This is a script to generate a PGS file in the UKB
Please follow the UKB file to download the data and do some basic QC. We will generate PGS using PRSice2, save the polygenic scores and run a seperate regression as and when needed.
First, read this file for downloading UKB files:
Ensure the key is downloaded in the file and saved as .ukbkey
The scripts below help you download the genetics file
for i in {1..22}; do ./ukbgene imp -c$i; done #this downloads the BGEN files
for i in {1..22}; do ./ukbgene imp -m -c$i; done
./ukbgene imp -cX
./ukbgene imp -cXY
./ukbgene imp -m -cX
./ukbgene imp -m -cXY
To download the phenotypic file, please see the email you have, and download the file and save it in the R format.
for i in {1..21}; do ./plink2 --bgen ukb_imp_chr${i}_v3.bgen --sample ukb20904_imp_chr${i}_v3_s487334.sample --make-bed -out ukbchr${i} --maf 0.01 --geno 0.05 --threads 10 --hwe 0.000001 --mind 0.05; done
./plink --bfile ukbchr1 --merge-list bmergfile.txt --extract snpextractfile.txt --make-bed --out UKB2_autosomes
for i in {1..22}; do ./plink --bfile ukbchr${i} --exclude UKB2_autosomes-merge.missnp --make-bed --out ukbchr_v2_${i}; done
./plink --bfile ukbchr_v2_1 --merge-list bmerg2.txt --make-bed --out UKB2_autosomes
./plink --bfile UKB2_autosomes --extract snpextractfile.txt --make-bed --out UKB2_prsicefile
#casecontrol gwas
for i in autismdanerforprsice sczprsice; do Rscript PRSice2.R --dir . \
--prsice ./PRSice2_linux --base ./pgssumstats/${i}.txt \
--target ~/UKB_v2/Plink_files/UKB2_autosomes \
--thread 20 \
--stat OR \
--binary-target T \
--out ./PRSice2results/UKB2_autosomes_${i} \
--bar-levels 0.0001,0.001,0.01,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1 \
--no-regress \
--fastscore; done
#quantitative trait gwas
for i in eduyears SQprsice cognitionprsice rmetprsice empathyprsice friendshipmtagprsice familymtagprsice EQ; \
do Rscript PRSice2.R \
--dir . \--prsice ./PRSice2_linux \
--base ./pgssumstats/${i}.txt \
--target ~/UKB_v2/Plink_files/UKB2_autosomes \
--thread 10 \
--stat BETA \
--binary-target T \
--out ./PRSice2results/UKB2_autosomes_${i} \
--bar-levels 0.0001,0.001,0.01,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1 \
--no-regress \
--fastscore; done
I provide an example script below, all done in R.
bd <- fread("~/UKB_v2/", header=TRUE, sep="\t")
#bd$f.53.0.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.53.0.0)
#bd$f.53.1.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.53.1.0)
#bd$f.53.2.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.53.2.0)
#bd$f.20400.0.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.20400.0.0) # date of cancer diagnosis
#bd$f.40005.0.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.0.0)
#bd$f.40005.1.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.1.0)
#bd$f.40005.2.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.2.0)
#bd$f.40005.3.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.3.0)
#bd$f.40005.4.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.4.0)
#bd$f.40005.5.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.5.0)
#bd$f.40005.6.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.6.0)
#bd$f.40005.7.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.7.0)
#bd$f.40005.8.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.8.0)
#bd$f.40005.9.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.9.0)
#bd$f.40005.10.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.10.0)
#bd$f.40005.11.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.11.0)
#bd$f.40005.12.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.12.0)
#bd$f.40005.13.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.13.0)
#bd$f.40005.14.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.14.0)
#bd$f.40005.15.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.15.0)
#bd$f.40005.16.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.16.0)
#bd$f.40005.17.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.17.0)
#bd$f.40005.18.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.18.0)
#bd$f.40005.19.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.19.0)
#bd$f.40005.20.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.20.0)
#bd$f.40005.21.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.21.0)
#bd$f.40005.22.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.22.0)
#bd$f.40005.23.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.23.0)
#bd$f.40005.24.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.24.0)
#bd$f.40005.25.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.25.0)
#bd$f.40005.26.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.26.0)
#bd$f.40005.27.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.27.0)
#bd$f.40005.28.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.28.0)
#bd$f.40005.29.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.29.0)
#bd$f.40005.30.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.30.0)
#bd$f.40005.31.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.40005.31.0)
#bd$f.42006.0.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.42006.0.0) # first trike outcome
#bd$f.42008.0.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.42008.0.0) # ischemic stroke outcome
#bd$f.42010.0.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.42010.0.0) # introcerebral heamorrhage
#bd$f.42012.0.0 <- as.Date(bd$f.42012.0.0) # subarachnoid heamorrhage
#How to create a file for analysis
pheno = bd[,c("f.eid", "yourpheno", "f.31.0.0", "f.22009.0.1",
"f.22009.0.2", "f.22009.0.3", "f.22009.0.4", "f.22009.0.5",
"f.22009.0.6", "f.22009.0.7", "f.22009.0.8", "f.22009.0.9",
"f.22009.0.10", "f.22009.0.11", "f.22009.0.12", "f.22009.0.13",
"f.22009.0.14", "f.22009.0.15", "f.22009.0.16", "f.22009.0.17",
"f.22009.0.18", "f.22009.0.19", "f.22009.0.20", "f.22009.0.21",
"f.22009.0.22", "f.22009.0.23", "f.22009.0.24", "f.22009.0.25",
"f.22009.0.26", "f.22009.0.27", "f.22009.0.28", "f.22009.0.29",
"f.22009.0.30", "f.22009.0.31", "f.22009.0.32", "f.22009.0.33",
"f.22009.0.34", "f.22009.0.35", "f.22009.0.36", "f.22009.0.37",
"f.22009.0.38", "f.22009.0.39", "f.22009.0.40", "f.34.0.0",
"f.22006.0.0","f.22000.0.0", "f.22007.0.0", "f.22027.0.0",
"f.22001.0.0", "f.22021.0.0")]
pheno2 = pheno[!$yourpheno),] #remove items that are na in the pheno
pheno2 = pheno2[!$f.22006.0.0),] #remove non-europeans
pheno2$checksex = ifelse(pheno2$f.31.0.0 == pheno2$f.22001.0.0, "correct", "incorrect")
pheno2 = subset(pheno2, checksex == "correct") # remove sex mismatches
pheno2 = pheno2[$f.22027.0.0),] #remove excessive heterozygosity
#The dreaded removal of related individuals. This is a basic script, and removes more individuals than needed.
rel = fread("~/UKB_v2/ukb20904_rel_s488302.dat")
rel2 = subset(rel, Kinship > 0.0884) #equivalent to 3rd degree relatives
alpha = count(rel2, vars = "ID1")
setnames(alpha, 2, "ID1_freq")
rel2 = merge(rel2, alpha)
one = subset(rel2, ID1_freq > 1)
pheno2 = pheno2[!(pheno2$f.eid %in% one$ID1),]
two = subset(rel2, ID1_freq < 2)
pheno2 = pheno2[!(pheno2$f.eid %in% two$ID2),]