The most difficult thing about unit testing in C++ is that only methods defined as virtual are mocked. Because of this, it is often impossible to use mocks properly without modifying the implemented source code. Also, static methods or non-virtual methods cannot be mocked. Because of this cause, the class and object, which are the subject of unit test, cannot isolate from other surrounding objects. There is a practical difficulty that only limited scenarios are unit tested.
This code provides a way to test all possible scenarios without modifying the source code by solving this problem.
TEST(JoMock, GlobalFunction)
.WillOnce(Return("Hello world."));
EXPECT_EQ("Hello world.", func());
TEST(JoMock, StaticFunctionClass)
EXPECT_EQ(ClassTest::staticFunc(), 3);
TEST(JoMock, NonStaticFunctionClass) {
ClassTest classTest;
auto mocker = &JOMOCK(&ClassTest::nonStaticFunc);
EXPECT_CALL(*mocker, JOMOCK_FUNC(&classTest))
EXPECT_EQ(classTest.nonStaticFunc(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(classTest.nonStaticFunc(), 2);
TEST(JoMock, ParameterFunctionTest)
auto funcBinded = bind(ClassTest::parameterFunc, true, 'c', "test", "");
auto mocker = &JOMOCK(ClassTest::parameterFunc);
EXPECT_CALL(*mocker, JOMOCK_FUNC(_, _, _, _))
.WillOnce(Return("mocked func"));
EXPECT_EQ(funcBinded(), "mocked func");
TEST(JoMock, ReferenceParameterFunctionTest)
bool b;
char c;
string s;
const string cs;
EXPECT_CALL(JOMOCK(ClassTest::referenceParameterFunc), JOMOCK_FUNC(_, _, _, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Return("mocked func"));
EXPECT_EQ(ClassTest::referenceParameterFunc(ref(b), ref(c), ref(s), ref(cs)), "mocked func");
TEST(JoMock, NonStaticPolyFunctionClass)
ClassTest classTest;
JOMOCK_POLY(mocker1/*mocker name*/,
ClassTest/*class name*/,
fn1/*unique name for function pointer*/,
nonStaticFuncOverload/*target function*/,
int/*return type of the target function*/,
(int)/*argument : *important to specify target function* */)
EXPECT_CALL(*mocker1, JOMOCK_FUNC(&classTest, _))
EXPECT_EQ(classTest.nonStaticFuncOverload(2), 4);
char* c = nullptr;
JOMOCK_POLY(mocker2, ClassTest, fn2, nonStaticFuncOverload, int, (char*))
EXPECT_CALL(*mocker2, JOMOCK_FUNC(&classTest, _))
EXPECT_EQ(classTest.nonStaticFuncOverload(c), 5);
TEST(JoMock, LogacyLibraryTest)
EXPECT_EQ(atoi("TEN"), 1);
// or
- Windows SDK 10 + Platform SDK : Visual Studio 2019 v142
- 32bit/64bit Release(without optimization option) work
- 64bit Debug works
- gtest and gmock are installed by NuGet
- cygwin latest
- install gtest
- add '#define NON_WIN32'
- add '#define NON_WIN32'