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Terminology Infrastructure and Management Services Group (TIMS Group) - website

TIMS is using Jekyll and GitHub Pages for its static site:

How to update the site

  1. Edit files: What files to edit
  2. Depoy updates: Push/make a commit to the gh-pages branch, and the update will automatmically be deployed.

More information

Using on your local machine

Using on your local machine

The Docker Compose setup should allow you to run the Jekyll server locally (in Docker), edit files, and see the results with live reload.

  • Run docker compose up and wait until you see Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
  • Go to http://localhost:4000 in your browser.
  • Open the page you want to edit in the browser and in your editor.
  • Make changes, save, and you should see the results in your browser in a few seconds.
  • The console where you ran docker compse up should show some logging. It might be useful if you're having issues.
  • Commit your changes and push to GitHub
  • Changes should be visible on the GitHub Pages side once they're built and deployed. You can watch and confirm if the build and deployment succeeded here
  • CTRL+C in the terminal should stop the Docker container.
    • No need to do a docker compsoe down unless you need to start with a clean container, which takes time to do the initial setu.
    • Running docker compse up the next time to continue with the live reload should be much faster the next time.

Initial setup

Initial Setup

Jekyll static site resources

Jekyll static site resources

Content can be added by following Jekyll's documentation and using the required markdown.

Jekyll uses Kramdown for markdown.

Additional devops resources

Additional devops resources