The GEM NFTs project is a sophisticated NFT collection and marketplace centered around Gems. This platform allows users to earn monetary rewards by staking TON tokens. Users engage with a gamified interface to mine new Gems, as well as to buy, sell, and burn them. Additionally, users have the ability to forge two Gems to create a rarer Gem. To acquire WSTON tokens, users can either deposit WTON on Layer 1 (L1) to receive WSTON on the same layer or utilize the WSTON swapper on Layer 2 (L2). L2 WSTON can be used to purchase GEMs at a discounted rate.
When a user claims a mined GEM, the token is assigned randomly using the VDF random beacon. The RandomPack feature allows users to obtain a random GEM in exchange for an upfront fee, with the probability being equally distributed.
GEMs have the following specifications:
- Value: Each Gem has a specific value based on its rarity. For example, a Common Gem inherits a value of 10 WSTON.
- Rarity: There are six different rarity levels: Common, Rare, Unique, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic.
- Quadrants: Each Gem is defined by a set of quadrant numbers. For example, [1, 1, 1, 1] represents a perfect Common Gem, while [2, 2, 2, 2] represents a perfect Rare Gem. A Gem with [2, 1, 1, 1] would have its top-left quadrant associated with a Rare Gem and the other three quadrants associated with a Common Gem. Note that the value for perfect and non-perfect Gems remains the same, as it depends solely on the overall rarity.
- Color: The color of a Gem can be either solid (e.g., solid Turquoise) or gradient (e.g., semi-Amber/semi-Ruby). The color is defined by a
uint256 color[2]
variable. - Cooldown Period: Each GEM holder must wait until the cooldown period elapses before being able to mine that particular GEM.
- Mining Period: Each GEM has a specific mining period, which the holder must wait for before the mining process can be completed.
- Mining Attempts: Gems cannot be mined indefinitely. Once the mining attempts reach zero, the GEM can no longer be mined.
- Random Request: This tracks the random token associated with the GEM when the mining process concludes.
- Token URI: This holds the IPFS address of the metadata file.
The marketplace allows users to list their GEMs for sale at desired prices in WSTON. Interested buyers can pay in L2 TON or L2 WSTON (at a discounted price). Upon successful transfer, the NFT is sent to the new owner. Users can list multiple GEMs for sale in a single transaction using the putGemListForSale
function. Ownership of the NFT is not transferred when calling the putGemForSale
function; instead, the GEM's isLocked
status is set to true, preventing its transfer until it is either purchased or removed from sale.
The Treasury contract is responsible for creating pools of pre-mined GEMs, which is an admin-only function. It manages all user transactions, including locking GEM values and holding TON/WSTON tokens in reserve. The admin has the abil ity to list pre-mined GEMs for sale on the marketplace. Therefore it is also possible for the owner or admins to remove (if owned by the treasury) or buy a Gem from the marketplace. It's important to note that new GEMs cannot be created if the WSTON collateral does not cover the value of the new GEM.
This contract allows users to obtain a random GEM from the pre-mined GEM pool, which is held in the Treasury, in exchange for an upfront fee. The admin can customize the fee rate. The VDF random beacon is used to generate a random value, which involves running an off-chain node that calls the fulfillRandomWords
function to transfer ownership of the selected GEM. If no GEM is available in the pool, a new perfect Common GEM is minted (only if there are sufficient funds in the Treasury contract).
To distribution of the probability is based on the rarity. Here is an example of a probability distribution
- common Gem probability: 70%
- rare Gem probability: 20%
- unique Gem probability: 10%
- epic Gem probability: 0%
- legendary Gem probability: 0%
- mythic Gem probability: 0%
this values are setup by the contract owner at initialization
Users can swap their WSTON for TON if the Treasury holds enough TON. This feature is free of fees and can be accessed by anyone. The Treasury is always seeking WSTON as it will be used as collateral for newly minted GEMs.
This contract carries the logic behind GEMs Minting, Forging, mining and melting.
- Minting: there is two cases where NFTs are minted:
- When a new Gem is forged, the GEMs used in the process are burned, and a new NFT is minted, inheriting the WSTON value of the burned GEMs (following a specific valuation model).
- When the admin calls createGEMPool or createGEM from the Treasury contract with specific GEM parameters. The color must exist in the colors array; otherwise, the admin must add the color using the addColor function.
- Forging: any user can forge their GEMs if it respects specific rules:
- Two Gems must be forged to obtain one Rare Gem, three Rares for one Unique, four Uniques for one Epic, five Epics for one Legendary, and six Legendaries for one Mythic.
- Users can choose the color of the new token, but it must adhere to specific rules based on the colors of at least two of the tokens forged:
- two same solids (ex: [1,1] + [1,1]): the new token color can be [1,1].
- two different solids (ex: [1,1] + [2,2]): the new token color can be either [1,2] or [2,1].
- one solid and one gradient & one gradient color is the same as the solid color (ex: [1,1] + [2,1]): the new token color can be [2,1].
- one solid and one gradient & solid different from both gradients (ex: [1,1] + [3,2]): the new token color can be either [3,1] or [2,1] or [1,3] or [1,2].
- two same gradients (ex: [1,2] + [1+2]): the new color can be either [1,2] or [2,1].
- two different gradients (ex: [1,2] + [3,4]): the new color can be either [1,3] or [1,4] or [2,3] or [2,4] or [3,1] or [4,1] or [3,2] or [4,2].
- Quadrants are calculated by summing the quadrants of each Gem. If the sum is even, the new Gem's quadrant will match the next rarity base quadrant number. If the sum is odd, the next rarity quadrant base number is incremented by one. If the result is a perfect Gem, the last quadrant is decremented by one to avoid jumping two levels in rarity.
- Mining: Users must wait for the cooldown period to elapse before mining a Gem. After initiating mining, they must wait for the mining period to complete before randomly selecting and claiming a Gem. The probability of obtaining a Gem is equally distributed across the pool of pre-mined Gems, but users cannot obtain a Gem rarer than the one they are mining with.
- Melting: Melting burns the GEM and sends the associated WSTON from the Treasury to the user.
GemFactory is split into three different contracts due to contract size issues. Therefore, the deployment of these contracts must adhere to specific proxy rules. After deploying instances of each contract, as well as an instance of the GemFactoryProxy, the deployer must call the upgradeTo function to set the initial implementation using the GemFactory instance address.
Next, the deployer must use the setImplementation
function with an index of 1, passing the address of the GemFactoryForging instance. Finally, the deployer must call the setImplementation
function again with an index of 2, passing the address of the GemFactoryMining instance.
It is then mandatory to call the setSelectorImplementations2
function for the forgeTokens(uint256[], uint8, uint8[2])
function, as well as for each function within the GemFactoryMining implementation. This ensures that the proxy knows which implementation the function signature must be routed to when called.
Refers to the following test suite for more information on the deployment process: L2BaseTest.t.sol
This contract is responsible for staking users' WTON and minting WSTON for the same user. WSTON is an indexed token whose value is pegged to TON * stakingIndex. The staking index evolves over time based on the seigniorage received by the pool of sWTON owned by the contract.
- Staking Index: The value of WSTON increases as the pool receives more seigniorage, rewarding long-term depositors in line with the Layer 2 candidate reward distribution. The staking index is updated before each deposit or requestWithdrawal transaction.
- Note: An instance of L1WrappedStakedTON must be created for each Layer 2 candidate (e.g., Titan, Thanos). This is done through the L1WrappedStakingTONFactory contract.
The factory allows the creation of new L1WrappedStakedTON contract. The owner/admins of the factory become the owner of L1WrappedStakedTON created through the createWSTON
function. Note that L1WrappedStakedTON owners must use the upgradeWSTONTo function to upgrade the implementation of the L1WrapedStakedTON contract they own.
- Clone this repository.
git clone
cd gem-nft-contracts
- install foundry dependencies (foundry must be installed and updated first. See foundry documentation for more info)
forge install
- install hardhat dependencies (optionnal)
yarn install
- Compile
forge compile
- Test
forge test
Thanos Sepolia
Ethereum Sepolia
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