A ManiaPlanet Color Style parser and formatter for Swift
To install the formatter you have two options:
Add the Github Clone URL as your dependency with XCode wizard to add Swift Package. Use package version 2 and higher.
To use the framework:
To get the NSAttributedString from a styled nickname for example, use:
let nickname = "$F80$i$S$oToffe$z$06FSmurf $z$n$l[http://goo.gl/y4M9VK][App]$l"
let styledNickname = MPFormatter().parse(nickname).getAttributedString()
You can also strip links, styles or colors with
let nickname = "$F80$i$S$oToffe$z$06FSmurf $z$n$l[http://goo.gl/y4M9VK][App]$l"
let noLinks = MPFormatter().parse(nickname).stripLinks().getAttributedString()
let noColors = MPFormatter().parse(nickname).stripColors().getAttributedString()
let plainString:String = MPFormatter().parse(nickname).getString() // Get plain string, without any styles
// Get nickname with font size 11
let tinyNickname = MPFormatter(fontSize: CGFloat(11)).parse(nickname).getAttributedString()