This project uses natural language processing to generate SEO content from keywords (i.e. product attributes). This enables, for instance, e-commerce owners to create thousands of seemingly human-written product or service descriptions that are more likely to be listed on top of search engine results pages (SERP).
This solves the problem of having to write SERP contents manually, saving costs and allowing SEO professionals to focus more on other important tasks.
SERPgen is based on a modified T5 model (K2T), which was trained to generate this particular type of SERP sentences (product/service description + call-to-action) as it was fed meticulously cleaned SERP and e-commerce product data. The first sentence is the best possible prediction that can be made from the input keywords. The mechanism generating the second sentence (call-to-action), on the other hand, is randomly drawing from different keyword lists that in combination with the product attributes allows for a more creative marketing copy.
For more information, please check the following presentation.
An NLP-based search results text generator
You can access the SERPgen web application by clicking the following link: SERPgen
SERPgen is based on the K2T variant of Huggyface's T5 model:
To train or model, we used two datasets from Kaggle, one with SERP data and the other with e-commerce product descriptions:
The cleaning and preparation process of the training data is documented in "SERPgen_data_preparation.ipynb" in the notebooks folder.
First clone the entire repository with git lfs(large file System) clone.
git lfs install
git lfs clone [email protected]:tomvanilla37/SERPgen.git
Then depoly the model. To deploy the model, we need two different steps.
- Upload the api (docker file) on GCP to use the prediction of model
- Upload the UI to Heroku of GCP to use the api.
First, log in to Google Cloud
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth list
Then export the image by replacing the project id and docker image name. And build the image
export PROJECT_ID=wagon-bootcamp-351218
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
export DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=api-serpgen-v1
After a successful built you can push and deploy the image
gcloud run deploy --image$PROJECT_ID/$DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME \
--platform managed --region europe-west1 \
--memory 8000M --cpu 2 --allow-unauthenticated
After a successful depoyment, save the generated link of your API website. Replace the link of api in the function key_to_text in the file UI/
To depoly the UI on the heroku, create a user name on heroku website and using the following command login into it.
heroku login
use the following command to create the project and push it to heroku, after modifying UI_NAME.
export UI_NAME=serpv2
echo $UI_NAME
heroku create ${UI_NAME}
git push heroku main:main
heroku ps:scale web=1
To depoly the UI on the GCP, create a user name on GCP and using the following command login into it.
gcloud auth list
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth configure-docker
To use gcp for deploying the UI, we need a Docker container. In the follwoing command, moddify the PROJECT_ID and DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME. Then using the Dockerfile_ui, build the docker container.
export PROJECT_ID=wagon-bootcamp-351218
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
export DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=api-serpgen-ui
docker build -f Dockerfile_ui -t$PROJECT_ID/$DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME .
After a successful building, you are able to push and deploy the container to GCP.
gcloud run deploy --image$PROJECT_ID/$DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME \
--platform managed --region europe-west1 \
--memory 700M --allow-unauthenticated
After a successful depoyment, save the generated line of your UI website.