A code editor for tscircuit snippets that automatically loads types for snippets
// types.ts
interface OriginalFile {
path: string
content: string
language: 'typescript' | 'json'
interface ChangedFile {
path: string
content: string
lastModified: Date
interface FileWithChanges {
path: string
originalContent: string
currentContent: string
hasChanges: boolean
language: 'typescript' | 'json'
// Hook configuration
interface EditorConfig {
loadInitialFiles: () => Promise<Record<string, string>>
interface EditorStore {
// Original state from server
originalFiles: Record<string, OriginalFile>
// User changes
changedFiles: Record<string, ChangedFile>
// UI state
currentFilePath: string | null
// Actions
updateContent: (path: string, content: string) => void
resetChanges: (paths?: string[]) => void
setCurrentFile: (path: string) => void
// Computed
getFilesWithChanges: () => Record<string, FileWithChanges>
getCurrentFile: () => FileWithChanges | null
initializeEditor: (config: {
originalFiles: Record<string, OriginalFile>
}) => void
interface TscircuitCodeEditorProps {
// Appearance
className?: string
theme?: 'light' | 'dark'
fontSize?: number
showLineNumbers?: boolean
// Toolbar configuration
showToolbar?: boolean
toolbarItems?: React.ComponentType
// Event handlers
onSave?: (file: FileWithChanges) => Promise<void>
// Custom components
LoadingComponent?: React.ComponentType
FileListComponent?: React.ComponentType<{
files: Record<string, FileWithChanges>
currentPath: string | null
onSelect: (path: string) => void
- Install the package:
bun install @tscircuit/code-editor
- Replace existing CodeEditor implementation with TscircuitCodeEditor:
// Before
// After
const CircuitEditor = () => {
const { getCurrentFile, isLoading } = useTscircuitEditor({
// Provide file loading function
loadInitialFiles: () => fetch(`/package_files/list?package_release_id=${releaseId}`)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(files => files.reduce((acc, file) => ({
[file.path]: file.content
}), {}))
const handleSave = async () => {
const currentFile = getCurrentFile()
if (currentFile?.hasChanges) {
await saveToServer({
path: currentFile.path,
content: currentFile.currentContent
if (isLoading) {
return <LoadingSpinner />
return (
toolbarItems={<>Custom toolbar headers...</>}
import { create } from 'zustand'
const useEditorStore = create<EditorStore>((set, get) => ({
// Initial state
originalFiles: {},
changedFiles: {},
currentFilePath: null,
// Actions
updateContent: (path, content) => {
const originalFile = get().originalFiles[path]
if (!originalFile) return
// Only create change if content is different from original
if (content === originalFile.content) {
// Remove change if content matches original
set((state) => {
const newChanges = { ...state.changedFiles }
delete newChanges[path]
return { changedFiles: newChanges }
} else {
// Update or create change
set((state) => ({
changedFiles: {
[path]: {
lastModified: new Date()
resetChanges: (paths) => {
set((state) => {
if (!paths) return { changedFiles: {} }
const newChanges = { ...state.changedFiles }
paths.forEach(path => {
delete newChanges[path]
return { changedFiles: newChanges }
setCurrentFile: (path) => {
set({ currentFilePath: path })
// Computed
getFilesWithChanges: () => {
const state = get()
return Object.keys(state.originalFiles).reduce((acc, path) => {
const originalFile = state.originalFiles[path]
const change = state.changedFiles[path]
acc[path] = {
originalContent: originalFile.content,
currentContent: change?.content ?? originalFile.content,
hasChanges: !!change,
language: originalFile.language
return acc
}, {} as Record<string, FileWithChanges>)
getCurrentFile: () => {
const state = get()
if (!state.currentFilePath) return null
const files = get().getFilesWithChanges()
return files[state.currentFilePath] || null
initializeEditor: (config) => {
originalFiles: config.originalFiles,
changedFiles: {}, // Reset any existing changes
currentFilePath: Object.keys(config.originalFiles)[0] || null
// Hook implementation
const useTscircuitEditor = (config: EditorConfig) => {
const store = useEditorStore()
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true)
// Initialize immediately
if (config?.loadInitialFiles) {
.then(filesContent => {
const originalFiles = Object.entries(filesContent).reduce(
(acc, [path, content]) => ({
[path]: {
language: path.endsWith('.json') ? 'json' : 'typescript'
store.initializeEditor({ originalFiles })
.finally(() => setIsLoading(false))
return {
export { useTscircuitEditor }