Unofficial Julia interface to the ViennaRNA library for RNA secondary structure prediction and analysis. Please cite the original ViennaRNA publications if you use this library.
using ViennaRNA, Unitful
# Unitful is needed to be able to specify units with @u_str,
# e.g. 4u"kcal/mol" or 37u"°C". You can get the degree symbol ° by
# typing \degree and pressing the TAB key in the REPL or in an editor
# with Julia syntax support
# Notes
# The original C API functions can be found in the submodule `ViennaRNA.LibRNA`.
# Most functions can be called with a String containing the RNA
# sequence instead of a FoldCompound, e.g. `mfe("GGGAAACCC")`.
# sequence to be folded
# params, temperature, uniq_ML are optional keyword arguments
# - params sets the energy parameter set used, options are
# :RNA_Turner1999, :RNA_Turner2004, :RNA_Andronescu2007,
# :RNA_Langdon2018. The default is :RNA_Turner2004
# - temperature is used to rescale the free energies with the formula
# ΔG = ΔH - TΔS (the energy parameter sets contain enthalpy and
# entropy contributions). The default is 37u"°C"
# - uniq_ML=true (unique multiloop decomposition) is needed for some
# functions, e.g. pbacktrack. The default is false
fc = FoldCompound("GGGGGAAAAACCCCCC";
# minimum free energy structure (MFE) for a sequence
# please excuse the excess precision printed when displaying -9.4 kcal/mol
mfe(fc) # => ("(((((.....))))).", -9.399999618530273 kcal mol^-1)
# partition function
partfn(fc) # => ("(((((.....})))),", -9.81672180213034 kcal mol^-1)
# calculate energy for structure
energy(fc, "((((.......)))).") # => -6.199999809265137 kcal mol^-1
# basepair probabilities
bpp(fc) # => 16×16 Matrix{Float64}
# Boltzmann probability of a structure
prob_of_structure(fc, "(((((.....))))).") # => 0.5085737925408758
# ensemble defect
ensemble_defect(fc, "(((((.....))))).") # => 0.33085374128228884
# probabilistic / stochastic backtrack, sample from Boltzmann ensemble of
# secondary structures
pbacktrack(fc) # => [ "((((......)))).." ]
pbacktrack(fc; num_samples=10) # => 10-element Vector{String}
# all suboptimal structures with energies delta above the MFE
# structure
subopt(fc; delta=4u"kcal/mol") # => Vector{Tuple{String, Quantity}}
# suboptimal structures with the method of Zuker
subopt_zuker(fc) # => Vector{Tuple{String, Quantity}}
# move set to reach neighboring structures of a given structure
neighbors(fc, Pairtable("((.....))")) # => Vector{Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}}
# basepair distance between secondary structures
bp_distance("....", "(())") # => 2
# tree edit distance between secondary structures
tree_edit_dist("(..)", "....") # => 4.0f0
# mean basepair distance of all structures to each other,
# weighted by the structure's Boltzmann probabilities
mean_bp_distance(fc) # => 5.266430215905888
# centroid structure of ensemble: structure with smallest sum of
# base-pair distances weighted by Boltzmann probabilities
centroid(fc) # => ("(((((.....))))).", 4.799131457924728)
# Maximum expected accuracy (MEA) structure. The gamma parameter
# trades off specificity (low gamma) and sensitivity (high gamma).
mea(fc; gamma=1.0) # => ("(((((.....))))).", 10.706348f0)
# plot coordinates of a secondary structure, returns two arrays with
# x and y coordinates
plot_coords("(((...)))") # => Tuple{Float32[], Float32[]}
# inverse folding / sequence design
inverse_fold("AAAAAAA", "((...))") # => ("GCAAAGC", 2.0f0)
inverse_pf_fold("AAAAAAA", "((...))") # => ("GCCAAGC", 2.0244526863098145 kcal mol^-1)