An Apache Camel Jetty implementation that queries an activity stream dataset, fetches the target resource content from Trellis, and then writes the resource bodies to a Fuseki managed dataset as RDF.
If running outside of docker, add an entry in /etc/hosts to map "trellis" to the container IP address. To get this address run:
docker inspect trellis | grep IPAddress
The query endpoint is exposed at http://localhost:9095/events
This example requests events with resources that match an rdf:type
$ http://localhost:9095/events?type=rdf:type&
Start trellis-compose
The main use case of this pipeline is to enable repository resources to be grouped as typed collections in named graphs.
This makes a graph of manifests that contain a specific metadata value.
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX sc: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
CONSTRUCT {?manifest sc:metadataLabels ?llist .
?manifest rdf:type sc:Manifest .
?lmid rdf:first ?label .
?label rdfs:label ?k .
?label rdf:value ?v .
?lmid rdf:rest ?llast .
} WHERE {GRAPH ?g {?manifest sc:metadataLabels ?llist .
?llist rdf:rest* ?lmid .
?lmid rdf:first ?label .
?label rdfs:label ?k .
?label rdf:value ?v .
?lmid rdf:rest ?llast .
FILTER(?v = "Leipzig University Library")
curl -v -H"Accept: application/ld+json" "http://localhost:3330/res/query?*%20%3Flmid%20.%0A%3Flmid%20rdf%3Afirst%20%3Flabel%20.%0A%3Flabel%20rdfs%3Alabel%20%3Fk%20.%0A%3Flabel%20rdf%3Avalue%20%3Fv%20.%0A%3Flmid%20rdf%3Arest%20%3Fllast%20.%0AFILTER(%3Fv%20%3D%20%22Leipzig%20University%20Library%22)%0A%7D%7D"