If you want to solve the problem in PHP, this repo contains an already prepared sceleton for a php app. If you want to use a different language, feel free to do so.
- composer install :)
- php console.php parse-input "foo bar"
- "phpunit" for unit testing
A text input can contain certain patterns that we want to detect and filter out. Think of a todo list app, that automatically detects certain things out of your given text input. Your task is to model a system that is capable of doing so and that would also be easily maintainable and extensible. Three default detectors should be implemented on the way: The expected input => output is shown as a JSON here, but can be printed in any flavor you want.
"Buy some coffee tomorrow": {
text: "Buy some coffee",
features: {
date: 25.11.2022, // the date of tomorrow
"Remind me to buy shoes in two days": {
text: "Remind be to buy shoes",
features: {
date: 27.11.2022, // in two days from now,
"Grammys birthday 15.02.1940": {
text: "Grammys birthday",
features: {
date: 15.02.1940,
"Soccer game won yesterday": {
text: "Soccer game won yesterday",
features: {
date: 24.119.2022, // yesterday from now
"Let's do a vacation #yay": {
text: "Let's do a vacation",
features: {
tags: [yay],
"#iliketags lets do a #attention vacation #yay": {
text: "lets do a vacation",
features: {
tags: [iliketags, attention, yay],
"Buy cheese !p1": {
text: "buy cheese",
features: {
priority: 1,
"!p2 Buy sausages": {
text: "Buy sausages",
features: {
priority: 2,
All features should be combinable!
"Buy some #ilikecheese cheese tomorrow !p1": {
text: "buy some cheese",
features: {
priority: 1,
date: 26.09.2018,
tags: [ilikecheese],
Have fun!