NCmdLiner features a command line parser with auto documentation capabilities.
Commands and parameters are specified as attributes on methods of one or more classes.
Parameters can be required or optional.
Parameters can be of primitive types such as: string, integer, decimal, float, double, boolean and array of all these.
The automatic documentation outputs ready-to-use examples of each command and its parameters
NCmdLiner is a rewrite of the NConsoler project
- Mono 4
- .NET 2.0
- .NET 3.5
- .NET 3.5 Client
- .NET 4.0
- .NET 4.0 Client
- .NET 4.0.3
- .NET 4.0.3 Client
- .NET 4.5
- Mono 4
- .NET 3.5
- .NET 3.5 Client
- .NET 4.0
- .NET 4.0 Client
- .NET 4.0.3
- .NET 4.0.3 Client
- .NET 4.5
- Mono 4
- .NET 3.5
- .NET 4.5.2
- .NET 4.6.1
- .NET Core 1.0
- Mono 4.5
- .NET 3.5
- .NET 4.5.2
- .NET 4.6.1
- .NET 4.6.2
- .NETStandard 1.6
- .NET Core 1.0
- .NET Core 1.1
- .NET Core 2.0
- Mono 4.5
- .NET 3.5
- .NET 4.5.2
- .NET 4.6.1
- .NET 4.6.2
- .NETStandard 1.6
- .NET Core 1.0
- .NET Core 1.1
- .NET Core 2.0
- .NET 4.6.1
- .NETStandard 2.0
- .NETStandard 2.1
- .NET Core 2.0
- .NET Core 3.0
NCmdLiner is installed into your project by Nuget Package Manager.
Install-Package NCmdLiner
using System;
using NCmdLiner;
using NCmdLiner.Attributes;
namespace NCmdLiner.Example
internal class Program
private static TryAsync<int> TryRun(string[] args) => () =>
IApplicationInfo exampleApplicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo();
exampleApplicationInfo.Authors = "[email protected], [email protected]";
exampleApplicationInfo.Copyright = "Copyright © ExampleCompany 2013";
return CmdLinery.Run(typeof(ExampleCommands), args, exampleApplicationInfo);
private static int ErrorHandler(Exception ex, int exitCode)
Console.WriteLine(@"ERROR: " + ex.Message);
return exitCode;
private static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
return await TryRun(args).Match(ec => ec, exception => ErrorHandler(exception, 1));
public class ExampleCommands
[Command(Description = "ExampleCommand1 will only echo value of the input parameteres.")]
public static void ExampleCommand1(
Description = "parameter1 is a required string paramter and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = "Some example parameter1 value",
AlternativeName = "p1"
)] string parameter1,
Description = "parameter2 is required string paramter and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = "Some example parameter2 value",
AlternativeName = "p2"
)] string parameter2,
Description = "Parameter3 is required integer paramter and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = 10,
AlternativeName = "p3"
)] int parameter3,
Description =
"Parameter4 is an optional string paramter and will have the default value set if not specified.",
ExampleValue = "Some example value for parameter4",
DefaultValue = "Some default value for parameter4",
AlternativeName = "p4"
)] string parameter4,
Description =
"Parameter5 is an optional boolean parameter and will have the default value set if not specified.",
ExampleValue = true,
DefaultValue = false,
AlternativeName = "p5"
)] bool parameter5
Console.WriteLine("ExampleCommand1 just echoing the input parameters...");
Console.WriteLine("parameter1={0}", parameter1);
Console.WriteLine("parameter2={0}", parameter2);
Console.WriteLine("parameter3={0}", parameter3);
Console.WriteLine("parameter4={0}", parameter4);
Console.WriteLine("parameter5={0}", parameter5);
Console.WriteLine("Finished echoing the input parameters.");
Description =
"ExampleCommand2 will do the same as ExampleCommand1 only echo value of the input parameteres.")]
public static void ExampleCommand2(
Description = "parameter1 is a required string paramter and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = "Some example parameter1 value",
AlternativeName = "p1"
)] string parameter1,
Description = "parameter2 is required string paramter and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = "Some example parameter2 value",
AlternativeName = "p2"
)] string parameter2,
Description = "Parameter3 is required integer paramter and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = 10,
AlternativeName = "p3"
)] int parameter3,
Description =
"Parameter4 is an optional string paramter and will have the default value set if not specified.",
ExampleValue = "Some example value for parameter4",
DefaultValue = "Some default value for parameter4",
AlternativeName = "p4"
)] string parameter4,
Description =
"Parameter5 is an optional boolean parameter and will have the default value set if not specified.",
ExampleValue = true,
DefaultValue = false,
AlternativeName = "p5"
)] bool parameter5
Console.WriteLine("ExampleCommand2 just echoing the input parameters...");
Console.WriteLine("parameter1={0}", parameter1);
Console.WriteLine("parameter2={0}", parameter2);
Console.WriteLine("parameter3={0}", parameter3);
Console.WriteLine("parameter4={0}", parameter4);
Console.WriteLine("parameter5={0}", parameter5);
Console.WriteLine("Finished echoing the input parameters.");
Description =
"ExampleCommand2 will do the same as ExampleCommand1 only echo value of the input parameteres.")]
public static void ExampleCommand3(
Description = "parameter1 is a required string paramter and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = "Some example parameter1 value",
AlternativeName = "p1"
)] string parameter1,
Description = "stringArrayParameter2 is a required string array and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = new[] { "string1", "string2", "string3" },
AlternativeName = "ap2"
)] string[] stringArrayParameter2,
Description = "booleanArrayParameter3 is a required bolean array and must be specified.",
ExampleValue = new[] { true, false, true },
AlternativeName = "ap3"
)] bool[] booleanArrayParameter3,
Description = "integerArrayParameter4 is a optional integer array.",
ExampleValue = new[] { 11, 21, 32 },
DefaultValue = new[] { 1, 2, 3 },
AlternativeName = "ap4"
)] int[] integerArrayParameter4,
Description = "doubleArrayParameter5 is a optional integer array.",
ExampleValue = new[] { 1.5678, 23.4253360, 126.105 },
DefaultValue = new[] { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 },
AlternativeName = "ap5"
)] double[] doubleArrayParameter5
Console.WriteLine("ExampleCommand3 just echoing the input parameters...");
Console.WriteLine("parameter1={0}", parameter1);
for (int i = 0; i < stringArrayParameter2.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("stringArrayParameter2[{0}]={1}", i, stringArrayParameter2[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < booleanArrayParameter3.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("booleanArrayParameter3[{0}]={1}", i, booleanArrayParameter3[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < integerArrayParameter4.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("integerArrayParameter4[{0}]={1}", i, integerArrayParameter4[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < doubleArrayParameter5.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("doubleArrayParameter5[{0}]={1}", i, doubleArrayParameter5[i]);
Console.WriteLine("Finished echoing the input parameters.");
MyUtil NET48 for .NET - Example of how to use NCmdLiner
Copyright © ExampleCompany 2013
Authors: [email protected], [email protected]
Usage: MyUtil.NET48.exe <command> [parameters]
Help Display this help text
License Display license
Credits Display credits
ExampleCommand1_1 ExampleCommand1 will only echo value of the input
ExampleCommand1_2 ExampleCommand2 will do the same as ExampleCommand1
only echo value of the input parameters.
ExampleCommand1_3 ExampleCommand2 will do the same as ExampleCommand1
only echo value of the input parameters.
Commands and parameters:
ExampleCommand1_1 ExampleCommand1 will only echo value of the input
/parameter1 [Required] parameter1 is a required string parameter
and must be specified. Alternative parameter name:
/parameter2 [Required] parameter2 is required string parameter
and must be specified. Alternative parameter name:
/parameter3 [Required] Parameter3 is required integer parameter
and must be specified. Alternative parameter name:
/parameter4 [Optional] Parameter4 is an optional string
parameter and will have the default value set if not
specified. Alternative parameter name: /p4. Default
value: Some default value for parameter4
/parameter5 [Optional] Parameter5 is an optional boolean
parameter and will have the default value set if not
specified. Alternative parameter name: /p5. Default
value: False
Example: MyUtil.NET48.exe ExampleCommand1_1 /parameter1="Some example parameter1 value" /parameter2="Some example parameter2 value" /parameter3="10" /parameter4="Some example value for parameter4" /parameter5="True"
Example (alternative): MyUtil.NET48.exe ExampleCommand1_1 /p1="Some example parameter1 value" /p2="Some example parameter2 value" /p3="10" /p4="Some example value for parameter4" /p5="True"
ExampleCommand1_2 ExampleCommand2 will do the same as ExampleCommand1
only echo value of the input parameters.
/parameter1 [Required] parameter1 is a required string parameter
and must be specified. Alternative parameter name:
/parameter2 [Required] parameter2 is required string parameter
and must be specified. Alternative parameter name:
/parameter3 [Required] Parameter3 is required integer parameter
and must be specified. Alternative parameter name:
/parameter4 [Optional] Parameter4 is an optional string
parameter and will have the default value set if not
specified. Alternative parameter name: /p4. Default
value: Some default value for parameter4
/parameter5 [Optional] Parameter5 is an optional boolean
parameter and will have the default value set if not
specified. Alternative parameter name: /p5. Default
value: False
Example: MyUtil.NET48.exe ExampleCommand1_2 /parameter1="Some example parameter1 value" /parameter2="Some example parameter2 value" /parameter3="10" /parameter4="Some example value for parameter4" /parameter5="True"
Example (alternative): MyUtil.NET48.exe ExampleCommand1_2 /p1="Some example parameter1 value" /p2="Some example parameter2 value" /p3="10" /p4="Some example value for parameter4" /p5="True"
ExampleCommand1_3 ExampleCommand2 will do the same as ExampleCommand1
only echo value of the input parameters.
/parameter1 [Required] parameter1 is a required string parameter
and must be specified. Alternative parameter name:
/stringArrayParameter2[Required] stringArrayParameter2 is a required
string array and must be specified. Alternative
parameter name: /ap2
/booleanArrayParameter3[Required] booleanArrayParameter3 is a required
boolean array and must be specified. Alternative
parameter name: /ap3
/integerArrayParameter4[Optional] integerArrayParameter4 is a optional
integer array. Alternative parameter name: /ap4.
Default value: [1;2;3]
/doubleArrayParameter5[Optional] doubleArrayParameter5 is a optional
integer array. Alternative parameter name: /ap5.
Default value: [1,1;2,2;3,3]
Example: MyUtil.NET48.exe ExampleCommand1_3 /parameter1="Some example parameter1 value" /stringArrayParameter2="['string1';'string2';'string3']" /booleanArrayParameter3="[True;False;True]" /integerArrayParameter4="[11;21;32]" /doubleArrayParameter5="[1,5678;23,425336;126,105]"
Example (alternative): MyUtil.NET48.exe ExampleCommand1_3 /p1="Some example parameter1 value" /ap2="['string1';'string2';'string3']" /ap3="[True;False;True]" /ap4="[11;21;32]" /ap5="[1,5678;23,425336;126,105]"
- Install Visual Studio 2017
- Install Mono 4.5 ( + Run ..\tools\Mono Target\Mono Target.cmd
- Run .\Build.cmd
Run from an admin command prompt:
@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco install fake
choco upgrade fake
choco install visualstudio2019community
REM choco install visualstudio2019professional
REM choco install visualstudio2019enterprise
choco install visualstudio2019-workload-netcoretools
choco install git
choco feature disable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
Run from an standard command prompt.
mkdir c:\dev\github.trondr
cd c:\dev\github.trondr
git clone ./NCmdLiner
cd c:\dev\github.trondr\NCmdLiner