Command line teraslice job management helper.
The teraslice command line utility looks for the cluster name and job id in the job file to execute most commands. Registering a job with the teraslice job manager will cause the metadata to be added to the job file as tjm: { job_id: jobid, cluster: clusterName, version: version}
. The tjm data can then be referenced by the teraslice job manager for other functions. This also applies to assets. Cluster data is stored in asset.json
as tjm: { clusters: [ clustername1, clustername2 ] }
npm install -g teraslice-cli
yarn global add teraslice-cli
For all commands that accept -c
, if -c
is missing default is http://localhost
Compresses files in ${cwd}/asset
and creates a zip file in ${cwd}/builds/
. Once the asset has been deployed with tjm the cluster data is stored in ${cwd}/asset/asset.json
. The builds dir is deleted before a new file is created on all functions that build assets.
tjm asset --deploy -l
Deploys asset to localhosttjm asset --deploy -c
clusterName Deploys assets to the clustertjm asset --update -c
clusterName Updates asset in the cluster(s) specified. If no -c flag then all the clusters in the asset.json will get updatedtjm asset --status
Shows the latest asset version in the cluster(s) in asset.jsontjm asset --replace -c
clusterName Deletes and replaces an asset, this is intended to be used for asset development and not for production asset management
REGISTER - Registers a job to a cluster with an option to deploy assets. Updates the jobFile.json with the cluster and job id data. Use -a to deploy assets, -r to run immediately after registering.
tjm job register -c clustername jobFile.json
tjm job register -c clustername -a jobFile.json
tjm job register -c clustername -ar jobFile.json
Cluster and job id data must be in the jobsFile.json for all commands below
ERRORS - Displays errors for a job.
tjm job errors jobFile.json
PAUSE - Pauses a job.
tjm job pause jobFile.json
RESET - Removes tjm data from job file or asset file, just specify the relative path.
tjm job reset asset/asset.json
Restart - Stops and restarts a job.
tjm job restart jobFile.json
RESUME - Resumes a paused job.
tjm job resume jobFile.json
START (RUN) - Starts a job. Run is an alias for start, run and start can be used interchangeably. Start will automatically register and start a new job, just remember to specify the cluster with -c
. Start can also be used to move a job to a new cluster with -m
, this does not move the asset only the job file.
tjm job start jobFile.json
tjm job run jobFile.json
tjm job start jobFile -c clustername
register and run a new job, same as tjm register -r jobfile -c clusternametjm job run -m jobFile -c clusterName
runs a job on a new cluster, replaces the old tjm data in the jobFile
STATUS - Reports the status of a job.
tjm job status jobFile.json
STOP - Stops a job.
tjm job stop jobFile.json
UPDATE - Updates a job.
tjm job update jobFile.json
VIEW - Displays job file as it is saved on the cluster.
tjm job view jobFile.json
WORKERS - Adds to or removes workers from a job.
tjm job workers add 10 jobFile.json
tjm job workers remove 5 jobFile.json