Python client for the ENTSO-E API (european network of transmission system operators for electricity)
Documentation of the API found on
python3 -m pip install entsoe-py
The package comes with 2 clients:
: Returns data in its raw format, usually XML or a ZIP-file containing XML'sEntsoePandasClient
: Returns data parsed as a Pandas Series or DataFrame
from entsoe import EntsoeRawClient
import pandas as pd
client = EntsoeRawClient(api_key=<YOUR API KEY>)
start = pd.Timestamp('20171201', tz='Europe/Brussels')
end = pd.Timestamp('20180101', tz='Europe/Brussels')
country_code = 'BE' # Belgium
# methods that return XML
client.query_day_ahead_prices(country_code, start, end)
client.query_load(country_code, start, end)
client.query_load_forecast(country_code, start, end)
client.query_wind_and_solar_forecast(country_code, start, end, psr_type=None)
client.query_generation_forecast(country_code, start, end)
client.query_generation(country_code, start, end, psr_type=None)
client.query_installed_generation_capacity(country_code, start, end, psr_type=None)
client.query_crossborder_flows(country_code_from, country_code_to, start, end)
client.query_imbalance_prices(country_code, start, end, psr_type=None)
# methods that return ZIP
client.query_unavailability_of_generation_units(country_code, start, end, docstatus=None)
client.query_withdrawn_unavailability_of_generation_units(country_code, start, end)
xml_string = client.query_day_ahead_prices(country_code, start, end)
with open('outfile.xml', 'w') as f:
zip_bytes = client.query_unavailability_of_generation_units(country_code, start, end)
with open('', 'wb') as f:
Is the API-call you want not in the list, you can lookup the parameters yourself in the API documentation
params = {
'documentType': 'A44',
'in_Domain': '10YBE----------2',
'out_Domain': '10YBE----------2'
response = client._base_request(params=params, start=start, end=end)
The Pandas Client works similar to the Raw Client, with extras:
- Time periods that span more than 1 year are automatically dealt with
- Requests of large numbers of files are split over multiple API calls
from entsoe import EntsoePandasClient
import pandas as pd
client = EntsoePandasClient(api_key=<YOUR API KEY>)
start = pd.Timestamp('20171201', tz='Europe/Brussels')
end = pd.Timestamp('20180101', tz='Europe/Brussels')
country_code = 'BE' # Belgium
# methods that return Pandas Series
client.query_day_ahead_prices(country_code, start=start,end=end)
client.query_load(country_code, start=start,end=end)
client.query_load_forecast(country_code, start=start,end=end)
client.query_generation_forecast(country_code, start=start,end=end)
# methods that return Pandas DataFrames
client.query_wind_and_solar_forecast(country_code, start=start,end=end, psr_type=None)
client.query_generation(country_code, start=start,end=end, psr_type=None)
client.query_installed_generation_capacity(country_code, start=start,end=end, psr_type=None)
client.query_crossborder_flows('DE', 'DK', start=start,end=end)
client.query_imbalance_prices(country_code, start=start,end=end, psr_type=None)
client.query_unavailability_of_generation_units(country_code, start=start,end=end, docstatus=None)
client.query_withdrawn_unavailability_of_generation_units('DE', start=start,end=end)
See a list of all IO-methods on
ts = client.query_day_ahead_prices(country_code, start=start, end=end)
These lists are always evolving, so let us know if something's inaccurate!
'AL': '10YAL-KESH-----5',
'AT': '10YAT-APG------L',
'BA': '10YBA-JPCC-----D',
'BE': '10YBE----------2',
'BY': '10Y1001A1001A51S',
'CZ': '10YCZ-CEPS-----N',
'DE': '10Y1001A1001A83F',
'DK': '10Y1001A1001A65H',
'EE': '10Y1001A1001A39I',
'ES': '10YES-REE------0',
'FI': '10YFI-1--------U',
'FR': '10YFR-RTE------C',
'GB': '10YGB----------A',
'GB-NIR': '10Y1001A1001A016',
'GR': '10YGR-HTSO-----Y',
'HR': '10YHR-HEP------M',
'HU': '10YHU-MAVIR----U',
'IE': '10YIE-1001A00010',
'IT': '10YIT-GRTN-----B',
'LT': '10YLT-1001A0008Q',
'LV': '10YLV-1001A00074',
# 'MD': 'MD',
'ME': '10YCS-CG-TSO---S',
'MK': '10YMK-MEPSO----8',
'MT': '10Y1001A1001A93C',
'NL': '10YNL----------L',
'NO': '10YNO-0--------C',
'PL': '10YPL-AREA-----S',
'PT': '10YPT-REN------W',
'RO': '10YRO-TEL------P',
'RU': '10Y1001A1001A49F',
'RU-KGD': '10Y1001A1001A50U',
'SE': '10YSE-1--------K',
'SI': '10YSI-ELES-----O',
'SK': '10YSK-SEPS-----K',
'TR': '10YTR-TEIAS----W',
'UA': '10YUA-WEPS-----0',
'DE-AT-LU': '10Y1001A1001A63L',
'DE': '10Y1001A1001A63L', # DE-AT-LU
'LU': '10Y1001A1001A63L', # DE-AT-LU
'IT-NORD': '10Y1001A1001A73I',
'IT-CNOR': '10Y1001A1001A70O',
'IT-CSUD': '10Y1001A1001A71M',
'IT-SUD': '10Y1001A1001A788',
'IT-FOGN': '10Y1001A1001A72K',
'IT-ROSN': '10Y1001A1001A77A',
'IT-BRNN': '10Y1001A1001A699',
'IT-PRGP': '10Y1001A1001A76C',
'IT-SARD': '10Y1001A1001A74G',
'IT-SICI': '10Y1001A1001A75E',
'IT-CALABRIA': '10Y1001C--00096J',
'NO-1': '10YNO-1--------2',
'NO-2': '10YNO-2--------T',
'NO-3': '10YNO-3--------J',
'NO-4': '10YNO-4--------9',
'NO-5': '10Y1001A1001A48H',
'SE-1': '10Y1001A1001A44P',
'SE-2': '10Y1001A1001A45N',
'SE-3': '10Y1001A1001A46L',
'SE-4': '10Y1001A1001A47J',
'DK-1': '10YDK-1--------W',
'DK-2': '10YDK-2--------M'
'A03': 'Mixed',
'A04': 'Generation',
'A05': 'Load',
'B01': 'Biomass',
'B02': 'Fossil Brown coal/Lignite',
'B03': 'Fossil Coal-derived gas',
'B04': 'Fossil Gas',
'B05': 'Fossil Hard coal',
'B06': 'Fossil Oil',
'B07': 'Fossil Oil shale',
'B08': 'Fossil Peat',
'B09': 'Geothermal',
'B10': 'Hydro Pumped Storage',
'B11': 'Hydro Run-of-river and poundage',
'B12': 'Hydro Water Reservoir',
'B13': 'Marine',
'B14': 'Nuclear',
'B15': 'Other renewable',
'B16': 'Solar',
'B17': 'Waste',
'B18': 'Wind Offshore',
'B19': 'Wind Onshore',
'B20': 'Other',
'B21': 'AC Link',
'B22': 'DC Link',
'B23': 'Substation',
'B24': 'Transformer'}
'A05': 'Active',
'A09': 'Cancelled',
'A13': 'Withdrawn'
BSNTYPE = {'A29': 'Already allocated capacity (AAC)',
'A43': 'Requested capacity (without price)',
'A46': 'System Operator redispatching',
'A53': 'Planned maintenance',
'A54': 'Unplanned outage',
'A85': 'Internal redispatch',
'A95': 'Frequency containment reserve',
'A96': 'Automatic frequency restoration reserve',
'A97': 'Manual frequency restoration reserve',
'A98': 'Replacement reserve',
'B01': 'Interconnector network evolution',
'B02': 'Interconnector network dismantling',
'B03': 'Counter trade',
'B04': 'Congestion costs',
'B05': 'Capacity allocated (including price)',
'B07': 'Auction revenue',
'B08': 'Total nominated capacity',
'B09': 'Net position',
'B10': 'Congestion income',
'B11': 'Production unit'}
DOCUMENTTYPE = {'A09': 'Finalised schedule',
'A11': 'Aggregated energy data report',
'A25': 'Allocation result document',
'A26': 'Capacity document',
'A31': 'Agreed capacity',
'A44': 'Price Document',
'A61': 'Estimated Net Transfer Capacity',
'A63': 'Redispatch notice',
'A65': 'System total load',
'A68': 'Installed generation per type',
'A69': 'Wind and solar forecast',
'A70': 'Load forecast margin',
'A71': 'Generation forecast',
'A72': 'Reservoir filling information',
'A73': 'Actual generation',
'A74': 'Wind and solar generation',
'A75': 'Actual generation per type',
'A76': 'Load unavailability',
'A77': 'Production unavailability',
'A78': 'Transmission unavailability',
'A79': 'Offshore grid infrastructure unavailability',
'A80': 'Generation unavailability',
'A81': 'Contracted reserves',
'A82': 'Accepted offers',
'A83': 'Activated balancing quantities',
'A84': 'Activated balancing prices',
'A85': 'Imbalance prices',
'A86': 'Imbalance volume',
'A87': 'Financial situation',
'A88': 'Cross border balancing',
'A89': 'Contracted reserve prices',
'A90': 'Interconnection network expansion',
'A91': 'Counter trade notice',
'A92': 'Congestion costs',
'A93': 'DC link capacity',
'A94': 'Non EU allocations',
'A95': 'Configuration document',
'B11': 'Flow-based allocations'}
'A01': 'Day ahead',
'A02': 'Intra day incremental',
'A16': 'Realised',
'A18': 'Intraday total',
'A31': 'Week ahead',
'A32': 'Month ahead',
'A33': 'Year ahead',
'A39': 'Synchronisation process',
'A40': 'Intraday process',
'A46': 'Replacement reserve',
'A47': 'Manual frequency restoration reserve',
'A51': 'Automatic frequency restoration reserve',
'A52': 'Frequency containment reserve',
'A56': 'Frequency restoration reserve'