
- dragcfact (took from bakkeby’s build)
- fibonacii
- gaplessgrid
- horizgrid
- movestack
- vanity gaps
- colorful tags
- statuspadding
- status2d
- underline tags
- notitle
- winicon
- preserveonrestart
- shiftview
- attatchbottom
- dwm-fakefullscreen (customized version)
- dwm-focusonclick
- resizecorners
- steam
- torus
- zoomswap