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The Mist Example project demonstrates integration of the Thinnect mist middleware library (libmist), the Thinnect mesh network library (libbeat) and in the future the integration of security libraries.

The integrated reference action modules implement basic luminaire control and motion detection features.

Mist subscriptions (rules)

Rules are instructions that are sent to the Mist nodes to be executed, rules are the main way to direct the behavior of the Mist devices.

Mist protocol communications are handled by the library and the built-in rule interpreter. Support for custom rule format interpreters is planned. The user is able to register an action handler with the Mist middleware and the middleware will call the handler according to the rule specification with parameters extracted from the rule. See mist_middleware.h for details on the API functions needed to register a handler.

This repository contains a binary distribution of the Mist middleware that can be linked into the final application. See the libmist directory. Currently only a release for the efr32xg21 family is available.

Mist library setup

The mist library is linked to the firmware from libmistmiddleware.a. The library needs to be initialized with mist_middleware_init, providing it a pointer to an initialized radio layer. Initialization should be followed by calls to mist_register_handler to add action handlers. After all handlers have been registered, a call to mist_middleware_start will start the actual mist middleware, loading stored rules and registering communication paths. Handlers should be registered before start, because any rules loaded during start that do not have a corresponding handler, are discarded.

Persistent rule storage

The mist middleware stores rules that have an infinite timeout (UINT32_MAX) in flash memory (TODO in the future other rules will also be stored in flash for their duration). Stored rules are marked with IDENT_TIMESTAMP and discarded automatically when firmware is changed (IDENT_TIMESTAMP changes). The storage component uses the node-filesystem wrapper around SPIFFS. The filesystem needs to be initialized before mist_middleware_start is called.

Device Announcement

The device announcement protocol is intended to allow Mist nodes to let other nodes know about their existence in the networks and their properties. Therefore devices periodically broadcast announcement packets and respond to queries about additional details.

The announcement messages are used by coreserver to discover new devices, detect changes of properties and react to reboots (verify correct rules are applied).

Thinnect Mesh (libbeat)

The example application can be optionally built with the Thinnect mesh network layer. The library needs to be obtained separately. The library bundle should include a header beatstack.h and the static library libbeat.a for a given architecture. These need to be stored as:


Additionally INCLUDE_BEATSTACK needs to be set to 1. This can be done in the Makefile (or Makefile.private) or set on the command line:


Thinnect Over-The-Air update (libota)

The example application can be optionally built with the Thinnect OTA included

The library needs to be obtained separately. The library bundle should include a header libota.h and the static library libota.a for a given architecture. These need to be stored as:


Additionally the most effortless way to initialize ota is to use a pre-included components inside node-platfrom/widgets with files basic_rtos_ota_setup.h and basic_rtos_ota_setup.c and via the function basic_rtos_ota_setup with ota managment logic already inside. Otherwise the functions needed for ota are defined in libota.h which is included in the separately obtained OTA package.

Regarding OTA within this project.

OTA will be included in the compilation if LIBOTA_CONFIG is defined to a directory inside libota e.g libota/version_1 then LIBOTA_CONFIG would be version_1


This repository relies on several dependencies that are all publically available on GitHub and they have been linked to the repository as submodules. After cloning the repository, the submodules need to be initialized and updated.

git clone [email protected]:thinnect/mist-example.git
cd mist-example
git submodule init
git submodule update

Additionally some utilities and third-party libraries need to be installed, follow the node-apps INSTALL guide.

Initially the submodules will be pointing to the correct commits/states of their respective repositories, but in a detached-head state. The actual branches they should be checked out to are listed in the gitmodules file. Install git-submodule-gizmos to get a tool for easier management of the branches.

Build and flash

Build with make PLATFORM_NAME and flash to the device with make PLATFORM_NAME install.

For example to install on a Thinnect TestSystemBoard2, run:

make tsb2
make tsb2 install

Adding support for external platforms

Modify the PLATFORM_DIRS variable in the Makefile and add the path to the location of the new platforms PLATFORMS_DIRS := $(ZOO)/thinnect.node-buildsystem/make $(ZOO)/ PATH_TO_MY_CUSTOM_PLATFORMS/make


Radio communications are performed throught the MistComm communications API. The API is still a prototype, but now supports global addressing without having to know the network hierarcy. It uses IEEE EUI-64 identifiers for identifying endpoints (device identity, not just network address). It includes an address translation layer and EUI-64 and link-local addresses are resolved automatically. The Mist Middleware relies on the EUI-64 addressing capabilities

The MistComm API is still likely to change

Coding rules

Code in this repository must conform to the BARR-C:2018 coding rules with the following permitted exceptions:

  • Lines are allowed to be up to 120 characters long, keeping them shorter is however recommended.
  • static module-level variables must be prefixed with m_, global ones with g_.
  • TABs may be used for initial indentation (but not for alignment).


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