This project has the purpose of explaining the basic ideas of behinds Artificial Intelligence and Tensorflow. The project contains codes and explanations.
You will find clarification about artificial intelligence and how important it is nowadays. You will also find a detailed explanation of the main algorithms used with Tensorflow. To be more specific, this project describes the following algorithms:
- Machine learning
- Linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Kernel regression
- Deep Learning
- Artificial neural network
- Convolutional neural network
- Recurrent neural network
- Autoencoder
- This project adds complementary materials to improve the analysis.
It includes contents on data preprocessing:
- How to you nteract to visualize data quickly
- How to use Dive and Overview to get a deep insight from the data
- How to build a data preprocessing pipeline with Scikit learn developer version 0.20
There is also a part that aims at explains how can you trust the algorithm:
- Lime algorithm: Can you trust your model?