Website content loaded in iframes from third party content providers, for example YouTube may set cookies and thereby require a visitor's consent.
This module adds Ckeditor plugin which convert Youtube iframe embeds to support cookie consent's. You can choose one of these values: 'preferences', 'statistics', or 'marketing' as data-cookieconsent attribute.
You will find these settings under Content authoring / Iframe cookie consent
Go Configuration / Content authoring / Text formats and editors and edit text format which you want to use Iframe cookie consent.
Now under Enabled filters you will see Iframe cookie consent which you just enable
Youtube video can be embed to content in many way so easiest way to support fields are create or modify field template file.
Here is an example.
{{ attributes }}
{% if url is not empty %}
data-cookieblock-src={{ url }}
class=" cookieconsent-optin-marketing"
{% if query is not empty %}
?{{ query | url_encode }}
{% endif %}
{% if fragment is not empty %}
#{{ fragment }}
{% endif %}"
{% endif %}
<div class="cookieconsent-optout-marketing">
{{ 'Please <a href="javascript:Cookiebot.renew()">accept marketing-cookies</a> to watch this video'|t }}