Setup your own OpenVPN server in 30 seconds!
Aug 19, 2018 - Ruby
Ubuntu builds upon Debian's architecture to provide a Linux server and desktop operating system. Ubuntu prioritizes security, as the majority of its network ports are closed by default.
Setup your own OpenVPN server in 30 seconds!
Provides a central place to store, version and distribute the Sentora installer and upgrade scripts from.
Setup Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04 and 14.04 with machine learning and robotics software plus user configuration. Includes ceres tensorflow ros caffe vrep eigen cudnn and cuda plus many more.
Thumbnail for a given video using FFMpeg
🔴 Curso GRÁTIS SAMBA 4 Level 1 REPOSITÓRIO CONGELADO - Esse repositório não irá mais receber atualizações.
Docker containers that include ansible latest stable 2.x version.
Fixes Ubuntu-Nginx Service php5-fpm restart issue
Wingkalabs (Linux) Wingkalabs es una máquina Virtual Linux intencionalmente vulnerable. Esta máquina virtual se puede utilizar para realizar entrenamientos de seguridad, probar herramientas de seguridad y practicar técnicas comunes de pruebas de penetración.
The repository where I collect all my Ansible playbooks, roles, Vagrantfile, etc.
Role for automated secured jenkins installation
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This repository contains collection of customized, updated, ported and backported packages for last LTS releases and latest pre-LTS release.
Install Squid Proxy on Ubuntu/Debian
Development repository for vagrant boxes for joelhandwell/{ubuntu_release_code}64_vbguest
Receive email notifications automatically if Disk Usage exceeds 90% in Ubuntu
Created by Canonical Ltd., Ubuntu community
Released October 2004