Author: Maggie Trimpin
Updated: 05/10/22
- Opening datasets (with xarray)
- Iterating through variables, comparing dataarrays for each dataset
- Some variables are equal, others not
- Main issue is nan values being inequal/ missing value vs nan value discrepancy
- If all dataarrays are equal, output that cloud and on-prem versions are the same
Tried fillna() method with xarray, slow and not quite working\
Tried masking, also slow\
Tried to work with different dataframe types
- Numpy arrays: just subtract two numpy arrays and see if all values come out either 0 or nan\
- Pandas dataframes: Same problem, showing variables U850, V850, CLDPRS, TROPPT, Q850 as difffering
Since nan != nan, trying something along the lines of ”if cloud != cloud and onprem != onprem, return true\
Now trying fillna with fmissing value (in a try block, since not all datasets have those attrs)
- Cloud dataset attrbutes are empty? Why
iterate through each variable
for var in list(cloud.data_vars):
^ compares all individual data arrays\
The problem is that cloud has missing values (100000000.0), and onprem has NaN values Thus, extract missing val from on_prem ds, and then set nan values to that value
on_prem[var] = on_prem[var].fillna(on_prem[var].attrs['fmissing_value'])
Each value in the list should now match one another, including nan/missing values
Also execution time is once again reasonable
if on_prem[var].equals(cloud[var]):
Then, if all data vars match, then the datasets are identical
if all(equal):
print("Data grids are identical for on-prem and cloud hyrax")
Multiprocessing? Only really useful in the case of a mass-tester but still worth looking into if only for my own learning
Functionality to stop the comparison once the first "False" is reached (ie. if the first dataarrays compared are not the same, why compare all of the others?) A simple break statemet was required
if on_prem[var].equals(cloud[var]):
print("Data grids are not the same for on-prem and cloud hyrax")