ZipDiff compares two .zip (.jar, .war, .ear, .rar) files and creates a list of differences. Plain text, .xml, .html and even a .zip file are supported as output formats.
ZipDiff can be executed as command line tool or Ant task.
java -jar zipdiff.jar --source --target [options]
Valid options are:
compares the CRC values in addition to file size--comparetimestamps
compares timestamps in addition to file size--excluderegex <regex>
excludes file names matching regex from comparison--excludescmfiles
excludes SCM folders from comparison (SCCS, RCS, CVS, .svn, .bzr, .hg, .git)--output <name>
name of the output file--trimoutputlevels <n>
number of path segments to trim in the output file--trimsourcelevels <n>
number of path segments to trim in the source file--trimtargetlevels <n>
number of path segments to trim in the target file--errorondifference
use "error" return code (2) if differences have been detected rather than 1--verbose
print detailed messages
This version can be found at
The original zipdiff project was developed by Sean C. Sullivan and James Stewart at
License: see LICENSE.txt