Upload a file directly to your dropbox in one line. Installs using APT (N/A yet).
sudo apt-get install dropcopy
dropcopy [path of file to copy]
dropcopy -src [path of file to copy] -dst [dropbox path]
Copy a file to a specific directory in your Dropbox. Creating missing directories. Will prompt for username and password.
dropcopy -src [path of file to copy] -dst [dropbox path] --force
Copy a file to the root directory of your Dropbox. Explicitly stating username and password (not recommended since it shows up in history).
dropcopy -usr [dropbox username] -psw [dropbox password] -src [path of file to copy]
Copy a file to the root directory of your Dropbox. Loading username and password from a config file.
dropcopy -conf [path of config file] -src [path of file to copy]
dropcopy ~/awesome-file-in-the-house.zip
dropcopy -src ~/filez/awezum-file.txt -dst /awezum-file123.txt
dropcopy -src ~/filez/awezum-file.txt -dst /my-dropbox-textfiles/that_i_like/super_awesome/awezum-file123.txt --force
dropcopy -usr catsnapper123 -psw OHMAHSECRETPSW999 -src ~/awesome-file.zip
dropcopy -conf /etc/dropcopy/auth.conf -src ~/awesome-file.zip