fluent-plugin-out-falcon, a plugin for Fluentd
A fluentd output plugin for sending logs to falcon's push API.
option will be posted to falcon.
It can only be in one line(limited by fluentd), in the form as ([{ruby_hash_items},{ruby_hash_items},...])
The outsider ()
is used to avoid fluentd interpret this line as json.
You can use tag
, time
and record
variables while writing ruby_hash.
@type dummy
tag xx.yyy
dummy {"ip":"", "data1":888, "data2": "message"}
<match xx.yyy>
type falcon
endpoint_url http://localhost:1988/v1/push
records ([{'metric'=>'number_data', 'endpoint'=>record['ip'], 'timestamp'=>time, 'value'=>record['data1'], 'step'=>1, 'counterType'=>'GAUGE', 'tags'=>nil}, {'metric'=>'string_data', 'endpoint'=>record['ip'], 'timestamp'=>time, 'value'=>record['data2'], 'step'=>1, 'counterType'=>'GAUGE', 'tags'=>nil}])
rate_limit_msec 100 # default: 0 = no rate limiting
raise_on_error false # default: true
authentication basic # default: none
username alice # default: ''
password bobpop # default: '', secret: true
Heavily based on fluent-plugin-out-http