Releases: thomasekdahlN/wealthprognosis-app
More correct calculation of salary tax. Not using deduction before soscialsecurity tax calculation, but deducting socialsecurity tax and minstefradrag" from total salary before income tax is calculated.
Bracket tax is still calculated using the salary without deduction.
Deduction config is moved to a function with configurations supporting, max, min and percentage deduction - to calculate the deduction dynamically within the limits.
Updated to calculate with new Norwegian taxes for 2025
Minor adjustments to FireCalculation hash definitions $firePartSalePossibleTypes[] and $fireSavingTypes[]
Updated to support Laravel 12 and php 8.4
Support for in meta part of assets - only fortune tax is calculated (not income or sales tax). Useful for some simulations, or if money is loaned from a private person with no tax benefits.
Support for meta.exportStartYear - to set the start year of the excel export. Defaults to previous year, but if you want to do simulations back in time like what would my economy look like if I bought Apple Stock instead off iPhones every year - its perfect.
Better fortune tax calculation, deducting mortgage correctly.
Calculations giving almost same result as "skattemeldingen" for the same year now.
Added GPL Licence, corrected PropertyTax calculation algorithm
Støtte for beregning av lønn/pensjon med fellesskatt, trygdeavgift og trinnskatt. Salg av assets setter nå over hele beløpet som inntekt dit det overføres, og setter skattebeløper for salget også dit det overføres - slik at det er synlig at skatt er betalt.
Realization of OTP is now taxed as salary.
Now with correct yearly tax calculation on interest from bank account and bond funds
Feature complete for now.
Working pretty well now