Vue Table with Pagination for table range selection
npm install --save @tillhub/vue-table-page
title="Example Page"
<header-example slot="page-header"/>
:table-data="tableData" />
import Vue from 'vue'
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'
import ElementUI from 'element-ui'
import VueTablePage from '@tillhub/vue-table-page'
import '@tillhub/vue-table-page/dist/vue-table-page.css'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
methods: {
import '@tillhub/vue-table-page/dist/vue-table-page.css'
There are three slots at the moment. The "header-left", "header-right", and the "page-table".
Slot | required | location |
header-left | no | Top of page. Below the Title and Message box if present. All content will be aligned on the left. |
header-right | no | Top of page. Below the Title and Message box if present. All content will be aligned on the right. |
page-table | no | Middle of the page below the header and above the pagination footer. |
Property | type | required | example | default | description |
locale | string | no | "de" or "en" | "en" | Currently only German and English is supported. Only 'de' and 'en ' |
table-size | number | no | 100 | null | Need the total size of table to calculate the pagination if not usting table-data |
table-data | Array | no | [{key: value}] | [] | Must provide if you wish to use the @table-chagne event. Needs to be an Array of objects |
hide-pagination | boolean | no | true | false | Will hide pagination footer |
page | object | no | { offset: 20, limit: 50, callLimit: 500} |
{ offset: 0, limit: 20, callLimit: 1000} |
The offset and limit to provide if need to specify location of pagination. The callLimit provides when the next set of data should be called |
page-Sizes | Array | no | [100, 200] | [20, 50, 100] | Sets the page size option in footer |
call-limit | number | no | 500 | 1000 | Will hide pagination footer |
header-style | css Obj | no | { padding: '10px'} | {} | Will update style for header |
body-card | bollean | no | true | false | Will apply a card style around body |
Property | type | required | example | default | description |
title | string | no | "Products" | "" | The title will appear in the top left of header in h2 |
message | string | no | "Info Here" | "" | If provided a pop up box with info button will appear with message below the title if present |
show-message | boolean | no | true | false | on load will show or hide the message box |
The additional properties for using Default Table. Note the default table will be used when a 'page-table' slot is not provided
Property | type | required | example | default | description |
table-data | Array | Yes | [{key: value}] | [] | Must provide if you wish to use the default table. Needs to be an Array of objects |
table-max-height | Number/string | No | 1000 | 'auto' | You can apply a custom max-height to make the header stationary and table scrollable |
table-height | Number/string | No | 1000 | '100%' | You can apply a custom height |
empty-display | String | No | 'N/A' | '--' | Apply a custom default display when the value of cell is null |
headers | Array | Yes | [{label: 'Lable', value: 'key', minWidth: 10, sortable: true}] |
[] | Must provide the headers for the table if using default table. The lable and value (keys from the 'table-data' items) must be provided. Other options are providing the minWidth, or width of column, and if column is sourtable |
remote-sort | Boolean | No | true | false | If provided the sorting will be disabled and instead an event called 'sort-change' will be emitted. |
show-summary | Boolean | No | true | false | whether to display a summary row; columns sum every number in that column up and display them |
summary-method | Function | No | ({ columns, data }) => { // return some array } | undefined | pass a method to summary-method, which returns an array, and each element of the returned array will be displayed in the columns of the summary row |
Table headers parameters option for the 'headers' prop
parameter | type | required | example | description |
label | string | yes | "Product Name" | This is what will be shown in the column header |
value | string | yes | "product_name" | This will reference the unique key in the table options |
minWidth | string | no | "10px" | The column width will be dynamic. This is the minimum width the column will be. |
width | string | no | "10px" | This will set the column width. Without it the column width will be dynamic. |
type | string | no | "date", "currency" | This will format the value according to the local for either date or currency |
fixed | string/Boolean | no | "left", "right", "top", "bottom" | This will make the entire column fixed. |
format | Function | no | item=> !item ? 'n/a' : item | You can pass in a function that auto formats the cell content |
The Pagination will retrun and object with the offSet and size (page limit). This should allow the use to calculate what data is in view of the table
Event | type | example | default | description |
@page-change | fuction | (pageObj)=>{} | n/a | Passes the offset and size in an object on pagination change { offset: 20, limit: 100, callNext: false}. The offset is the place the visable table begins. The limit is the number of item in visable table. the callNext is the |
@table-change | fuction | (pageObj)=>{} | n/a | When the full table is provided in 'table-data' prop, this event will provided the data for the visable data |
@height-change | number | 235 | n/a | This will emit the height the body is after calculating header changes. this allows for dynamic sizing |
MIT © jmy-kellogg