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Create and stage new year

Wasila Dahdul edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 12 revisions

Note: Before a new year's website is created, be sure to archive the prior year's site.

To create and stage the files for the new year's site:

1) Make a copy of current year's content in _data/yml_YYYY, _includes/YYYY_includes, _layouts, and _YYYY_pages.

2) Update YYYY in these new files to corresponding year.

Your changes will look something like this:


3) In _config.yml in repository home directory, add current year _YYYY_pages to include for google site verification:


(Note: ignore _2016_pages in this list. That is the original pages folder that came with this website template, we just haven't gotten around to deleting it.)

4) The copy/paste/rename steps above will not be reflected on the actual website until index.html in the repo home directory is updated to the new year's layout.

The web team can work on updating the new files until such point that the new year's website is ready to go live. Steps to take before that point:

  • Any year reference in _includes/, _layouts/, and _pages/ needs to be updated to current year. A search and replace is usually the easiest way to do this (e.g., search '2023' and replace with '2024').
  • Year-specific information in _data/ should be updated. Confirm or update campus contacts (listed in contacts.yml) and event dates for that year (dates.yml).
  • Create a layout option (YYY_home_TBA.html) that includes 'coming soon' information from interim.html and does not include the calendar. This is the layout to specify in index.html that will act as a placeholder until the site is fully updated with the new year's content. The new layout (YYYY_home_TBA.html) file should include the following:
    • {% include 2025_includes/intro.html %}
    • {% include 2025_includes/interim.html %}
    • {% include 2025_includes/sponsors.html %}
    • {% include 2025_includes/contact.html %}
    • {% include 2025_includes/footer.html %}
    • {% include 2025_includes/js.html %}
  • Comment out portions of the year's header-menu.html in _includes/ so that speakers, workshops, and calendar are not available.