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@timcassell timcassell released this 25 Sep 14:14
· 969 commits to master since this release


  • Added Promise.Wait() and Promise<T>.WaitForResult() synchronous APIs.
  • CancelationRegistration now implements IDisposable and IAsyncDisposable interfaces. Disposing the registration will unregister the callback, or wait for the callback to complete if it was already invoked.
  • Added CancelationToken.GetRetainer() API to reduce TryRetain / Release boilerplate code.
  • Un-deprecated Deferred.IsValid, and changed it to return whether the Deferred.Promise is valid, instead of returning Deferred.IsValidAndPending.


  • Fixed PromiseYielder when different runners are used on a re-used routine.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException when the AppDomain is unloaded.


  • deprecated Promise.ResultContainer.RejectContainer, replaced with Promise.ResultContainer.RejectReason.
  • deprecated CancelationToken.Retain() (prefer TryRetain()).
  • deprecated CancelationRegistration.Unregister() (prefer TryUnregister() or Dispose()).


  • CancelationToken.Register(callback) now returns a default registration if it failed to register instead of throwing.

Breaking Changes:

  • Removed Promise<T>.RaceWithIndex and Promise<T>.FirstWithIndex APIs in build targets older than .Net Standard 2.1. Promise.RaceWithIndex<T> and Promise.FirstWithIndex<T> APIs can be used instead.