What you will learn
- Understand the Go syntax and apply it proficiently to handle data and write functions
- Debug your Go code to troubleshoot development problems
- Safely handle errors and recover from panics
- Implement polymorphism using interfaces and gain insight into generics
- Work with files and connect to popular external databases
- Create an HTTP client and server and work with a RESTful web API
- Use concurrency to design efficient software
- Use Go tools to simplify development and improve your code
Table of Contents
- Very Valuable Variables
- Command and Control
- Data Rules!
- Get It Together with Complex Types
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Don't Panic! Handle Your Errors
- Get Flexible with Interfaces
- Generic Algorithm Superpowers
- Use Go Modules to Define a Project
- Packages Keep Projects Manageable
- Bug Busting Debugging Skills
- About Time
- Programming for the Command-Line
- Files and Systems
- SQL and Databases
- Web Servers
- Using the Go HTTP Client
- Concurrent Work
- Testing
- Using Go Tools
- Go in the Cloud