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Update dependency org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-jdt to v4 #196

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@renovate renovate bot commented Nov 25, 2023

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This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-jdt (source) 2.7.5 -> 4.0.4 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

eclipse-tycho/tycho (org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-jdt)


new option to filter added repository-references when assembling a p2-repository

If filtering provided artifacts is enabled, the repository references automatically added to a assembled p2-repository
(via tycho-p2-repository-plugin's addIUTargetRepositoryReferences or addPomRepositoryReferences) can now be filtered by their location
using exclusion and inclusion patterns and therefore allows more fine-grained control which references are added.
Additionally the automatically added references can be filter based on if they provide any of the filtered units or not.
If addOnlyProviding is true repositories that don't provide any filtered unit are not added to the assembled repo.

		... other configuration options ...


  • new option to include referenced repositories when resolving the target platform
  • Add dummy parameter to prevent warnings with jgit as timestamp provider



  • new tycho-repository-plugin
  • Non existing but optional dependencies lead to resolving issue in target
  • SharedHttpCacheStorage doesn't resolve redirect correctly if the uri that is given isn't normalized
  • Non existing but optional dependencies lead to resolving issue in target
  • Make comparison of newlines in text files more precise
  • Fix resolving of project if target do not contains JUnit
  • Check if the about to be injected maven coordinates can be resolved


Maven 3.9 required

Tycho 4.x requires Maven Version 3.9.

creating maven p2 sites with Tycho packaging

There is already a way to create a p2 maven site with Tycho for plain jar based projects.
This support is now enhanced to being used in a Tycho based setup so it is possible to build a full maven deployed updatesite automatically with all bundles of the current build.
You can find a demo here:

New document-bundle mojo

There is now a new mojo that replaces the usual ant-based workflow to generate the help index, it can be used like this:

New API-Tools Mojo

There is now a new mojo that replaces the usual ant-based workflow to call the PDE-API tools, it can be used like this:

                <url>... your baseline repo ...</url>
Building Multi-Release-Jars

Tycho now supports building of Multi-Release-Jar in a Manifest-First-Way,
a demo can be found here

Building BND Workspace Projects pomless

The tycho-build extension can now also build projects with a BND Workspaces layout in a complete pomless way,
details can be found here:

Handling of local artifacts can now be configured through the target platform

Previously it was only possible to influence the handling of local artifacts with the -Dtycho.localArtifacts=<ignore/default> option, from now on this can be configured through the target platform as well like this:


the supported values are:

  • include - (default) local artifacts are included and may override items from the target,
  • default - for backward-compatibility with older documentation, equivalent to include
  • ignore - local artifacts are ignored
new tycho-versions-plugin mojos
bump-versions mojo

When using version checks it can occur that a version bump is required. This manual and error prone task can now be automated with the tycho-versions-plugin:bump-versions mojo, it allows configuration of an automatic version bump behavior in combination with the org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-p2-extras-plugin:compare-version-with-baselines goal or similar.

It works the following way:

  • You can either configure this in the pom (e.g. in a profile) with an explicit execution, or specify it on the command line like mvn [other goals and options] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:bump-versions
  • If the build fails with a VersionBumpRequiredException the projects version is incremented accordingly
  • One can now run the build again with the incremented version and verify the automatic applied changes
set-property mojo

Updating properties in a project can now be automated with the tycho-versions-plugin:set-property mojo. It is very similar to the tycho-versions-plugin:set-version mojo but only updates one or more properties, for example:

mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-property --non-recursive -Dproperties=releaseVersion -DnewReleaseVersion=1.2.3

This is mostly useful with Tycho CI Friendly Versions where one can define version by properties the mojo can be used to update the defaults.

set-parent-version mojo

Updating the parent version in a project can now be automated with the tycho-versions-plugin:set-parent-version mojo. Similar to the tycho-versions-plugin:set-version mojo, this just updates the version of the parent pom, for example:

mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-parent-version --non-recursive -DewParentVersion=5.9.3
new bnd-test mojo

Tycho now has a new mojo tycho-surefire-plugin:bnd-test to easily execute tests using the bnd-testing framework.
This is similar to tycho-surefire-plugin:plugin-test but uses the BND testing framework, integrates nicely with the OSGi Testing Support
and allows to execute prebuild test-bundles.

Additional information and a demo can be found here:

new tycho-baseline-plugin

Tycho now has a new mojo to perform baseline comparisons similar to the bnd-baseline-plugin but takes the tycho-dependency model into account.

A usual configuration looks like this:

                        <id>optional, only required for proxy setup or password protected sites</id>
                        <url>URL of P2 repository that should be used as a baseline</url>

Any baseline problems will then be reported to the build:


Also feature baselining is supported according to Versioning features


Class loading changes for Eclipse based tests

Due to reported class loading clashes, the ordering of class loading has been modified in Eclipse based tests.
The previous loading can be restored by a new classLoaderOrder parameter.
This applies to tycho-surefire-plugin:test and tycho-surefire-plugin:plugin-test.

define targets in repository section

From now on one can define targets also in the repository section of the pom, only the URI variant is supported, but actually you can write everything as an URI already, this then looks like this:

<project ...>

You might also use https:


or reference a maven deployed artifact


or anything that can be resolved to a valid URL in your running build.

Parameter enhancements for tycho-apitools-plugin:generate goal

The parameters of the tycho-apitools-plugin:generate goal have been completed and improved.

New parameter for tycho-p2-repository-plugin:assemble-repository

The tycho-p2-repository-plugin:assemble-repository mojo has now a new configuration parameter filterProvided that (if enabled) filter units and artifacts that are already present in one of the referenced repositories.
That way one can prevent including items that are already present in the same form in another repository.

If you want to include repository references automatically, there are two other new options:

  • addPomRepositoryReferences - all P2 repositories from the pom are added as a reference
  • addIUTargetRepositoryReferences - all P2 repositories defined in target files IU-location types are added as a reference

so now one can produce a self-contained update-site that only includes what is not already available from the target content used by specify:

Building OSGi Repositories with tycho-p2-repository-plugin:assemble-repository

OSGi defines an own repository serialization format Tycho can now produce such repositories to ease integration with these format, the only thing required is specifying the following configuration options:


This will generate an additional repository.xml file in the root of the produced p2 repository representing the content as an OSGi Repository.

New parameter in tycho-packaging-plugin:package-plugin

The tycho-packaging-plugin:package-plugin mojo has now a new configuration parameter deriveHeaderFromSource (default true), that allows Tycho to discover additional headers declared in the source (e.g. from annotations).
The following headers are currently supported:

  • Require-Capability is enhanced with additional items, if capability is found, it replaces the deprecated Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment

This can be disabled with the following configuration in the pom:

Variable resolution in target repository location

URI in <repository location="..."> in *.target files can contain:

  • Environment variable as ${env_var:MY_VARIABLE}
  • System variable as ${system_property:myProp} passed at build time as -DmyProp
  • Project location as ${project_loc:ProjectName}
Migration guide 3.x > 4.x
New delayed target platform resolving

Tycho has already introduced a new mode in Tycho 3.0.0 that was activated with -Dtycho.resolver.classic=false that was finalized in Tycho 4.x this new mode has several advantages:

  • resolve dependencies is delayed until the project is build, this allows more parallelization and even make Tycho start the build faster
  • pom dependencies are considered by default, this behaves more like one would expect from a maven perspective
  • mixed reactor builds are now fully supported without any special configuration
  • Tycho detects if the current project requires dependency resolution and skip resolving the target platform if not needed

If you see any issues please let us know so we can fix any problem with it, this new mode is now configured through the target platform configuration
and if you like the old behavior it can be configured in the following way:

Tycho-Build Extension uses smart builder

The Tycho-Build Extension now uses the Takari Smart Builder which has superior parallel performance when executing with -T.

To retain the maven default, or if you even want to use a different builder, you can pass to your build.

skipExec parameter remove from test mojos

The test-mojo previously defined a (deprecated) skipExec parameter, this parameter is now removed and one should use skipTests instead.

allowConflictingDependencies parameter removed

The parameter allowConflictingDependencies was removed from the target platform configuration. It solely relied on deprecated and outdated stuff, if there are still use-cases please let us know about them so we can provide alternative ways to archive this.

Choosable HTTP transports

Tycho uses a custom P2 transport to download items from updatesites, previously URLConnection was used for this but now the Java HTTP 11 Client is the new default because it supports HTTP/2 now.
To use the old URLConnection one can pass -Dtycho.p2.httptransport.type=JavaUrl to the build.

Valid values are:

  • JavaUrl - uses URLConnection to retrieve files
  • Java11Client - uses Java 11 HttpClient
PGP Signing Enhancements

The tycho-gpg::3.0.0:sign-p2-artifacts mojo has been significantly enhanced.

The following properties have been added:

  • skipIfJarsignedAndAnchored - This is similar to skipIfJarsigned but is weaker in the sense that the signatures are checked in detail such that the PGP signing is skipped if and only if one of the signatures is anchored in Java cacerts. The default is false. Set skipIfJarsignedAndAnchored to true and skipIfJarsigned to false to enable this feature.
  • skipBinaries - Setting this to false will enable the signing of binary artifacts, which are of course not jar-signed.
  • pgpKeyBehavior - Specify skip, replace, or merge for how to handle the signing of artifacts that are already PGP signed.
  • signer - Currently supported are bc and gpg where the former is a new implementation that uses Bouncy Castle for signing, which is significantly faster and allows signing to proceed in parallel. This can also be configured by the system property tycho.pgp.signer.
mixed reactor setups require the new resolver now

If you want to use so called mixed-reactor setups, that is you have bundles build by other techniques than Tycho (e.g. bnd/felix-maven-plugin) mixed with ones build by Tycho,
previously this was only possible with enabling an incomplete resolver mode and using pomDependencies=consider.

From now on such setups require the use of the new resolver mode (-Dtycho.resolver.classic=false) supporting the usual resolver mode and thus incomplete resolver mode was removed completely.

pom declared dependencies handling has slightly changed

With the new resolver mode (-Dtycho.resolver.classic=false) pom dependencies are considered by default, also the way how they are handled have slightly changed:

Previously all units where always added to the full target resolution result. This has often lead to undesired effects, especially when there are large (transitive) dependency chains
as things can easily slip in.

From now on the target platform is always queried first for a unit fulfilling the requirement and only if not found the pom dependencies are queried for an alternative.

pom declared dependencies are considered for compile

Previously dependencies declared in the pom are ignored by Tycho completely and even though one could enable these to be considered in target platform
this still requires them to be imported in the bundle manifest to finally be usable for compilation.

Now each pom defined dependency is always considered for compilation as this matches the expectation of most maven users and finally allows to have 'compile only' dependencies to be used,
for example with annotations that are only retained at source or class level.

One example that uses API-Guardian annotations can be found here:

You can disable this feature through the tycho-compiler-plugin configuration:

Properties for tycho-surefire-plugin's 'useUIThread' and 'useUIHarness' parameters

The configuration parameters useUIThread and useUIHarness parameter of the tycho-surefire-plugin can now be set via the properties tycho.surefire.useUIHarness respectively tycho.surefire.useUIThread.

Minimum version for running integration/plugin tests

Previously the osgibooter has claimed to be Java 1.5 compatible but as such old JVMs are hard to find/test against already some newer code was slipping in. It was therefore decided to raise the minimum requirement to Java 1.8 what implicitly makes it the lowest bound for running integration/plugin tests with Tycho.

This requires any tests using pre 1.8 java jvm to be upgrade to at least running on Java 1.8.

Using integration/plugin tests with eclipse-plugin packaging

Some improvements have been made for the test execution with eclipse-plugin packaging that probably needs some adjustments to your pom configuration or build scripts:

  1. The property skipITs has been renamed to tycho.plugin-test.skip
  2. the mojo integration-test has been renamed to plugin-test
  3. the default pattern of the former integration-test has been changed from **/PluginTest*.class", "**/*IT.class to the maven default **/Test*.class", "**/*Test.class", "**/*Tests.class", "**/*TestCase.class
  4. the former integration-test mojo is no longer part of the default life-cycle, that means it has to be explicitly be enabled to be more flexible and this is how standard maven behaves
  5. the test mojo of the maven-surefire-plugin is no longer part of the default life-cycle, that means it has to be explicitly be enabled to be more flexible and to not pollute the test-phase.

To restore old behaviour you can add the follwoing snippet to your (master) pom:


New Maven dependency consistency check

Tycho has a new mojo to check the consistency of the pom used for your bundle.
To enable this add the following to your pom (or adjust an existing configuration):


This will then:

  1. add a new execution of the verify-osgi-pom mojo
  2. enable the generation and embedding of a maven descriptor (optional if you fully manage your pom.xml with all dependencies)
  3. map P2 dependencies to maven dependencies (optional, but most likely required to get good results)
Default value change for trimStackTrace

tycho-surefire-plugin had set the default value of the trimStackTrace option to true.
The default will now be aligned with maven-surefire-plugin at false and will need to be manually adjusted for users that really need the stack traces trimmed.

Old behavior can be restored through configuration of the tycho-surefire-plugin:



  • inject source folders into maven model
  • improve CI friendly versions
  • Report download speed to the caller
  • redirectTestOutputToFile for OsgiSurefireBooter


  • Include smartbuilder (but disabled by default), can be enabled with
  • tycho-bnd-plugin support
  • Version Mojo Bugfixes


Dependency upgrades and Maven 3.9.0 support

This release includes some dependency upgrades and a fix to run Tycho 3 with Maven 3.9.0.

Parameter enhancements for tycho-apitools-plugin:generate goal

The parameters of the tycho-apitools-plugin:generate goal have been completed and improved.


Fixed support for the generation of a source feature from a maven target-location template

The generated source feature now properly includes the source bundles.

EclipseRunMojo argLine and appArgLine are reintroduced and no longer deprecated.

The argLine and appArgLine options have long been deprecated and were removed in Tycho 3.0.0.
They are generally inferior to the list-based jvmArgs and applicationArgs respectively.
However there are use cases where the arguments need to be extensible via property expansion, in which case the list-based approach is not always a suitable alternative.
As such, these two options have been re-introduced for Tycho 3.0.2 and are no longer marked deprecated though jvmArgs and applicationArgs remain the preferred mechanism.

  • Maven Loockup can become really slow and should cache previous requests #​1969
  • Provide a "verify-pom-resolves" mojo #​1451
  • JUnit 5.9 support in Tycho 3.0.x #​1943
  • Consumer-POM should use packaging-type jar instead of eclipse-plugin #​2005
  • Mirroring of packed artifacts must be disabled
  • Target platform resolved multiple times
  • Support resolving of target projects from the reactor


Fix for java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.repository.helpers.ChecksumProducer

If you face the following error with using Tycho 3.0.0 update to 3.0.1 to fix it.

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin:3.0.0:assemble-repository (default-assemble-repository) on project XXXX: Execution default-assemble-repository of goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin:3.0.0:assemble-repository failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin:3.0.0:assemble-repository: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.repository.helpers.ChecksumProducer.<init>(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)'


Tycho now support forking of the Eclipse Java Compiler

Previously forking was not supported, now forking is possible and will be used if a custom java home is specified.

New option to transform P2 dependencies into real maven coordinates

The tycho-consumer-pom mojo has a new option to resolve p2 introduced dependencies to 'real' maven coordinates now, when enabled it queries maven-central with the SHA1 of the file to find out what are the actual maven central coordinates
and place them in the generated pom consumer-pom.

New tycho-p2-plugin:dependency-tree mojo

Sometimes it is useful to find out how dependencies of a project are actually pulled in. Tycho now supports a new tycho-p2-plugin:dependency-tree mojo that outputs a tree view of the P2 dependecies of a tycho project.

Example with Tycho integration test project:

tycho-its/projects/reactor.makeBehaviour$ mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT:dependency-tree


[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT:dependency-tree (default-cli) @&#8203; feature2 ---
[INFO] tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:feature2:eclipse-feature:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] +- (1.0.0.qualifier) --> [tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:feature2:eclipse-feature:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO]    +- bundle2 (1.0.0.qualifier) satisfies org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; bundle2 0.0.0 --> [tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:bundle2:eclipse-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO]    +- (1.0.0.qualifier) satisfies org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; 0.0.0 --> [tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:feature1:eclipse-feature:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO]       +- bundle1 (1.0.0.qualifier) satisfies org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; bundle1 0.0.0 --> [tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:bundle1:eclipse-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
Support for inclusion of all source bundles in an update-site

The tycho-p2-repository-plugin:2.7.0:assemble-repository now support a new property includeAllSources that,
when enabled, includes any available source bundle in the resulting repository.

Support for Eclipse-Products with mixed Features and Plugins

Tycho now supports building mixed Products. In mixed Products both the listed features and listed plug-ins are installed.
Therefore the Product attribute type is now supported, which can have the values bundles, features and mixed and takes precedence over the boolean-valued useFeatures attribute.

New API Tools Mojo

Tycho now provides a new API Tools Mojo, see for an example how to use it.

new sisu-osgi-connect

The new sisu-osgi-connect provides an implementation for plexus according to the Connect Specification that allows to run an embedded OSGi Framework from the classpath of a maven-plugin.
As both, the maven plugin and the embedded framework, share the same classlaoder you can use the best of both worlds and interact seamless with them.

This can be used in the following way:

@&#8203;Component(role = MyPlexusComponent.class)
public class MyPlexusComponent {
    @&#8203;Requirement(hint = "connect")
    private EquinoxServiceFactory serviceFactory;

    public void helloConnect() {

For the setup you need to do the following:

  1. include any bundle you like to make up your plexus-osgi-connect framework as a dependency of your maven plugin
  2. include a file META-INF/sisu/connect.bundles that list all your bundles you like to have installed in the format bsn[,true], where bsn is the symbolic name and optionally you can control if your bundle has to be started or not
  3. include the following additional dependency
Deprecated Features

The tycho-compiler:compile and tycho-compiler:testCompile option requireJREPackageImports is deprecated now and will produce a warning when used, bundles currently rely on this option should migrate to proper importing packages from the non java.* namespace.

Tycho compiler support for java.* imports

The tycho-compiler:compile and tycho-compiler:testCompile has a new option requireJavaPackageImports (defaults to false) that allows to assert importing of packages from the java.* namespace.
This is allowed since OSGi R7 and considered ǵood practice since the evolving of modular VMs there is no guarantee what packages a JVM offers,

Eclipse M2E lifecycle-mapping metadata embedded

All Tycho plugins are now shipped with embedded M2E lifecycle-mapping-metadata files.
Therefore M2E now knows by default how to handle them and it is not necessary anymore to install any connector (usually org.sonatype.tycho.m2e was used) for them.

Support for BND in tycho-build extension (aka pomless builds)

The Tycho Build Extension (aka pomless build) now detects bnd.bnd files in the root of a pomless bundle and automatically generates an appropriate maven execution automatically.
This can be used to generate any content by the BND plugin, e.g. declarative service xml or JPMS infos see here for an example:

Tycho no longer ships JVM profiles

Because of modular VMs the profiles shipped by Tycho has never been complete and actually are already partly generated in regards to available packages.
From now on, Tycho do not ship any profiles and thus you can use any VM in the toolchains or as a running VM and Tycho will generate a profile for it.

Enhanced Support for Maven CI Friendly Versions

Starting with Maven 3.8.5 Tycho now supports an enhanced form of the Maven CI Friendly Versions beside the standard properties names one could also use:

  • releaseVersion
  • major
  • minor
  • micro
  • qualifier

These uses the usual semantics that you can use them in a version string e.g. <version>${releaseVersion}${qualifier}</version> and pass them on the commandline.

Beside this, Tycho supports some useful default calculation for qualifier if you give a format on the commandline with -Dtycho.buildqualifier.format=yyyyMMddHHmm
(or any other format supported). Tycho will also make the build qualifier available in your Maven model!

That way you can configure your pom in the following way:

        <!-- Defines the default Qualifier if no format is given-->

What will result in the usual 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT for a regular mvn clean install, if you want to do a release, you can now simply call mvn -Dtycho.buildqualifier.format=yyyyMMddHHmm clean deploy
and your artifact will get the 1.0.0-<formatted qualifier> version when published! This also is supported if you use pomless build.

To use this new feature you need to enable the tycho-build extension with the .mvn/extensions.xml file in the root of your project directory:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- possibly other extensions here -->

Please note that we use another new feature from Maven 3.8.5 here, where you can use properties from the file .mvn/maven.config in your .mvn/extensions.xml file, so if you put in this:

(probably add more here ...)

You can now control your Tycho version for .mvn/extensions.xml and your pom.xml in one place and still override it on the commandline with -Dtycho-version=...

Support for non-modular JVMs no longer top tier

Support for compilation for pre-Java 11 JVMs bytecode is no longer considered first class nor tested. Actual support is not removed but people facing issues with it will have to come with fixes on their own.

Support for PDE Declarative Component Annotation processing

One can enable either global or per project the generation of component xmls in PDE. Until now it was required for Tycho to still import the annotation package even though classpath=true was set, beside that one needs to check in the generated xmls.

Tycho now has improved support for this with the following:

  1. if there is a .settings/org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations.prefs in the project, tycho adapts the settings there and if classpath=true is set no more imports are required.
  2. one can enable a new tycho-ds-plugin where global default settings can be configured if project settings are not present, the below shows an example with default values:

If the tycho-ds-plugin is enabled for a project it generates the necessary xml files if not already present in the project.

Improved P2 transport for more efficiently http-cache handling and improved offline mode

P2 default transport is more designed as a weak cache that assumes the user is always online.
While for an IDE that might be sufficient as target resolution is only performed once in a while and updates are triggered by explicit user request, for Tycho this does not work well:

  • Builds are often trigger on each code change, requiring repeated target resolution.
  • Builds might be asked to run in an offline mode.
  • If there is a temporary server outage one might want to fall back to the previous state for this build instead of failing completely.
  • Build times are often a rare resource one doesn't want to waste waiting for servers, bandwidth might even be limited or you have to pay for it.

Because of this, Tycho now includes a brand new caching P2 transport that allows advanced caching, offline handling and fallback to cache in case of server failures. The transport is enabled by default so nothing has to be done, just in case you want the old behavior you can set -Dtycho.p2.transport=ecf beside that the following properties might be interesting:

Force cache-revalidation

If you run maven with the -U switch Tycho revalidates the cache.
This is useful if you have changed an updatesite in an unusual way (e.g. adding new index files) as tycho now also caches not found items to speed-up certain scenarios where many non existing files are queried.

Configure minimum caching age

Some servers don't provide you with sufficient caching information. For this purpose, Tycho by default assumes a minimum caching age of one hour. You can switch this off, or configure a longer delay by using -Dtycho.p2.transport.min-cache-minutes=<desired minimum in minutes>.
Choosing a sensible value could greatly improve your build times and lower bandwith usage.
If your build contains a mixture of released and 'snapshot' sites you have the following options:

  1. Consider adding a mirror to your settings.xml for the snapshot page that points to a file-local copy (e.g. output of another build).
  2. Configure the webserver of your snapshot site with the Cache-Control: must-revalidate header in which case Tycho ignores any minimum age.
  3. Use -Dtycho.p2.transport.min-cache-minutes=0. This will still improve the time to resolve the target.
Automatic generation of PDE source bundles for pom-first bundles

PDE requires some special headers to detect a bundle as a "Source Bundle", there is now a new mojo tycho-source-plugin:generate-pde-source-header that supports this, it requires the following configuration:

  1. Enable the generation of a source-jar with the maven-source-plugin. Please note that it needs to be bound to the prepare-package phase explicitly!
  1. Enable the generation of the appropriate PDE header:
  1. Finally enable generation of P2 metadata so Tycho can use the source bundle in the build (you can omit this step if you don't want to reference the source bundle in a product, update-site or feature).
Limit the number of parallel test executions across the reactor

You can specify a <reactorConcurrencyLevel> (default unlimited) for tycho-surefire:integration-test and tycho-surefire:test that limits the number of concurrently running tests.
This can be useful if you like to execute the build with multiple threads (e.g. -T1C) but want to run the integration tests in a serial manner (e.g. because they are UI based).

Migration guide 2.x -> 3.x
Java 17 required as runtime VM

From 3.x on Tycho requires Java 17 as a runtime VM, but you can still compile code for older releases.

Default value for archive-products has changed

Previously Tycho uses zip for all platforms when packaging a product, now .tar.gz is used for linux+mac. If you want you can restore old behaviour by:

Remove tycho.pomless.testbundle switch from in favor of specification of project's packaging-type

The boolean property tycho.pomless.testbundle, which allowed to specify in the if a Plug-in is a Test-Plugin or not, has been removed.
Instead one can specify the packaging-type of that Maven-project directly. To migrate simply apply the following replacements in the

tycho.pomless.testbundle = true -> pom.model.packaging = eclipse-test-plugin

tycho.pomless.testbundle = false ->pom.model.packaging = eclipse-plugin

This already works in the Tycho 2.7.x stream (but the generated artifactId does not yet have a 'test'-prefix).

sisu-equinox is now sisu-osgi

The sisu-equinox module is now cleaned up and made more generic so it could be used in a wider area of use case, therefore the equinox part is stripped and some API enhancements are performed.
As sisu-equinox is a separate module used inside Tycho, users of Tycho itself are usually not affected, but plugin developers might need to adjust there code to conform to the changed API contracts.

publish-osgi-ee do not publish a fixed size of profiles anymore

The publish-osgi-ee previously has published a fixes list of "usefull" execution environments maintained by Tycho.
This is no longer true and Tycho do publish only those JavaSE profiles that are available to the build and have a version larger than 11 if not configured explicitly.

jgit-timestamp provider moved from org.eclipse.tycho.extras to org.eclipse.tycho

The tycho-buildtimestamp-jgit plugin has moved to the org.eclipse.tycho group id.

Removal of deprecated eclipse-update-site and eclipse-application packaging types

These packaging types have been deprecated since a long time and there is the replacement eclipse-repository.

Removal of tycho-pomgenerator:generate-poms

The tycho-pomgenerator:generate-poms mojo is no longer supported as it was useful only in the days where tycho-pomless was incomplete.
Today its usage is very limited and tycho-pomless is a much better (and supported) alternative now.

Removal of tycho-source-feature:source-feature

This mojo is replaced by the tycho-source-plugin with execution feature-source which offers equivalent and even enhanced functionality.


Pack200 technology is obsolete and no longer supported after Java 13.
Tycho removed all support for dealing with pack.gz files including pack200 specific plugins, various options in Mojos and support for resolving fetching in core.

Omit any pack200 specific plugins, options and in any other way dealing with *.pack.gz files.
The following are removed:

  • Plugins
    • tycho-pack200a-plugin
    • tycho-pack200b-plugin
  • Mojo options
    • TargetPlatformConfigurationMojo' includePackedArtifacts
    • MirrorMojo's includePacked
    • PublishFeaturesAndBundlesMojo reusePack200Files
BuildQualifierMojo project.basedir option removed

It was totally ignored in all latest versions.

PublishProductMojo flavor option removed

It was hardcoded to "tooling" always and had no practical meaning to change.

EclipseRunMojo argLine and appArgLine options removed / applicationArgs option fixed

argLine and appArgLine have been replaced by list-based jvmArgs and applicationArgs respectively.

applicationArgs (previously known as applicationsArgs) has been corrected to not perform any
interpretation of whitepace and quotes anymore. Individual arguments are now used literally (just like jvmArgs).


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Requires Java 17

@tobi-laa tobi-laa closed this Nov 26, 2023
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renovate bot commented Nov 26, 2023

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@renovate renovate bot deleted the renovate/major-tycho-compiler-jdt.version branch November 26, 2023 11:31
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