Stable Auto-Release v0.3.4
This has been deployed on the Discord bot PyRamid#6882
To use the latest version the bot, please refer to the instructions outlined at
- 8ef563c Fix: github action get commit messages
- 5ab845a Disable auto-release unstable
- 9f654c1 try fix Get commit messages in github action
- 03aae41 Fix: downloading tracks in chunks
- 2f84e4d fix: add_code_message content was empty
- 218b47a Set discord presence at startup
- dc1acdd Download tracks are now async
- 07974af improve add_code_message with prefix and char limit
- fb3068d Refactor Discord message sending functionality
- 46da8e3 little up: remove duplicate string in get_linux_distro
- cfcd2b6 fix: add next
- 1e2c61d Rename title for auto-release
- 5381498 Fix: Interpretation issue with the 'mode' parameter in the config
- 8181337 Implement proper shutdown procedures for graceful application termination
- 3f049ba Edit auto-release note
- ddfe86b Optimize memory allocation by counting config fields
- 32cfefe Revamp configuration for improved validation, flexibility, and stability
- bfe64fc Attempt to resolve GitHub Actions with formatting commit messages
This version is now accessible through various Docker images. Each image creation corresponds to a unique snapshot of this version, while updating the image corresponds to using an updated Docker image tag.
Images creation
- tristiisch/pyramid:0.3.4-8ef563cd
Images update
- tristiisch/pyramid:latest
- tristiisch/pyramid:0.3.4