Experimenting with flux at AKS
# Find your AAD group object id
ADMIN_GROUP_ID="$(az ad group show -g YOUR-AAD-GROUP-NAME --query objectId -o tsv)"
# Provision new AKS cluster
./scripts/provision-aks.sh flux-poc ${ADMIN_GROUP_ID}
# Get AKS credentials (if you use different PREFIX inside provision-aks.sh, replace iac- with your prefix)
az aks get-credentials -g iac-flux-poc-aks-rg -n aks-flux-poc
# Add flux repo
helm repo add fluxcd https://charts.fluxcd.io
# Create flux ns
kubectl create ns flux
# deploy flux
helm upgrade -i flux fluxcd/flux --set [email protected]:v3/AZURE-DEVOPS-ORG/PROJECT/REPO --set git.branch=main --set git.path=manifests --set registry.disableScanning=true --set prometheus.serviceMonitor.create=true --set dashboards.enabled=true --set prometheus.enabled=true --namespace flux
# flux rollout deployment
kubectl -n flux rollout status deployment/flux
# Get SSH key (linux)
kubectl -n flux logs deployment/flux | grep identity.pub | cut -d '"' -f2
# Get SSH key (powershell)
kubectl -n flux logs deployment/flux | grep identity.pub
# Add SSH key to your `SSH public keys` https://dev.azure.com/AZURE-DEVOPS-ORG/_usersSettings/keys