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fiber model for the reinforced concrete section

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1-D Fiber Model Analysis




  • Fiber Model Analysis for the reinforced concrete section
  • Concrete: Fafitis and Shah Model
  • Steel : Bi-Linear Model
  • Capable of making pdf report

Table of content

1. Input data/ Sample

Two files are needed for the fiber analyis.

> tree .
├── cntl.csv       ------> control file
├── sec
│    ├── sec.csv   ------> section file
├── result         ------> output dir. if needed
file example file name
control file cntl.csv
section file sec.csv

1.1 control file

example csv data

title, csvfile, theta, nn, ecumax, ndiv, ecu, esu, come, cuvmax, mumax, stressmax, strainmax, output, cal
CW10045,  ./sec/cw1.csv,    0.0, 8466, 0.003, 100, 0.003, 0.01, Fc60/20-D41(SD490), 2.0E-6, -99, -99, 0.02, ./result/CW10045, N
parameter example remark
title CW10045 title name
csvfile ./sec/cw1.csv input section file
theta 0.0 angle of increment strain
nn 8466.0 Axial force in analysis
ecumax 0.005 maximum compressive strain in analysis
ndiv 100 increment divided number
ecu 0.003 ultimate concrete strain limitation for capacity
esu 0.01 ultimate steel bar strain limitation for capacity
come Fc60/20-D41(SD490) comment for report pdf
cuvmax 2.0E-6 graph control/(-99:auto): curvature (1/mm)
mumax -99 graph control/(-99:auto): bending moment (kN.m)
stressmax -99 graph control/(-99:auto): steel bar stress (N/mm2)
strainmax 0.02 graph control/(-99:auto): steel bar strain (-)
output ./result/CW10045 output file name/ need make result dir.
cal Y or N Y: Done Analysis, N: Need Analysis


1.2 section file

Four specified cards are needed for the csv section file.

Item Control for
MATE material select
CAPA allowable capacity
FIBE concrete fiber model
REBA steel bar

1.2.1 MATE

material select example

#, type, parameter
MATE, 1, 42.0
MATE, 2, 490.0
type remark
type material type number as bellow
parameter parameter
type parameter remark
=1 fc(compressive strength) Concrete (Fafitis and Shah Model)
=2 fy(yield stress) Steel Bar ( Bi-Linear)
=3 fc(compressive strength) Concrete (Ignore tension based on num==1)



1.2.2 CAPA

capacity control example

CAPA, 1, 28.0, 2, 490.0
item unit remark
type_c - type num. of concrete material
fc N/mm2 allowable concrete strength
type_s - type num. of steel bar material
fy N/mm2 allowable steel bar strength

1.2.3 FIBE

Concrete fiber geometry data specified as the concrete fiber element by rectanglular shapes.

example data.

#, xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2,ndimx,ndimy,fc_id
FIBE,     0.0,    0.0, 1000.0,  950.0,  20, 19, 0
FIBE,  1000.0,    0.0, 2000.0,  950.0,  20, 19, 0
FIBE,  2000.0,    0.0, 3000.0,  950.0,  20, 19, 0
FIBE,     0.0, 8500.0, 1000.0, 9450.0,  20, 19, 0
FIBE,  1000.0, 8500.0, 2000.0, 9450.0,  20, 19, 0
FIBE,  2000.0, 8500.0, 3000.0, 9450.0,  20, 19, 0
FIBE,  1000.0,  950.0, 2000.0, 8500.0,  20, 151, 0
item unit remark
xx1 mm x cordinate / lower left
yy1 mm y cordinate / lower left
xx2 mm x cordinate / higher right
yy2 mm y cordinate / higher right
ndimx - divided num. for x-dir
ndimy - divided num. for y-dir
fc_id (*1 _ material num.

*1) fc_id -- num. of material card

#, type, parameter
MATE, 1, 42.0    -----> num=0
MATE, 2, 490.0   -----> num=1
.                -----> num=2
.                -----> num=3
.                -----> num=4
.                -----> num=5


1.2.4 REBA

steel bar geometry data example

#, ids,nx,ny,dtx,dty,dia,fy_id
REBA, 0,  7, 7, 100, 100, D41, 1
REBA, 1,  7, 7, 100, 100, D41, 1
REBA, 2,  7, 7, 100, 100, D41, 1
REBA, 3,  7, 7, 100, 100, D41, 1
REBA, 4,  7, 7, 100, 100, D41, 1
REBA, 5,  7, 7, 100, 100, D41, 1
item unit remark
ids (*1 - fiber element num. specified in "FIBE"
nx - bar num. in x-dir.
ny - bar num. in y-dir.
dtx mm distance the center of the bar from extreem compressive element specified rectanglar shape in x-dir.
dty mm distance the center of the bar from extreem compressive element specified rectanglar shape in y-dir.
dia - diameter of the steel bar , "D10" to "D41"
fy_id (*2 - material num.


*1) ids num. of fibe card

#, xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2,ndimx,ndimy,fc_id
FIBE,     0.0,    0.0, 1000.0,  950.0,  20, 19, 0  -----> num=0
FIBE,  1000.0,    0.0, 2000.0,  950.0,  20, 19, 0  -----> num=1
FIBE,  2000.0,    0.0, 3000.0,  950.0,  20, 19, 0  -----> num=2
FIBE,     0.0, 8500.0, 1000.0, 9450.0,  20, 19, 0  -----> num=3
FIBE,  1000.0, 8500.0, 2000.0, 9450.0,  20, 19, 0  -----> num=4
FIBE,  2000.0, 8500.0, 3000.0, 9450.0,  20, 19, 0  -----> num=5
FIBE,  1000.0,  950.0, 2000.0, 8500.0,  20, 151, 0 -----> num=6

*2) fy_id -- num. of material card

#, type, parameter
MATE, 1, 42.0    -----> num=0
MATE, 2, 490.0   -----> num=1
.                -----> num=2
.                -----> num=3
.                -----> num=4
.                -----> num=5

2. Output

outputfile content remark
**mp M-φ relationship csv file
**cap section capacity csv file
*model.png model png file
*mp.png M-φ relationship png file

2.1 mp file


item unit content remark
p 1/mm curvature
mx kN.m bending moment in x-dir.
my kN.m bending moment in y-dir.
emax N/mm2 maximum stress in steel bar / compression bar
emin N/mm2 minimum stress in steel bar / testion bar
esmax - maximum strain in steel bar / compression bar
esmin - minimum strain in steel bar / tention bar
ec - compressive strain of concrete at extreem fiber
xn mm neutral axis distance from the extreem compressive fiber

2.2 cap file


row content
1 crack stage
2 allowable capacity
3 ultimate capacity

3. Report

fibGet give pdf report by pushing report button Image

4. Source code

coded by ptyhon

4.1 Python Scripts


4.2 Others

├── gui.wxg
├── sample_data
│   ├── col_project
│   │   ├── Untitled.pdf
│   │   ├── cntl.csv
│   │   ├── input
│   │   │   └── c1.csv
│   │   └── result
│   └── project
│       ├── Untitled.pdf
│       ├── cntl.csv
│       ├── input
│       │   ├── beam.csv
│       │   ├── beam2.csv
│       │   ├── beam3.csv
│       │   ├── beam4.csv
│       │   ├── c2.csv
│       │   ├── cw1.csv
│       │   └── cw2.csv
│       └── result
├── db
├── fonts
│   └── GenShinGothic-Monospace-Medium.ttf
├── icon
│   ├── fibGet.ico
│   ├── fibGet.png

5. Usage

5.1 for unix

> python3

5.2 For Windows with pyinstaller

By power shell

> pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole --icon=icon/fibGet.ico
> cp ./icon ./dist/icon
> cp ./fonts ./dist/fonts
> mkdir ./dist/db
> ./dist/main/main.exe

5.3 For Windows with nuitka

By power shell

Change, "GetPath()" -> "GetPaths()[0]
>nuitka --mingw64 --follow-imports --onefile --include-data-dir=.\fonts=fonts --include-data-dir=.\icon=icon --include-data-dir=.\db=db --windows-icon-from-ico=./icon/fibGet.ico

6. fibGet

class description
Fiber() calculation of the fiber model
AftFib() data organization after analysis

6.1 Fiber

method description
init(xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2,mate1,mate2) init
viewModelRep(..) make figure of the model to png file
viewModelGui(..) make figure of the model to GUI
createMatrix_steel(..) make matrix fo the steel bar
createMatrix make matrix of the concrete element
out no use
out_add no use
nn0 axial force by specified strain
e0 compressive axial strain by specified axial force
view_sig_c make conter figure by compressibe strain & neutral axis
nnc_c axial force by compressibe strain & neutral axis
mn under develop
mn_ec_xn bending moment and curvature by compressibe strain & neutral axis
xnn curvature by comp. strain & axial force
make_cont make conter figure by comp. strain
soslveBySt bending moment by specified fiber
mnGen generate mn data
mxmy_double mx-my relationship by ecu
solve M-p relationship by specified axial force

6.1.1 init

variable description

6.1.2 Fiber().limitation(kappa_min,kappa_max)

6.2 AftFib

Develop memo

2022.01.28 modified, m_()_m

  • modified script for the ultimate capacity at steel stress limitation.
  • modifed linestyle, width, color in matplot

2023.04.30 modified, m_()_m

  • modified
  • change "linewidth="0.5"" to to "linewidth=0.5"


Package                           Version
--------------------------------- ---------------
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