DeepARTransit (Deep Auto-Regressive Transit) is a Python/Tensorflow package for de-trending transit light curves. It implements a stacked Long Short-Term Memory network nicknamed TLCD-LSTM (standing for Transit Light Curve Detrending LSTM), which:
- is trained to predict the next step's mean and standard deviation of a gaussian likelihood, in a similar fashion as in
- rather than predicting in the future, the model is used for interpolating the input time-series on an inner chunk - typically on the in-transit time for transit light curves. No loss is computed on this range, where the input time-series values are substituted by the previous prediction (ancestral sampling).
Used on a transit lightcurve, the output of the TLCD-LSTM provides a prediction for the stellar+instrumental noise, from which one can then infer the obstructed flux due to the planetary transit by fitting a physical model to the detrended lightcurve.
- Pointing to an experiment folder containing a parameter file
$ python -e experiment_folder_path
- Pointing to a configuration file
$ python -c configuration_file_path
Example notebook for plotting and fitting results: post_processing.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
It can be cited using the following bibtex entry:
author = {Morvan, Mario},
title = {{DeepARTransit: A library for interpolating and detrending transit light curves with LSTMs.}},
month = Dec,
year = 2019,
doi = {190091225},
version = {1.1},
publisher = {Zenodo},
url = {}