A date picker that allows user to select a range, quick pick dates, and select custom ranges
npm install --save @tillhub/vue-date-picker
npm run serve
buttonLabel="All Time"
import VueDatePicker from '@tillhub/vue-date-picker'
import '@tillhub/vue-date-picker/dist/vue-date-picker.css'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
methods: {
console.log("I gots the dates! ", selected)
The components accepts optional properties.
Property | type | required | example | default | description |
locale | string | no | "de" or "en" | "en" | Currently only German and English is supported. Only 'de' and 'en ' |
tint-color | string | no | "#50e3c1" | "#357ebd" | This allows customized color of the highlighted date range on the calender |
placement | string | no | right | bottom | The side of the button that the date picker will open from |
button-label | string | no | "All Time" | "Select" | Customized Button Label to override default |
button-width | string | no | "100px" | "auto" | Overrides the button width, but default it adjust to content |
date-type | string | no | "iso" or "date" | "date" | Formats the get-dates (start/end) to either date format or ISO string format |
date-format | string | no | "yyyy-MM-dd" | none | A valid date-fns token to format the dates instead of defaulting to the native toLocaleDateString. For the list of tokens see: https://date-fns.org/v2.9.0/docs/format |
:hide-date-in-button | boolean | no | true | false | Overrides the applied date being showed in place of Button label |
:show-time | boolean | no | false | true | Overrides the time being shown next to the date |
:init=custom-toggle | boolean | no | false | true | Activates or de-activate Custom toggle at the bottom on initial open |
:simple | boolean | no | true | false | This will only have the date-range calender select options |
:clearable | boolean | no | true | false | An X icon will appear on the button that will clear date and return {} on @get-dates |
:date-range | object | no | { start: new Date(), end: "2018-11-13T23:00:00.000Z", showDateText: true } |
true | Allows the date-range to be past in. The object must include a 'start' and 'end' key with a date value or an ISO sting. 'showDateText' (optional) must be a boolean and will over ride the button label and message above the calender to be the date range. It defaults to false |
:default-short-cut | string | no | "thisMonth" | false | A valid shortcut string that matched with the existing date shortcuts, i.e. today, thisWeek, thisMonth, etc. |
The Date picker with only return the selected date from the component when the Applied button is clicked. It will return an object { start: new Date(), end: new Date()} with a start and an end key. The dates will be in a javascript date object see https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_dates.asp.
Event | type | example | default | description |
@get-dates | function | (selected dates)=>{} | n/a | Passes the selected dates when the applied button is clicked and will return an object { start: new Date(), end: new Date(), showDateText: true} |
@clear | function | ()=>{} | n/a | When 'clearable' props is true, this event emits when the clear x is clicked |
MIT © jmy-kellogg