python app to read a text file and display its content:
read a document's head and body
display article chosen by the user (within the document's body)
- the gui mode requires Python 3.8+ and PySide6
- LawReader reverts to cmd mode if requirements are not met (tested under Python 3.6, without Pyside6)
pip install -r requirements.txt
install PySide6 directly in the virtual environment:
pip install PySide6
with PySide6, you can modify .ui files with:
then generate automatically the python class reprensenting the interface, like so:
pyside6-uic mainwindow.ui -o
this project is licensed under the TBD_Licence. Learn more
the use of PySide6 requires mentionning LGPL in License notes,
read about it especially if you want to reuse code with PySide6 objects for commercial purposes.
comes as it, no warranty