Stable Auto-Release v0.6.2
This has been deployed on the Discord bot PyRamid#6882
To use the latest version the bot, please refer to the instructions outlined at
- 689ee87 Add GitHub secret variable for unit test
- 3c4360b Remove default ARL deezer in units tests
- 643988f Review tools project
- 8a855e4 Add composes files of PP and PROD
- dddb2ac v0.6.2: add select for /search
- 852a286 Fix: duplicate tracks in queue when single add (linked to cfcd2b6)
- 330e9dd fix compile
- a0c4e20 v0.6: Add buttons on music player message
This version is now accessible through various Docker images. Each image creation corresponds to a unique snapshot of this version, while updating the image corresponds to using an updated Docker image tag.
Images creation
- tristiisch/pyramid:0.6.2-689ee87
Images update
- tristiisch/pyramid:latest
- tristiisch/pyramid:0.6.2