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Program the Pebble with simply JavaScript


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Pebble.js lets you write beautiful Pebble applications completely in JavaScript.

Pebble.js applications run on your phone. They have access to all the resources of your phone (internet connectivity, GPS, almost unlimited memory, etc). Because they are written in JavaScript they are also perfect to make HTTP requests and connect your Pebble to the internet.

Warning: Pebble.js is still in beta, so breaking API changes are possible. Pebble.js is best suited for prototyping and applications that inherently require communication in response to user actions, such as accessing the internet. Please be aware that as a result of Bluetooth round-trips for all actions, Pebble.js apps will use more power and respond slower to user interaction than a similar native app.

JSConf 2014

Pebble.js was announced during JSConf 2014!

Getting Started

Pebble.js applications follow modern JavaScript best practices. To get started, you just need to call require('ui') to load the UI module and start building user interfaces.

var UI = require('ui');

The basic block to build user interface is the Card. A Card is a type of Window that occupies the entire screen and allows you to display some text in a pre-structured way: a title at the top, a subtitle below it and a body area for larger paragraphs. Cards can be made scrollable to display large quantities of information. You can also add images next to the title, subtitle or in the body area.

var card = new UI.Card({
  title: 'Hello World',
  body: 'This is your first Pebble app!',
  scrollable: true

After creating a card window, push it onto the screen with the show() method.;

To interact with the users, use the buttons or the accelerometer. Add callbacks to a window with the .on() method:

card.on('click', function(e) {
  card.subtitle('Button ' + e.button + ' pressed.');

Making HTTP connections is very easy with the included ajax library.

var ajax = require('ajax');
ajax({ url: '', type: 'json' },
  function(data) {

You can do much more with Pebble.js:

  • Get accelerometer values
  • Display complex UI mixing geometric elements, text and images
  • Animate elements on the screen
  • Display arbitrary long menus
  • Use the GPS and LocalStorage on the phone
  • etc!

Keep reading for the full API Reference.

Using Images

You can use images in your Pebble.js application. Currently all images must be embedded in your applications. They will be resized and converted to black and white when you build your project.

We recommend that you follow these guidelines when preparing your images for Pebble:

  • Resize all images for the screen of Pebble. A fullscreen image will be 144 pixels wide by 168 pixels high.
  • Use an image editor or HyperDither to dither your image in black and white.
  • Remember that the maximum size for a Pebble application is 100kB. You will quickly reach that limit if you add too many images.

To add an image in your application, edit the appinfo.json file and add your image:

  "type": "png",
  "file": "images/your_image.png"

If you are using CloudPebble, you can add images in your project configuration.

To reference your image in Pebble.js, you can use the name field or the file field.

// These two examples are both valid ways to show the image declared above in a Card

You can also display images with Image when using a dynamic Window.

// This is an example of using an image with Image and Window
var UI = require('ui');
var Vector2 = require('vector2');

var wind = new UI.Window({ fullscreen: true });
var image = new UI.Image({
  position: new Vector2(0, 0),
  size: new Vector2(144, 168),
  image: 'images/your_image.png'

Using Fonts

You can use any of the Pebble system fonts in your Pebble.js applications. Please refer to this Pebble Developer's blog post for a list of all the Pebble system fonts. When referring to a font, using lowercase with dashes is recommended. For example, GOTHIC_18_BOLD becomes gothic-18-bold.

var Vector2 = require('vector2');

var wind = new UI.Window();
var textfield = new UI.Text({
 position: new Vector2(0, 0),
 size: new Vector2(144, 168),
 font: 'gothic-18-bold',
 text: 'Gothic 18 Bold'


Coming Soon!


Pebble.js started as Simply.JS, a project by Meiguro. It is now part of the Pebble SDK and supported by Pebble. Contact [email protected] with any questions!

This documentation uses Flatdoc.

API Reference

Global namespace


Loads another JavaScript file allowing you to write a multi-file project. Package loading loosely follows the CommonJS format. path is the path to the dependency.

// src/js/dependency.js
var dep = require('dependency');

Exporting is possible by modifying or setting module.exports within the required file. The module path is also available as module.filename. require will look for the module relative to the loading module, the root path, and the Pebble.js library folder lib located at src/js/lib.


The Pebble object from PebbleKit JavaScript is available as a global variable. Its usage is discouraged in Pebble.js, instead you should use the objects documented below who provide a cleaner object interface to the same functionalities.

window -- browser

A window object is provided with a subset of the standard APIs you would find in a normal browser. Its direct usage is discouraged because available functionalities may differ between the iOS and Android runtime environment.

More specifically:

  • XHR and WebSocket are supported on iOS and Android
  • The <canvas> element is not available on iOS

If in doubt, please contact [email protected].


The Settings module allows you to add a configurable web view to your application and share options with it. Settings also provides two data accessors Settings.option and which are backed by localStorage. Data stored in Settings.option is automatically shared with the configurable web view.


Settings provides a single module of the same name Settings.

var Settings = require('settings');

Settings.config(options, [open,] close)

Settings.config registers your configurable for use along with open and close handlers.

options is an object with the following parameters:

Name Type Argument Default Description
url string The URL to the configurable. e.g. ''
autoSave boolean (optional) true Whether to automatically save the web view response to options

open is an optional callback used to perform any tasks before the webview is open, such as managing the options that will be passed to the web view.

// Set a configurable with the open callback
  { url: '' },
  function(e) {
    console.log('opening configurable');

    // Reset color to red before opening the webview
    Settings.option('color', 'red');
  function(e) {
    console.log('closed configurable');

close is a callback that is called when the webview is closed via pebblejs://close. Any arguments passed to pebblejs://close is parsed and passed as options to the handler. Settings will attempt to parse the response first as URI encoded json and second as form encoded data if the first fails.

// Set a configurable with just the close callback
  { url: '' },
  function(e) {
    console.log('closed configurable');

    // Show the parsed response

    // Show the raw response if parsing failed
    if (e.failed) {

To pass options from your configurable to Settings.config close in your webview, URI encode your options json as the hash to pebblejs://close. This will close your configurable, so you would perform this action in response to the user submitting their changes.

var options = { color: 'white', border: true };
document.location = 'pebblejs://close#' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options));


Settings.option is a data accessor built on localStorage that shares the options with the configurable web view.

Settings.option(field, value)

Saves value to field. It is recommended that value be either a primitive, or an object whose data is retained after going through JSON.stringify and JSON.parse.

Settings.option('color', 'red');

If value is undefined or null, the field will be deleted.

Settings.option('color', null);


Returns the value of the option in field.

var player = Settings.option('player');


Sets multiple options given an options object.

  color: 'blue',
  border: false,


Returns all options. The options can be modified, but you must call Settings.option in a way that sets to save.

var options = Settings.option();
console.log(JSON.stringify(options)); is a data accessor similar to Settings.option except it saves your data in a separate space. This is provided as a way to save data or options that you don't want to pass to a configurable web view.

While localStorage is still accessible, it is recommended to use, value)

Saves value to field. It is recommended that value be either a primitive, or an object whose data is retained after going through JSON.stringify and JSON.parse.'player', { id: 1, x: 10, y: 10 });

If value is undefined or null, the field will be deleted.'player', null);

Returns the value of the data in field.

var player ='player');

Sets multiple data given an data object.{
  name: 'Pebble',
  player: { id: 1, x: 0, y: 0 },

Returns all data. The data can be modified, but you must call in a way that sets to save.

var data =;


The UI framework contains all the classes needed to build the user interface of your Pebble applications and interact with the user.


The Accel module allows you to get events from the accelerometer on Pebble.

You can use the accelerometer in two different ways:

  • To detect tap events. Those events are triggered when the user flicks his wrist or tap on the Pebble. They are the same events that are used to turn the Pebble back-light on. Tap events come with a property to tell you in which direction the Pebble was shook. Tap events are very battery efficient because they are generated directly by the accelerometer inside Pebble.
  • To continuously receive streaming data from the accelerometer. In this mode the Pebble will collect accelerometer samples at a specified frequency (from 10Hz to 100Hz), batch those events in an array and pass those to an event handler. Because the Pebble accelerometer needs to continuously transmit data to the processor and to the Bluetooth radio, this will drain the battery much faster.
var Accel = require('ui/accel');


Before you can use the accelerometer, you must call Accel.init().



This function configures the accelerometer data events to your liking. The tap event requires no configuration for use. Configuring the accelerometer is a very error prone process, so it is recommended to not configure the accelerometer and use data events with the default configuration without calling Accel.config.

Accel.config takes an accelConfig object with the following properties:

Name Type Argument Default Description
rate number (optional) 100 The rate accelerometer data points are generated in hertz. Valid values are 10, 25, 50, and 100.
samples number (optional) 25 The number of accelerometer data points to accumulate in a batch before calling the event handler. Valid values are 1 to 25 inclusive.
subscribe boolean (optional) automatic Whether to subscribe to accelerometer data events. Accel.accelPeek cannot be used when subscribed. Pebble.js will automatically (un)subscribe for you depending on the amount of accelData handlers registered.

The number of callbacks will depend on the configuration of the accelerometer. With the default rate of 100Hz and 25 samples, your callback will be called every 250ms with 25 samples each time.

Important: If you configure the accelerometer to send many data events, you will overload the bluetooth connection. We recommend that you send at most 5 events per second.


Peeks at the current accelerometer value. The callback function will be called with the data point as an event.

Accel.peek(function(e) {
  console.log('Current acceleration on axis are: X=' + e.accel.x + ' Y=' + e.accel.y + ' Z=' + e.accel.z);

Accel.on('tap', callback)

Subscribe to the Accel tap event. The callback function will be passed an event with the following fields:

  • axis: The axis the tap event occurred on: 'x', 'y', or 'z'.
  • direction: The direction of the tap along the axis: 1 or -1.
Accel.on('tap', function(e) {
  console.log('Tap event on axis: ' + e.axis + ' and direction: ' + e.direction);

A Window may subscribe to the Accel tap event using the accelTap event type. The callback function will only be called when the window is visible.

wind.on('accelTap', function(e) {
 console.log('Tapped the window');

Accel.on('data', callback)

Subscribe to the accel 'data' event. The callback function will be passed an event with the following fields:

  • samples: The number of accelerometer samples in this event.
  • accel: The first data point in the batch. This is provided for convenience.
  • accels: The accelerometer samples in an array.

One accelerometer data point is an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
x Number The acceleration across the x-axis (from left to right when facing your Pebble)
y Number The acceleration across the y-axis (from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen)
z Number The acceleration across the z-axis (going through your Pebble from the back side of your Pebble to the front side - and then through your head if Pebble is facing you ;)
vibe boolean A boolean indicating whether Pebble was vibrating when this sample was measured.
time Number The amount of ticks in millisecond resolution when this point was measured.
Accel.on('data', function(e) {
  console.log('Just received ' + e.samples + ' from the accelerometer.');

A Window may also subscribe to the Accel data event using the accelData event type. The callback function will only be called when the window is visible.

wind.on('accelData', function(e) {
 console.log('Accel data: ' + JSON.stringify(e.accels));


Window is the basic building block in your Pebble.js application. All windows share some common properties and methods.

Pebble.js provides three types of Windows:

  • Card: Displays a title, a subtitle, a banner image and text on a screen. The position of the elements are fixed and cannot be changed.
  • Menu: Displays a menu on the Pebble screen. This is similar to the standard system menu in Pebble.
  • Window: The Window by itself is the most flexible. It allows you to add different Elements (Circle, Image, Rect, Text, TimeText) and to specify a position and size for each of them. You can also animate them.
Name Type Default Description
clear boolean
action actionDef None An action bar will be shown when configured with an actionDef.
fullscreen boolean false When true, the Pebble status bar will not be visible and the window will use the entire screen.
scrollable boolean false Whether the user can scroll this Window with the up and down button. When this is enabled, single and long click events on the up and down button will not be transmitted to your app.

Window actionDef

A Window action bar can be displayed by setting its Window action property to an actionDef:

Name Type Default Description
up Image None An image to display in the action bar, next to the up button.
select Image None An image to display in the action bar, next to the select button.
down Image None An image to display in the action bar, next to the down button.
backgroundColor Image 'black' The background color of the action bar. You can set this to 'white' for windows with black backgrounds
var card = new UI.Card({
  action: {
    up: 'images/action_icon_plus.png',
    down: 'images/action_icon_minus.png'

You will need to add images to your project according to the Using Images guide in order to display action bar icons.

This will push the window to the screen and display it. If user press the 'back' button, they will navigate to the previous screen.


This hides the window.

If the window is currently displayed, this will take the user to the previously displayed window.

If the window is not currently displayed, this will remove it from the window stack. The user will not be able to get back to it with the back button.

var splashScreen = new UI.Card({ banner: 'images/splash.png' });;

var mainScreen = new UI.Menu();

setTimeout(function() {
  // Display the mainScreen;
  // Hide the splashScreen to avoid showing it when the user press Back.
}, 400);

Window.on('click', button, handler)

Registers a handler to call when button is pressed.

wind.on('click', 'up', function() {
  console.log('Up clicked!');

You can register a handler for the 'up', 'select', 'down', and 'back' buttons.

Note: You can also register button handlers for longClick.

Window.on('longClick', button, handler)

Just like Window.on('click', button, handler) but for 'longClick' events.


This is a special nested accessor to the action property which takes an actionDef. It can be used to set a new actionDef. See Window actionDef.

  up: 'images/action_icon_up.png',
  down: 'images/action_icon_down.png'

Window.action(field, value)

You may also call Window.action with two arguments, field and value, to set specific fields of the window's action propery. field is a string refering to the [actionDef] property to change. value is the new property value to set.

card.action('up', 'images/action_icon_plus.png');


Accessor to the fullscreen property. See Window.

Window (dynamic)

A Window instantiated directly is a dynamic window that can display a completely customizable user interface on the screen. Dynamic windows are initialized empty and will need Elements added to it. Card and Menu will not display elements added to them in this way.

// Create a dynamic window
var wind = new UI.Window();

// Add a rect element
var rect = new UI.Rect({ size: new Vector2(20, 20) });


Adds an element to to the Window. The element will be immediately visible.

Window.insert(index, element)

Inserts an element at a specific index in the list of Element.


Removes an element from the Window.


Returns the index of an element in the Window or -1 if the element is not in the window.


Iterates over all the elements on the Window.

wind.each(function(element) {
  console.log('Element: ' + JSON.stringify(element));


A Card is a type of Window that allows you to display a title, a subtitle, an image and a body on the screen of Pebble.

Just like any window, you can initialize a Card by passing an object to the constructor or by calling accessors to change the properties.

var card = new UI.Card({
  title: 'Hello People!'
card.body('This is the content of my card!');

The properties available on a Card are:

Name Type Default Description
title string "" Text to display in the title field at the top of the screen
subtitle string "" Text to display below the title
body string "" Text to display in the body field.
icon Image null An image to display before the title text. Refer to Using Images for instructions on how to include images in your app.
subicon Image null An image to display before the subtitle text. Refer to Using Images for instructions on how to include images in your app.
banner Image null An image to display in the center of the screen. Refer to Using Images for instructions on how to include images in your app.
scrollable boolean false Whether the user can scroll this card with the up and down button. When this is enabled, single and long click events on the up and down button will not be transmitted to your app.
style string "small" Selects the font used to display the body. This can be 'small', 'large' or 'mono'

The small and large styles correspond to the system notification styles. Mono sets a monospace font for the body textfield, enabling more complex text UIs or ASCII art.

Note that all fields will automatically span multiple lines if needed and that you can '\n' to insert line breaks.


A menu is a type of Window that displays a standard Pebble menu on the screen of Pebble.

Just like any window, you can initialize a Menu by passing an object to the constructor or by calling accessors to change the properties.

The properties available on a Menu are:

Name Type Default Description
sections Array [] A list of all the sections to display.

A menu contains one or more sections. Each section has a title and contains zero or more items. An item must have a title. It can also have a subtitle and an icon.

var menu = new UI.Menu({
  sections: [{
    title: 'First section',
    items: [{
      title: 'First Item',
      subtitle: 'Some subtitle',
      icon: 'images/item_icon.png'
    }, {
      title: 'Second item'

Menu.section(sectionIndex, section)

Define the section to be displayed at sectionIndex. See Menu for the properties of a section.

var section = {
  title: 'Another section',
  items: [{
    title: 'With one item'
menu.section(1, section);

When called with no section, returns the section at the given sectionIndex.

Menu.items(sectionIndex, items)

Define the items to display in a specific section. See Menu for the properties of an item.

menu.items(0, [ { title: 'new item1' }, { title: 'new item2' } ]);

Whell called with no items, returns the items of the section at the given sectionIndex.

Menu.item(sectionIndex, itemIndex, item)

Define the item to display at index itemIndex in section sectionIndex. See Menu for the properties of an item.

menu.item(0, 0, { title: 'A new item', subtitle: 'replacing the previous one' });

When called with no item, returns the item at the given sectionIndex and itemIndex.

Menu.on('select', callback)

Registers a callback called when an item in the menu is selected. The callback function will be passed an event with the following fields:

  • menu: The menu object.
  • section: The menu section object.
  • sectionIndex: The section index of the section of the selected item.
  • item: The menu item object.
  • itemIndex: The item index of the selected item.

Note: You can also register a callback for 'longSelect' event, triggered when the user long clicks on an item.

menu.on('select', function(e) {
  console.log('Selected item #' + e.itemIndex + ' of section #' + e.sectionIndex);
  console.log('The item is titled "' + e.item.title + '"');

Menu.on('longSelect', callback)

See Menu.on('select, callback)


There are four types of Element that can be instantiated at the moment: Circle, Image, Rect and Text.

They all share some common properties:

Name Type Default Description
position Vector2 Position of this element in the window.
size Vector2 Size of this element in this window.
borderColor string '' Color of the border of this element ('clear', 'black',or 'white').
backgroundColor string '' Background color of this element ('clear', 'black' or 'white').

All properties can be initialized by passing an object when creating the Element, and changed with accessors functions who have the name of the properties. Calling an accessor without a parameter will return the current value.

var Vector2 = require('vector2');
var element = new Text({ position: new Vector2(0, 0), size: new Vector2(144, 168) });
console.log('This element background color is: ' + element.backgroundColor());


Returns the index of the element in its Window or -1 if the element is not part of a window.


Removes the element from its Window.

Element.animate(animateDef, [duration=400])

The position and size properties can be animated. An animateDef is object with any supported properties specified. See Element for a description of those properties. The default animation duration is 400 milliseconds.

// Use the element's position and size to avoid allocating more vectors.
var pos = element.position();
var size = element.size();

// Use the *Self methods to also avoid allocating more vectors.

// Schedule the animation with an animateDef
element.animate({ position: pos, size: size });

Animations are queued when Element.animate is called multiple times at once. The animations will occur in order, and the first animation will occur immediately.

When an animation begins, its destination values are saved immediately to the Element.

Element.animate is chainable.

Element.animate(field, value, [duration=400])

You can also animate a single property by specifying a field by its name.

var pos = element.position();
pos.y += 20;
element.animate('position', pos, 1000);


Element.queue can be used to perform tasks that are dependent upon an animation completing, such as preparing the element for a different animation. It is recommended to use Element.queue instead of a timeout if the same element will be animated after the custom task.

The callback you pass to Element.queue will be called with a function next as the first parameter. When next is called, the next item in the animation queue will begin. Items includes callbacks added by Element.queue or animations added by Element.animate before an animation is complete. Calling next is equivalent to calling Element.dequeue.

  .animate('position', new Vector2(0, 0)
  .queue(function(next) {
  .animate('position', new Vector2(0, 50)

Element.queue is chainable.


Element.dequeue can be used to continue executing items in the animation queue. It is useful in cases where the next function passed in Element.queue callbacks is not available. See Element.queue(callback(next)) for more information on the animation queue.


Accessor to the position property. See Element.


Accessor to the size property. See Element.


Accessor to the borderColor property. See Element.


Accessor to the backgroundColor property. See Element.


An Element that displays a circle on the screen.

Default properties value:

  • backgroundColor: 'white'
  • borderColor: 'clear'


An Element that displays a rectangle on the screen.

The Rect element has the following properties. Just like any other Element you can initialize those properties when creating the object or use the accessors.

Name Type Default Description
backgroundColor string "white" Background color of this element ('clear', 'black' or 'white').
borderColor string "clear" Color of the border of this element ('clear', 'black',or 'white').


An Element that displays text on the screen.

The Text element has the following properties. Just like any other Element you can initialize those properties when creating the object or use the accessors.

Name Type Default Description
text string "" The text to display in this element.
font string The font to use for that text element. See Using Fonts for more information on the different fonts available and how to add your own fonts.
color 'white' Color of the text ('white', 'black' or 'clear').
textOverflow 'string' How to handle text overflow in this text element ('wrap', 'ellipsis' or 'fill').
textAlign 'string' How to align text in this element ('left', 'center' or 'right').
borderColor string 'clear' Color of the border of this element ('clear', 'black',or 'white').
backgroundColor string 'clear' Background color of this element ('clear', 'black' or 'white').


A Text element that displays time formatted text on the screen.

Displaying time in a TimeText element

If you want to display the current time or date, use the TimeText element with a time formatting string in the text property. The time to redraw the time text element will be automatically calculated based on the format string. For example, a TimeText element with the format '%M:%S' will be redrawn every second because of the seconds format %S.

The available formatting options follows the C strftime() function:

Specifier Replaced by Example
%a An abbreviation for the day of the week. "Thu"
%A The full name for the day of the week. "Thursday"
%b An abbreviation for the month name. "Aug"
%B The full name of the month. "August"
%c A string representing the complete date and time "Mon Apr 01 13:13:13 1992"
%d The day of the month, formatted with two digits. "23"
%H The hour (on a 24-hour clock), formatted with two digits. "14"
%I The hour (on a 12-hour clock), formatted with two digits. "02"
%j The count of days in the year, formatted with three digits (from 001 to 366). "235"
%m The month number, formatted with two digits. "08"
%M The minute, formatted with two digits. "55"
%p Either AM or PM as appropriate. "AM"
%S The second, formatted with two digits. "02"
%U The week number, formatted with two digits (from 00 to 53; week number 1 is taken as beginning with the first Sunday in a year). See also %W. "33"
%w A single digit representing the day of the week: Sunday is day 0. "4"
%W Another version of the week number: like %U, but counting week 1 as beginning with the first Monday in a year. "34"
%x A string representing the complete date. "Mon Apr 01 1992"
%X A string representing the full time of day (hours, minutes, and seconds). "13:13:13"
%y The last two digits of the year. "01"
%Y The full year, formatted with four digits to include the century. "2001"
%Z Defined by ANSI C as eliciting the time zone if available; it is not available in this implementation (which accepts %Z but generates no output for it).
%% A single character, %. "%"


Sets the text property. See Text.


Sets the font property. See Text.


Sets the textOverflow property. See Text.


Sets the textOverflow property. See Text.


Sets the textAlign property. See Text.


Sets the updateTimeUnits property. See Text.


Sets the borderColor property. See Text.


Sets the backgroundColor property. See Text.


An Element that displays an image on the screen.

The Image element has the following properties. Just like any other Element you can initialize those properties when creating the object or use the accessors.

Name Type Default Description
image string "" The resource name or path to the image to display in this element. See Using Images for more information and how to add your own images.
compositing string "normal" The compositing operation used to display the image. See Image.compositing(compop) for a list of possible compositing operations.


Sets the image property. See Image.


Sets the compositing operation to be used when rendering. Specify the compositing operation as a string such as "invert". The following is a list of compositing operations available.

Compositing Description
"normal" Display the image normally. This is the default.
"invert" Display the image with inverted colors.
"or" White pixels are shown, black pixels are clear.
"and" Black pixels are shown, white pixels are clear.
"clear" The image's white pixels are painted as black, and the rest are clear.
"set" The image's black pixels are painted as white, and the rest are clear.


Vibe allows you to trigger vibration on the user wrist.


var Vibe = require('ui/vibe');

// Send a long vibration to the user wrist
Name Type Argument Default Description
type string optional short The duration of the vibration. short, long or double.


Pebble.js includes several libraries to help you write applications.


This module gives you a very simple and easy way to make HTTP requests.

var ajax = require('ajax');

    url: '',
    type: 'json'
  function(data) {
    console.log('Quote of the day is: ' + data.contents.quote);
  function(error) {
    console.log('The ajax request failed: ' + error);

ajax(options, success, failure)

The supported options are:

Name Type Argument Default Description
url string The URL to make the ajax request to. e.g. ''
method string (optional) get The HTTP method to use: 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'options', or any other standard method supported by the running environment.
type string (optional) The expected response format. Specify json to have ajax parse the response as json and pass an object as the data parameter.
data object (optional) The request body, mainly to be used in combination with 'post' or 'put'. e.g. { username: 'guest' }
headers object (optional) Custom HTTP headers. Specify additional headers. e.g. { 'x-extra': 'Extra Header' }
async boolean (optional) true Whether the request will be asynchronous. Specify false for a blocking, synchronous request.
cache boolean (optional) true Whether the result may be cached. Specify false to use the internal cache buster which appends the URL with the query parameter _set to the current time in milliseconds.

The success callback will be called if the HTTP request is successful (When the status code is 200). The only parameter is the data received from the server. If the option type: 'json' was set, the response will automatically be converted to an object; otherwise data is a string.

The failure callback is called when an error occurred. The only parameter is a description of the error.


A 2 dimensional vector. The constructor takes two parameters for the x and y values.

var Vector2 = require('vector2');

var vec = new Vector2(144, 168);

For more information, see Vector2 in the three.js reference documentation.


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