Hi, I'm here!👋
Concentrate on yourself, it's enough.
🎓 Just a cs programmer.
💻 Interested in distributed storage system, db storage, cs, middleware, reactive.
🖋 Blog:birtney.link
📫 Email: xvelpro8@gamil.com
💬 Wechat: click here
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- tiandankanfeng/discussion-blog -
- tiandankanfeng/Cource - Share some wonderful cources which I'm learning.
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- bumingbaipod/podcast - 此 GitHub 作为《不明白播客》官网的备份站,用于分享文字版播客。 版权所有 ©️ 不明白播客 bumingbai.net (2 days ago)
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🦒 所以,做自己吧