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Amazon 1 tests (#35)
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* created auditd test branch

* don't reassign that variable

* move that down a bit in the case statements

* fix amazon linux repo url and auditd disabling

* updated spec for yum/amazon test

* use old style os fact

* ensure facts are in specs

* wow, okay. missed another spot.

* disable auditd on rhel like oses

* don't set param twice

* updated readme and changelog

* updated metadata

* fix amazon linux 1 compatibility

* fix style

* make sure debian has this param defined, just in case

* fix amazon linux 1 spec tests

* fact wasn't defined

* and another one

* updated changelog, readme
  • Loading branch information
rockpapergoat authored Feb 22, 2019
1 parent cbdfcda commit 08962c5
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Showing 9 changed files with 90 additions and 29 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@

We'll track changes here starting with details about the 2.0 release and reference to earlier releases.

## 2.0.2
### Fixed
- fixed amazon linux 1 support and tests

## 2.0.1
### Changed
- added optional parameter `disable_auditd` to handle issues users reported installing on RHEL-like OSes
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Parameters
* `threatstack::configure_agent` [optiona bool] - Set to false to just install agent without configuring. Useful for image building.
* `threatstack::agent_config_args` [optional array of hashes] - Extra arguments to pass during agent activation. Useful for enabling new platform features.
* `threatstack::disable_auditd` [optional bool] - Disable `auditd` service to avoid installation issues. (Default is 'true' on RHEL-like OSes.)
* `threatstack::disable_auditd_cmd` [optional string] - related to `threatstack::disable_auditd`, the OS version dependent command to disable auditd (Default: set in `threatstack::params` based on operating system)
* `threatstack::extra_args` [optional array of hashes] - optional array of hashes to define setup options for the threatstack agent (Default: `undef`)
* `threatstack::confdir` [optional string] - path to config directory for the threatstack service (Default: '/opt/threatstack/etc')
* `threatstack::ts_hostname` [optional string] - hostname of your node (Default: `$::fqdn`)
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29 changes: 17 additions & 12 deletions manifests/init.pp
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# Required to work around issues with auditd on some distros
# type: bool
# [*disable_auditd_cmd*]
# Systemd vs. SysV init, related to above
# type: string
# [*extra_args*]
# Extra arguments to pass on the command line during agent activation.
# type: array of hashes
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# Copyright 2016 Threat Stack, Inc.
class threatstack (
$deploy_key = undef,
$package_version = $::threatstack::params::package_version,
$configure_agent = true,
$extra_args = $::threatstack::params::extra_args,
$agent_config_args = undef,
$repo_class = $::threatstack::params::repo_class,
$repo_url = $::threatstack::params::repo_url,
$gpg_key = $::threatstack::params::gpg_key,
$rulesets = $::threatstack::params::rulesets,
$confdir = $::threatstack::params::confdir,
$ts_hostname = $::fqdn,
$disable_auditd = $::threatstack::params::disable_auditd
$deploy_key = undef,
$package_version = $::threatstack::params::package_version,
$configure_agent = true,
$extra_args = $::threatstack::params::extra_args,
$agent_config_args = undef,
$repo_class = $::threatstack::params::repo_class,
$repo_url = $::threatstack::params::repo_url,
$gpg_key = $::threatstack::params::gpg_key,
$rulesets = $::threatstack::params::rulesets,
$confdir = $::threatstack::params::confdir,
$ts_hostname = $::fqdn,
$disable_auditd = $::threatstack::params::disable_auditd,
$disable_auditd_cmd = $::threatstack::params::disable_auditd_cmd
) inherits ::threatstack::params {

$ts_package = $::threatstack::params::ts_package
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion manifests/package.pp
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exec { 'disable_auditd':
command => '/bin/systemctl disable auditd',
command => $::threatstack::disable_auditd_cmd,
require => Exec['stop_auditd']

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31 changes: 20 additions & 11 deletions manifests/params.pp
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case $facts['os']['name'] {
'Amazon': {
$repo_url = "${::operatingsystemmajrelease}"
if $facts['os']['release']['major'] =~ /^201\d$/ {
$releasever = '1'
$disable_auditd_cmd = '/sbin/chkconfig auditd off'
} else {
$releasever = $facts['os']['release']['major']
$disable_auditd_cmd = '/bin/systemctl disable auditd'
$repo_url = "${releasever}"
/(CentOS|RedHat)/: {
$repo_url = "${::operatingsystemmajrelease}"
$repo_url = "${::operatingsystemmajrelease}"
$disable_auditd_cmd = '/bin/systemctl disable auditd'
default: { fail("Module ${module_name} does not support ${::operatingsystem}") }
'Debian': {
$repo_class = '::threatstack::apt'
$repo_url = ''
$repo_gpg_id = 'ACCC2B02EA3A2409557B0AB991BB3B3C6EE04BD4'
$release = $facts['os']['distro']['codename']
$repos = 'main'
$gpg_key = ''
$disable_auditd = false
$repo_class = '::threatstack::apt'
$repo_url = ''
$repo_gpg_id = 'ACCC2B02EA3A2409557B0AB991BB3B3C6EE04BD4'
$release = $facts['os']['distro']['codename']
$repos = 'main'
$gpg_key = ''
$disable_auditd = false
$disable_auditd_cmd = '/bin/systemctl disable auditd'
default: {
fail("Module ${module_name} does not support ${::operatingsystem}")
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion spec/classes/configure_spec.rb
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context 'on Amazon Linux' do
context 'on Amazon Linux 2' do
let(:facts) { {'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '2', 'os' => { 'release' => { 'major' => '2'}, 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat'} } }
let(:pre_condition) { "class { 'threatstack': deploy_key => '#{deploy_key}', ts_hostname => '#{ts_hostname}', rulesets => ['Default Ruleset', 'Service Ruleset'], agent_config_args => [{'log.level' => 'debug'}]}" }

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context 'on Amazon Linux 1' do
let(:facts) { {'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '2018', 'os' => { 'release' => { 'major' => '2018'}, 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat'} } }
let(:pre_condition) { "class { 'threatstack': deploy_key => '#{deploy_key}', ts_hostname => '#{ts_hostname}', rulesets => ['Default Ruleset', 'Service Ruleset'], agent_config_args => [{'log.level' => 'debug'}]}" }

it { should contain_exec('threatstack-agent-setup').with(
:command => "/usr/bin/tsagent setup --deploy-key='#{deploy_key}' --hostname='#{ts_hostname}' --ruleset='Default Ruleset' --ruleset='Service Ruleset'"

14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions spec/classes/init_spec.rb
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context 'on Amazon' do
let(:facts) { { 'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '2', 'os' => { 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat'} } }
context 'on Amazon Linux 2' do
let(:facts) { { 'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '2', 'os' => { 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat', 'release' => { 'major' => '2'}} } }
let(:params) { { :deploy_key => "#{deploy_key}" } }

it 'should compile' do should create_class('threatstack') end
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context 'on Amazon Linux 1' do
let(:facts) { { 'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '2018', 'os' => { 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat', 'release' => { 'major' => '2018'}} } }
let(:params) { { :deploy_key => "#{deploy_key}" } }

it 'should compile' do should create_class('threatstack') end
it { should contain_class('threatstack::package') }
it { should contain_class('threatstack::configure') }


11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion spec/classes/package_spec.rb
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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@

context 'on Amazon Linux' do
context 'on Amazon Linux 2' do
let(:facts) { {'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '2', 'os' => { 'release' => { 'major' => '2'}, 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat'} } }
let(:pre_condition) { "class { 'threatstack': deploy_key => '#{deploy_key}', gpg_key => '', repo_class => '::threatstack::yum' }" }

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context 'on Amazon Linux 1' do
let(:facts) { {'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '1', 'os' => { 'release' => { 'major' => '1'}, 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat'} } }
let(:pre_condition) { "class { 'threatstack': deploy_key => '#{deploy_key}', gpg_key => '', repo_class => '::threatstack::yum' }" }

context 'package' do
it { should contain_package('threatstack-agent').with_ensure('installed') }

context 'on Debian 8' do
let(:facts) { {'osfamily' => 'Debian', 'os' => { 'name' => 'Debian', 'release' => {'full' => '8.11', 'major' => '8', 'minor' => '11'}, 'distro' => {'codename' => 'jessie'}, 'family' => 'Debian'} } }
let(:pre_condition) { "class { 'threatstack': deploy_key => '#{deploy_key}', gpg_key => '', repo_class => '::threatstack::apt' }" }
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16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion spec/classes/yum_spec.rb
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@

context 'on Amazon' do
context 'on Amazon Linux 2' do
let(:facts) { {'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '2', 'os' => { 'release' => { 'major' => '2'}, 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat'} } }
let(:pre_condition) { "class { 'threatstack': deploy_key => '#{deploy_key}', gpg_key => '' }" }

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context 'on Amazon Linux 1' do
let(:facts) { {'operatingsystemmajrelease' => '2018', 'os' => { 'release' => { 'major' => '2018'}, 'name' => 'Amazon', 'family' => 'RedHat'} } }
let(:pre_condition) { "class { 'threatstack': deploy_key => '#{deploy_key}', gpg_key => '' }" }

context 'default' do
it { should contain_yumrepo('threatstack').with(
:descr => 'Threat Stack Package Repository',
:enabled => 1,
:baseurl => '',
:gpgcheck => 1,
:gpgkey => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-THREATSTACK'
) }

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