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Posting Articles

willmcdonald edited this page Sep 25, 2015 · 6 revisions

How to publish stories with Dispatch

Creating new articles

New stories can be created by selecting "New Article" under Quick Actions on the Dispatch home page (requires later selecting the section to publish to), or by first selecting a section from the top menu, then clicking the "New Article" button in the top right corner. This will load the editing window.

Editing the text of the article

The actual text of the story goes in the big window under the headline. The text can be modified with the toolbar at the top of the window. What you see is what you get in the editor (i.e. bold text shows up as bold, rather than wrapped in tags. The function of the icons (Bold, Italicize, Underline, H1, H2, H#, Bulleted list, Hyperlink) should be self-explanatory.

Article embed types

Clicking the + icon to the left of the cursor shows the options for article embed types

  • Image - opens a window showing available images. New images can also be uploaded from this window. Click on an Image to select it. This is also the place to attribute credit to a photographer if it hasn't already been done. Click the "insert" button in the bottom right corner to add the image to the post. Once the image has been inserted, a caption can be added in the editing window.

  • Gallery - A collection of images. Either pick an existing gallery, or select "Create gallery" new to make your own: click on the images you would like to add, select "insert," which will create a new gallery that can be added to the post.

  • Video - Embeds a YouTube video in a post. Enter the url, and click "insert." You will then have a chance to give the video a title, caption and credit.

  • Advertisement - Ads will automatically be embedded in posts. Only use this for feature stories where custom ad placement is required.

  • Pull Quote - Embeds a pull quote in the post. Put the text of the quote in the content field, the attribution in the credit field.

Article Options

  • Featured Image - the main image of a post, what shows up on social media. Add in the Featured Image tab.

  • Delivery - controls when people see stories on our homepage. This is driven by an algorithm base on importance, reading time and date published. This is designed to ensure that our home page consistently displays relevant stories

  • Importance: 1 is the least important, 5 is the most important.
  • Reading time: The time of day the story would be best read. Shorter stories should be given morning or midday, longer stories should be given evening.
  • Template - automatically set to default. Selecting "Full Width Story" gives the post a feature layout. Selecting Full under image size gives the post a featured image that spans the width of the screen.

  • SEO - enter focus keyword and meta description. The focus keyword should be contained in the article headline and page url. The meta description should be 150-160 characters.

Saving, Previewing, Publishing and Updating

The following are required fields in order to save an article. Good to add these early on and save before getting too deep into editing a story.

  • Headline - what it sounds like

  • Slug - what follows the section in the url

  • Section - automatically populated if article was created within a section tab.

  • Author - got to give credit where it's due. Select a current author from the drop down, or type the name of a new author and hit enter to add

  • Snippet - brief description of the article, shows up on social media, search engines

  • Saving - once the post has its requirements filled, it can be saved. Every time the post is saved a new version is created. Past versions can be accessed under the versions button

  • Article statuses - new posts are automatically assigned draft status. Other statues can be selected in the dropdown to indicate the editing stage of a post.

  • Preview - opens a new window showing what the post would look like if published

  • Publish - makes the story live on our site! Once the story has been published, this button changes to "unpublish" which will take down the story.

  • Update - saves changes to the draft of the post. Changes won't be live until "Publish" is clicked again