#Tn Chinese:
##第一个ptyhon文件介绍: 1、自动抓取“梨视频”排行榜 2、下载排行榜视频,文件名为{网页中的标题}.mp4 3、每次下载都要睡眠1秒 4、抓取前100个 5、可以直接跑,自由改。代码有点抽象,欢迎指正
#Tn English:
##The first ptyhon file introduction:
- Automatically grab the "Pear Video" hotlist.
- Automatically Download the videos, the file name is {title in the web page}.mp4
- Sleep for 1 second every time downloading a video
- current rang is 0-100, you can change it(please be kind with the serer,you must be liable of your behavior)
- The code is kind of wierd for my poor ability, welcome for correction and improvement.