Ansible Role to deploy the Threat Stack server agent.
- Amazon Linux
- CentOS
- RedHat
- Ubuntu
- Debian
The following variables are available for override.
threatstack_deploy_key: # Required. Your Cloud Sight API Key
threatstack_feature_plan: # AGENT 1.x ONLY!
# Required. Set value to reflect your feature plan.
# * 'agent_type="i"' - Investigate or Legacy (Basic, Advanced, Pro)
# * 'agent_type="m"' - Monitor
threatstack_ruleset: # Array of agent rule sets, will default to ["Base Rule Set"].
# Define multiple rule sets using a comma seperated list.
threatstack_pkg_url: # Location of package repo. Only change if you mirror your own.
threatstack_pkg: # Name of package. Specify package version using
# "threatstack-agent=X.Y.Z" (Debian/Ubuntu)
# "threatstack-agent-X.Y.Z" (RedHat/CentOS/Amazon)
# Defaults to latest available version.
threatstack_url: # The URL of the Threat Stack webapp. Defaults to
threatstack_hostname: # The display hostname in the Threat Stack UI. Defaults to hostname.
threatstack_configure_agent: # Optionally do not configure the host, just install package
threatstack_agent_extra_args: # Pass optional arguments during agent registration.
threatstack_agent_config_args: # Pass optional configuration arguments after agent registration.
Using ansible galaxy, best for ad-hoc command situations:
$ ansible-galaxy install threatstack.threatstack-ansible
To install into your playbook roles, use -p ROLES_PATH
or --path=ROLES_PATH
$ ansible-galaxy install threatstack.threatstack-ansible -p /your/project/root/roles
Check out: Advanced Control over Role Requirements Files
- Install Threat Stack agent with the default rule set and reports system hostname to threatstack. This is the most basic configuration
- hosts: all
- { role: threatstack.threatstack-ansible, threatstack_deploy_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXX}
- Install Threat Stack agent with custom security rules set and custom hostname:
- hosts: web-servers
- role: threatstack.threatstack-ansible
threatstack_deploy_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
threatstack_ruleset: "Base Rule Set, Custom Rule Set"
threatstack_hostname: dev_web01_us-east-1c
- Install the Threat Stack agent but do not configure it. NOTE: Useful for configuring a base image to be repeatedly deployed with the agent pre-installed.
- hosts: aws-image
- role: threatstack.threatstack-ansible
threatstack_configure_agent: false
- Install a particular version of the Threat Stack agent. Use in situations where you perform controlled rollouts of all new package versions.
- hosts: hosts
- role: threatstack.threatstack-ansible
threatstack_deploy_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
threatstack_pkg: threatstack-agent=
Apache 2.0
Apollo Catlin Use github issues for bugs in this repo.