Welcome to create a semester folder struture project! Have you ever wonder why spending one minute creating a folder struture, when you can spend spend 20 seconds or even less doing that? Tired of tediously creating folder structures on Windows? Say goodbye to folder creation monotony, this repo arrives with its mystical Java spells to do the heavy lifting for you!
This project is a java program that serves to streamline the process of creation of folders in different semesters. The program prompts the user to input the semester number and then creates a corresponding directory labeled SEM followed by the semester number. It further assists users by allowing them to specify the number of additional folders they wish to create within this semester directory.
It automatically creates a standardized folder structure within each of these user-defined folders, encompassing subdirectories such as Slides, Labs, ClassesNotes, and ImportantMaterial.
To use the program
- Clone this repo;
- Novigate to the cloned directory;
- cd create.semester.folder.structure;
- Open terminal on the folder;
- Run javac CreateFolderStructure.java;
- java CreateFolderStructure;
- Upon running the program, it will prompt you to enter the semester number.
- Enter the semester number and press Enter.
- Next, it will ask you how many folders you want to create.
- Enter the number of folders you desire and press Enter.
- For each folder, input the folder name as prompted.
The program will create the specified folders within the semester directory and organize them with predefined subfolders like Slides, Labs, ClassesNotes, and ImportantMaterial.
The contribution guidelines are as per the guide HERE(https://github.com/tsdamas/weather-forecast-app/blob/main/CONTRIBUTIONS).
Instructions Fork this Repository Clone your forked repository Add your scripts Commit & Push Create a pull request Star this repository Wait for Pull Request to merge Celebrate, your first step into the open Source World and contribute more
Note: When you Add a project Add it to the README for ease of finding it Note: Please do not put the project link to reference your local forked repo. Always link it to this repo after it's been merged with main.
- Java
Thais Damasceno
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
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