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Creating your own stale feature flag cleanup script

Ameya Ketkar edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 1 revision


mkdir my-ff-cleanup && cd my-ff-cleanup
python3 -m venv .env && source .env/bin/activate
pip install polyglot-piranha

Create a script :

from polyglot_piranha import run_piranha_cli
from logging import info 

path_to_codebase = "..." # Path to your codebase
path_to_configurations = "..." # Path to your configurations
run_piranha_cli(path_to_codebase, path_to_configurations)

Check if your API usage is similar to the ones shown in the demo (java-demo) or in the test resources (java-ff_system1, java-ff_system2, kt-ff_system1, kt-ff_system2).

Then adapt the argument file as per your requirements. For instance, you may want to update the value corresponding to the @stale_flag_name and @treated. If your rules do not contain require other tags feel free to remove them from your arguments file. In most cases edges file is not required, unless your feature flag system API rules are inter-dependent.

Creating your own configurations

To onboard a new feature flag system users will have to specify the <path-to-configurations>/rules.toml and <path-to-configurations>/edges.toml files (look here). The rules.toml will contain rules that identify the usage of a feature flag system API. Defining edges.toml is required if your feature flag system API rules are inter-dependent. For instance, you want to delete a method declaration with specific annotations and then update its usages with some boolean value. Please refer to the test-resources/java for detailed examples.

Adding a new API usage

The example below shows a usage of a feature flag API (experiment.isTreated(STALE_FLAG)), in a if_statement.

class PiranhaDemo {

    void demoMethod(ExperimentAPI experiment){
        // Some code
        if (experiment.isTreated(STALE_FLAG)) {
            // Do something
        } else {
            // Do something else
        // Do other things

In the case when STALE_FLAG is treated, we would expect Piranha to refactor the code as shown below (assuming that STALE_FLAG is treated) :

class PiranhaDemo {

    void demoMethod(ExperimentAPI experiment){
        // Some code
        // Do something
        // Do other things

This can be achieved by adding a rule in the input_rules.toml file (as shown below) :

name = "Enum Based, toggle enabled"
query = """((
        name : (_) @n1
        arguments: ((argument_list
                          (field_access field: (_)@f)
                          (_) @f
                         ])) )

    ) @mi
(#eq? @n1 "isTreated")
(#eq? @f "@stale_flag_name")
replace_node = "mi"
replace = "@treated"
groups = [ "replace_expression_with_boolean_literal"]
holes = ["treated", "stale_flag_name"]

This specifies a rule that matches against expressions like exp.isTreated(SOME_FLAG_NAME) and replaces it with true or false. The query property of the rule contains a tree-sitter query that is matched against the source code. The node captured by the tag-name specified in the replace_node property is replaced with the pattern specified in the replace property. The replace pattern can use the tags from the query to construct a replacement based on the match (like regex-replace).

Each rule also contains the groups property, that specifies the kind of change performed by this rule. Based on this group, appropriate cleanup will be performed by Piranha. For instance, replace_expression_with_boolean_literal will trigger deep cleanups to eliminate dead code (like eliminating consequent of a if statement) caused by replacing an expression with a boolean literal. Currently, Piranha provides deep clean-ups for edits that belong the groups - replace_expression_with_boolean_literal, delete_statement, and delete_method. Basically, by adding an appropriate entry to the groups, a user can hook up their rules to the pre-built cleanup rules.

Adding "Cleanup Rule" to the groups which ensures that the user defined rule is treated as a cleanup rule not as a seed rule (For more details refer to demo/find_replace_custom_cleanup).

A user can also define exclusion filters for a rule (rules.constraints). These constraints allow matching against the context of the primary match. For instance, we can write a rule that matches the expression new ArrayList<>() and exclude all instances that occur inside static methods (For more details, refer to the demo/match_only).

At a higher level, we can say that - Piranha first selects AST nodes matching rules.query, excluding those that match any of the rules.constraints.queries (within rules.constraints.matcher). It then replaces the node identified as rules.replace_node with the formatted (using matched tags) content of rules.replace.

Parameterizing the behavior of the feature flag API

The rule contains holes or template variables that need to be instantiated. For instance, in the above rule @treated and @stale_flag_name need to be replaced with some concrete value so that the rule matches only the feature flag API usages corresponding to a specific flag, and replace it specifically with true or false. To specify such a behavior, user should create a piranha_arguments.toml file as shown below (assuming that the behavior of STALE_FLAG is treated):

language = ["java"]
substitutions = [
    ["stale_flag_name", "STALE_FLAG"],
    ["treated", "true"]

This file specifies that, the user wants to perform this refactoring for java files. The substitutions field captures mapping between the tags and their corresponding concrete values. In this example, we specify that the tag named stale_flag_name should be replaced with STALE_FLAG and treated with true.

In Progress ...

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