bash script for setting up new machine
This script will download and install the following command line programs:
- homebrew
- cask brew tap
- git
- terraform
- zsh
- postgresql
- httpie
- yarn
- vim
- blackbox
- docker
It will then install the following applications using cask
- 1password (password manager)
- discord (voice comms)
- jetbrains-toolbox (IDE manager)
- docker (container manager)
- dropbox (cloud storage)
- google-cloud-sdk
- iterm2 (terminal)
- spectacle (window management for osx)
- visual-studio-code (IDE)
- zoomus (conference calling)
- slack (team communications)
- spotify (music streaming)
- google-chrome (web browser)
- telegram (messaging)
- aerial (screen saver)
It will also install oh-my-zsh, nvm and setup multiple sym links for config files which can all be found in this repo