⛔ Replaced by
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.trifork:AndroidBLE:{VERSION}' // for example, version can be 1.0.0
That´s it. You should now have BLEManager
available by import com.trifork.bluetoothle.BLEManager;
This library is distributed with using There is no build process or manual upload or anything like that.
Go to the releases page.
Select "Draft a new release"
Set a tag version. For example "v1.0.0"
Select @target to be the master
Provide a release title if it should not be the tag version provided.
Press "Publish release" This will create a release and a corresponding tag.
🎉 Hurray! It is now available to users to start using in their Android projects.