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Fluorescence Exclusion Microscopy is a quantitative imaging method for measuring cell volume that relies on the exclusion of a dye by cells in chambers with a known height. This is a Julia implementation inspired by the "1.4 Data Analysis" section in Cadart et al.
[¹]: Cadart, C., Zlotek-Zlotkiewicz, E., Venkova, L., Thouvenin, O., Racine, V., Le Berre, M., Monnier, S., & Piel, M. (2017). Chapter 6 - Fluorescence eXclusion Measurement of volume in live cells. In Thomas Lecuit (Ed.), Methods in Cell Biology (Vol. 139, pp. 103–120). Academic Press.
Until this package is registered in the General repository, the easiest way to install the latest stable version is to add as follows:
using Pkg
pkg"registry add"
Then installation is as easy as
using Pkg