Releases: uiwjs/react-native-uiw
Releases · uiwjs/react-native-uiw
- 🐝 refactor(SegmentedControl): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 9fc412f @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge pull request #537 from nullptr-z/dev 8432b58 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(ActionSheet):修改ActionSheet点击不显示 49a396a @huqiaoli
- 🐞 fix(Calendar): 增加默认值 dbe19da @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Calendar): 新增api 试例 bb3c6b5 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev ce79e5d @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: 修改首页新建页面文档 1b9ba3b @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 修改首页 react-native-template文档 549e1ca @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: 删除热更新菜单栏 8fa4790 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix: 文档没有页脚问题修复 7d3dc4e @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix(Calendar): renderDay增加返回当前日历时间 366acc6 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix: 明暗主题展示不明显问题 4772a07 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 团队界面明暗主题色修改 f18e35c @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge pull request #538 from huqiaoli/dev 92809e3 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix: 明暗主题按钮边框 834e7f3 @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge pull request #539 from nullptr-z/dev 8a09ff6 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 docs:解决冲突 6181046 @-
- 🐞 fix: 修复build报错 5e173ab @-
- 🐝 refactor(Empty): 重构Empty为函数组件 a5c59ea @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls 6256b62 @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 65402e4 @panbibi
- 📄 deps: update @uiw/react-native to v3.0.8 c6876f7 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 增加组件示例和优化组件功能展示 6e2c8d8 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #513 from hy916/dev a986d9e @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: 增加热更新跳转链接 631299f @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls 6ea28f2 @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev de0a4d4 @panbibi
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 5fa2a82 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Loader): 组件重 构为function组件 be95d58 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐝 refactor(CheckBox): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 5a82907 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修改CheckBox测试用例 bf11d5d @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix(Empty): 修改Empty测试用例报错 6bb4f2b @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls b0d00d0 @-
- 🐞 fix(WingBlank): 修改WingBlank MarkDown为函数组件文档 0099742 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #514 from nullptr-z/dev 5c5d3f7 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(DatePicker):修改时分秒值 0962e55 @huqiaoli
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev e0e8de4 @huqiaoli
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls a999653 @-
- 📖 doc: 新增react-native-template目录 537d76f @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev fd8ec28 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #515 from rulishu/rls 507337c @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev f3645e3 @huqiaoli
- 🐞 fix(MenuDopdown): 重构MenuDopdown组件 e207e07 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐝 refactor(Drawer): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 ec62e01 @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge pull request #516 from nullptr-z/dev a64f4ac @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 增加组件示例 1daa6b2 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 增加组件示例 e68b703 @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 6270511 @panbibi
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls 1532c76 @-
- 🐝 refactor(Tooltip): 使用函数组件替换Class组件 0093472 @panbibi
- 📄 Merge pull request #519 from huqiaoli/dev a9ead79 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #517 from hy916/dev f15387a @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Button): 修改Button MarkDownw为函数组件 c811495 @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls dfa9333 @-
- 🐝 refactor(MenuDropdown): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 bc5214c @nullptr-z
- 📖 - 📖 docs(ButtonGroup): 修改ButtonGroup文档为函数组件 6560508 @-
- 🐞 fix: 添加@babel/preset-env依赖,解决构建报错 9ae56b7 @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev c4a6bf7 @panbibi
- 🐞 fix: 添加@babel/plugin依赖,解决构建报错 f0c6313 @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge pull request #521 from nullptr-z/dev 0edb15d @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Tooltip&Empty): 修复测试用例报错问题 d9f6a03 @panbibi
- 🐞 fix: 优化Table组件,处理Table自定义样式不变化的问题 eb6251a @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls a1b54a9 @-
- 🐞 fix(Card&Calendar&CardCollapse): 修改MarkDown文档为函数 f1633e4 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #520 from panbibi/dev 8401f55 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #522 from rulishu/rls bef08cd @ChenlingasMx
- 🐝 refactor(Rating): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 45af50f @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 652af49 @huqiaoli
- 📖 doc:增加react-native-template文档 a5c0eca @huqiaoli
- 🐞 fix(DatePicker):修改时分秒值 159a7a3 @huqiaoli
- 🐝 refactor(MenuDropdown): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 92eee4a @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 添加@babel/preset-env依赖,解决构建报错 37d9622 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 添加@babel/plugin依赖,解决构建报错 b6d1057 @nullptr-z
- 🐝 refactor(Tooltip): 使用函数组件替换Class组件 5375e34 @panbibi
- 🐞 fix(Tooltip&Empty): 修复测试用例报错问题 a26f40d @panbibi
- 🐞 fix(Button): 修改Button MarkDownw为函数组件 d7f188b @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs(ButtonGroup): 修改ButtonGroup文档为函数组件 87391b4 @-
- 🐞 fix(Card&Calendar&CardCollapse): 修改MarkDown文档为函数 1e39828 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #523 from nullptr-z/dev 708df71 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐝 refactor(Rating): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 96845e8 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix(swiper):优化闪烁跳动指定位置 62c616a @huqiaoli
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' into dev 60c9d1a @hy916
- 📄 Merge pull request #526 from huqiaoli/dev 09a0ac2 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #525 from hy916/dev d4193d0 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐝 refactor(NoticeBar): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 03a2d49 @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge pull request #527 from nullptr-z/dev bd8f34f @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:添加mock模拟数据文档 620561c @panbibi
- 🐞 fix(Divider): 修改Divider MarkDown为函数组件 f1c7a95 @-
- 🐞 fix(Result): 修改Result为函数组件 2621eed @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #528 from panbibi/dev fe0bc76 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #529 from rulishu/rls 22d7953 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 修改请求接口文档 5334f82 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐝 refactor(Radio): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 ca555b5 @nullptr-z
- 📄 Merge pull request #530 from nullptr-z/dev 69e1d80 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐝 refactor(Result): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 aa91d76 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Card): 修复选中后报错 76ad0e4 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev a9aef67 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:添加新增页面文档 6c73ff0 @huqiaoli
- 📖 doc(List): 修改title错误描述 2bb0e4e @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(List): 修改文档title api 错误描述 40a8113 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: 添加日志管理文档页面 9d80015 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #533 from huqiaoli/dev 8d0ca2e @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #532 from rulishu/rls c64f201 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #531 from nullptr-z/dev d3b3e62 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐝 refactor(SearchInputBar): 使用Function组件重构 Class组件 a7dcc22 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc:添加菜单路由管理文档 f13d4de @panbibi
- 🐞 fix:修复合并冲突问题 26ac496 @panbibi
- 🐞 fix: 完善日志管理页面内容 bf51646 @-
- 🐞 fix(Calendar): 增加onChange & showBar api a8fe373 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 3c8077c @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(TextArea): 修复onChange事件无效 72ed68d @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #534 from nullptr-z/dev 8c3fe20 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #535 from panbibi/dev abc3c60 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #536 from rulishu/rls 81390cf @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Calendar): 增加renderDay功能 e67e434 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Modal): 重构模态框组件文档 c119e7a @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Picker): 重构选择器组件文档 545a636 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Result): 重构结果页组件文档 c896c44 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(SpeedDial): 重构悬浮标记组件文档 e8933cf @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Swiper): 重构轮播图组件文档 64589b1 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Tabs): 重构选项卡组件文档 4aa8494 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(TreeSelect): 重构级联选择器组件文档 3eccd33 @nullptr-z
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Slider文档 dbbc600 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Switch文档 4763798 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化SearchBar文档 c8c8fc2 @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' 527b94b @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Avatar文档 d84c56a @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Badge文档 4ab39a8 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Ellipsis文档 c7041d1 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Grid文档 75043d6 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Avatar文档 8f127e5 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Badge文档 70c90e7 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Ellipsis文档 102a11f @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 优化Grid文档 5fd55f1 @-
- 🐞 fix: add eslintignore 1408433 @-
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 2c1c1a1 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: add eslintignore b0b7587 @xingyuefeng
- 📖 doc(Tile): 重构工具提示文档 a32e624 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 图片引入报错问题 db4455e @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 8103772 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 b374f8a @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Tile): 重构工具提示文档 ac9fee8 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 图片引入报错问题 9326826 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 ac788b7 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Steps): 重构步骤条组件文档 b6ced79 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Progress): 重构进度条组件文档 5b81c7e @nullptr-z
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 更新文档预览方式 b72addf @-
- 🐞 fix: 优化List组件文档 f4eaf39 @-
- 🐞 fix: 优化Timeline组件文档 ea38886 @-
- 🐞 fix: 优化QuickList组件文档 ceb0f86 @-
- 🐞 fix: 优化quicklist组件文档 acd3df3 @-
- 📖 doc(Steps): 重构步骤条组件文档 0652ece @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Progress): 重构进度条组件文档 9bf7649 @nullptr-z
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 更新文档预览方式 f88365a @-
- 🐞 fix: 优化List组件文档 517e441 @-
- 🐞 fix: 优化Timeline组件文档 58d65a3 @-
- 🐞 fix: 优化QuickList组件文档 60a8370 @-
- 🐞 fix: 优化quicklist组件文档 7b31b9d @-
- 📖 doc(Modal): 重构模态框组件文档 b759617 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修改ios环境安装README 4c383c8 @-
- 🐞 fix: 修改ios环境安装README 46ddf84 @xingyuefeng
- 🌟 feat(progress):新增Progress测试用例 cbb511a @huqiaoli
- 🐞 fix(swiper):修改点击设置初始位置 6714202 @huqiaoli
- 🐞 fix: 修复关于uiw底部foote不显示 15dd170 @-
- 🐞 fix: 完善文档 1ecd16d @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls b06ec65 @-
- 🌟 feat(progress):新增Progress测试用例 77f9268 @huqiaoli
- 🐞 fix(swiper):修改点击设置初始位置 cfd9ea3 @huqiaoli
- 🐞 fix: 修复关于uiw底部foote不显示 0f4cae4 @-
- 🐞 fix: 完善文档 2cbd76c @-
- 🐞 fix: 调整底部链接样式 cb9e909 @-
- 🐞 fix: 增加文档底部链接 ab0cd98 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 更新文档预览方式 43402b5 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 更新文档预览方式 090590d @xingyuefeng
- 🐞 fix: 增加文档底部链接 479c7a2 @-
- 🐞 fix: 增加文档底部链接 882960d @-
- 🐞 fix: 增加文档底部链接 45505cb @-
- 🐞 fix: RN组件github编辑跳转 10e86a7 @-
- 🐞 fix: 解决merge冲突 a131267 @-
- 🐞 fix: RN组件底部文字显示 6b853e6 @-
- 🐞 fix: RN组件底部文字显示 (#463) 057e7d6 @rulishu
- 📖 - 📖 docs: 更新文档预览方式 04171f2 @xingyuefeng
- 🐞 fix: 增加文档底部链接 348f027 @xingyuefeng
- 🐞 fix: 增加文档底部链接 6cc1072 @xingyuefeng
- 🐞 fix: RN组件底部文字显示 (#463) 8bb9746 @rulishu
- 📖 - 📖 docs: update input docs 9ff3632 @xingyuefeng
- 🎨 style:统一文档内容暂时宽度 f5d0335 @SunLxy
- 🎨 style:统一文档内容宽度 (#466) c3f1c2d @SunLxy
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into yb 102a735 @yaob421123
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls 3ee12fd @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 35339ee @huqiaoli
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档修改 edefc58 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 4ba4365 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 7615235 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #467 from uiwjs/dev 65f6c2c @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 添加CardCollapse 可折叠卡片列表 文档实例 d7c16ee @-
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档修改 ba3a797 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 0d54f72 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 2a5626e @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 - 📖 docs: update swiper docs f8ad500 @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls c8d4df1 @-
- 📄 优化日历视图和更改错别字 e87a77e @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into yb e9e9c7b @yaob421123
- ⛑ test: perfect component test 17c73ad @yaob421123
- 🎨 style: 增加样式不显示组件轮廓 42f8e76 @-
- 📄 解决折叠卡片列表点击折叠报错 4837e26 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #473 from rulishu/rls cd04511 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #471 from hy916/dev ada861f @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into yb ad175c0 @yaob421123
- ⛑ test(Icon): add Icon test d2c572f @yaob421123
- 🌟 feat(rating):新增Rating测试用例 61745fd @huqiaoli
- 📖 doc(icon): 修改文档预览 81e6e7b @-
- 📖 doc(icon): 增加实例 c9081b2 @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 85abf80 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #476 from huqiaoli/dev e6e004e @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #475 from star-hamster/dev 1df1684 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #474 from yaob421123/yb 992dcea @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls 7efa893 @-
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档修改 90d0ebd @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 39e5576 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 7195c0b @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Tile): 重构工具提示文档 e623b0b @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 图片引入报错问题 552cd17 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 44fca5d @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 2d73013 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复关于uiw底部foote不显示 5007ec9 @-
- 📖 - 📖 docs: update swiper docs af53588 @-
- 🌟 feat(rating):新增Rating测试用例 1ef5c0b @huqiaoli
- 🎨 style: 增加样式不显示组件轮廓 263a83f @-
- 📖 doc(icon): 修改文档预览 09c4b8a @-
- 📖 doc(icon): 增加实例 ec5b463 @-
- ⛑ test: perfect component test 7f10529 @yaob421123
- ⛑ test(Icon): add Icon test 2f82ff0 @yaob421123
- 📄 text(WingBlank): 添加测试用力 2923f88 @ChenlingasMx
- ⛑ test(Divider): fix test be53cdd @yaob421123
- 📄 Merge pull request #477 from yaob421123/yb 3c3b584 @ChenlingasMx
- ⛑ test(Flex): add test c8e5274 @yaob421123
- ⛑ test(Flex): add test 19fbe16 @yaob421123
- 📄 Merge pull request #478 from yaob421123/yb 6a65c94 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls 856a515 @-
- ⛑ test(swiper):添加swiper测试用例 2a40a11 @-
- 📖 doc(Typography): 增加文档预览 d271d2b @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev ffc4dcd @-
- ⛑ test(Table): add test c2875c5 @yaob421123
- ⛑ test(Tooltip): 增加测试用力 0bdbe03 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #480 from star-hamster/dev 4172da5 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #481 from yaob421123/yb 298e85b @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #479 from rulishu/rls 7bdd489 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' af0c7ff @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(doc): 文档主题色 BUG 修复 2febe55 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix(doc): 恢复错误更改 d759ad1 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(SearchBar): 修改SearchBar api文档 15bf909 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Flex): 修改api文档 816a7f3 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 fix:修改Avatar 头像文档 54342e7 @-
- 📄 fix:修改Rating 评分组件文档 b1b5b1c @-
- 🐞 fix(doc): 修复Controller类型错误 4a349d7 @nullptr-z
- ⛑ test(Radio):添加Radio测试用例 cbf2933 @huqiaoli
- 📄 Merge pull request #482 from nullptr-z/dev 9275dd0 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 - 📖 docs(maskLayer): 修改MaskLayer文档 6ebec2c @-
- 📄 fix:添加NoticeBar 通告栏组件测试用例 8d98455 @-
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档修改 6325a09 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 4ab7f6e @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 1fd2ee4 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 fa64992 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 20d5079 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复关于uiw底部foote不显示 fb775e4 @-
- ⛑ test: add ActionBar component test 81b7fbb @yaob421123
- 📄 text(WingBlank): 添加测试用力 ff69777 @ChenlingasMx
- ⛑ test(Divider): fix test 18add97 @yaob421123
- ⛑ test(Flex): add test cf218f7 @yaob421123
- ⛑ test(Flex): add test d1ddd8f @yaob421123
- ⛑ test(Tooltip): 增加测试用力 ee3bfe2 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Typography): 增加文档预览 0d49e02 @-
- ⛑ test(Table): add test f8e96b4 @yaob421123
- ⛑ test(swiper):添加swiper测试用例 e48edb4 @-
- 📖 doc(SearchBar): 修改SearchBar api文档 ebb0df2 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Flex): 修改api文档 78fccc2 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(doc): 文档主题色 BUG 修复 c76f01a @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix(doc): 恢复错误更改 a703b50 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix(doc): 修复Controller类型错误 06b0a21 @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Badge):修改Badge api文档 7798cab @huqiaoli
- 📄 Merge pull request #485 from hy916/dev c6a6052 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #484 from rulishu/rls 4ab8166 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #483 from huqiaoli/dev c2d3bc0 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(ActionSheet): 修改api文档 0ef5449 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档修改 f9db0e9 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 c55cb30 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc:SwipeAction文档优化 48b2c95 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 2d79cb5 @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复文档图片加载问题 537427b @nullptr-z
- 🐞 fix: 修复关于uiw底部foote不显示 43f40d5 @-
- 🐞 fix(doc): 文档主题色 BUG 修复 647adeb @nullptr-z
- 📖 doc(Tabs): 修改Tabs api文档 1ccc96a @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls 26ff9c5 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #486 from rulishu/rls 000486c @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Grid):修改Grid api文档 ddbcb8f @huqiaoli
- 📖 doc(Timeline):修改Timeline api 文档 559b074 @huqiaoli
- 📄 Merge pull request #487 from huqiaoli/dev 292f790 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into rls 538472a @-
- 📖 doc(Stepper): 修改stepper api文档 0e03a14 @-
- 📖 doc(Input): 修改api文档 91e044c @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 4194063 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Form): 文档api修改 f8fa3be @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #488 from rulishu/rls 9ae9903 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(Modal):修改Modal api文档 d756ba5 @huqiaoli
- 🐞 fix(DatePicker): 修复时间精度自动改变的问题 5fa2c18 @-
- 📄 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev 480e769 @-
- 📖 doc(Tile): 修改tile api文档 486a65a @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #489 from huqiaoli/dev 2fe56b7 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #490 from star-hamster/dev d082126 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(SpeedDial):修改SpeedDial api文档 1766231 @panbibi
- 📄 Merge pull request #491 from rulishu/rls 5338065 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch dev d96a971 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #...
- 🌟 feat(Form): Form组件 0ac1bd0 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 新增store 19e3ef3 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 处理ts类型 75e77d8 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 新增验证功能 bbc8325 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): useForm优化 f74d8d1 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 新增getFieldValue & setFieldValue & resetFieldValue等方法 4302756 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 表单验证部分 f90f8ec @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 内嵌组件 & 样式处理 156fdd3 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 集成DatePicker组件 3438477 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 集成uiw表单控件 02670a1 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch master of into dev f67c8ba @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 兼容自定义组件 b3da54b @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 docs(Form): Form组件文档 8cf44de @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(Form): 新增动态表单 a67879b @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 暂时去除动态表单递归新增删除 2d09b3d @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): ts类型修正 aaa12be @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 去除type为cardList深层递归 a28c67a @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 组件渲染遍历优化 16a9436 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(Form): 动态列表增加头部和新增api 1081137 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(Form): 动态列表增加上移/下移/置顶/置底功能 b0b99fb @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Form): 纠正ts类型 43ec537 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(Form): 增加Form.create兼容class组件使用 378da76 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 docs(Form): 文档更新 85e14e3 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 docs(website): 更新Form组件文档 6e968fe @ChenlingasMx
- 🎨 style(Calendar): 修改Calendar组件安卓样式问题 #382 a81feb2 @-
- 🎨 style(Calendar): 修改Calendar组件安卓样式问题 #382 (#391) 09dc547 @didiboji
- 📄 Merge branch 'master' of into szq 2ffe759 @-
- 🐞 fix(MenuDropdown): 增加关闭下拉框动画 #376 a91cd78 @-
- 🐞 fix(DragDrawer): 修改下拉到底后下拉框会向上弹到顶部的问题 #384 2c49050 @-
- 🐞 fix(DragDrawer): 修改下拉到底后下拉框会向上弹到顶部的问题 #384 6d4b9d6 @-
- 🐞 fix(DragDrawer): 修改下拉到底后下拉框会向上弹到顶部的问题 #384 be56672 @-
- 📄 Merge pull request #393 from didiboji/szq1 bb86e1f @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge pull request #392 from didiboji/szq 3249824 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: update environment-setup android document. 4c192e7 @jaywcjlove
- 📖 doc(Icon): update f2364fa @cuilanxin
- 🎨 style(CardCollapse): 优化样式 #385 #387 #388 (#390) 51946fe @matuancc
- 🐞 fix(SearchInputBar):修复loading中能取消搜索 663618d @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(pull):pull branch master code 4a19704 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(website): Update (#360) 775197a @Amber-Nan
- 🎨 style(website): Update (#361) 867aa59 @Amber-Nan
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.5.1 (#356) ffdbeca @renovate-bot
- 🐞 fix(TreeSelect):组件样式调整 73a4168 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(pull):pull branch master code 80d1497 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(Swiper):增加loading api dfea5a5 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(TextArea):增加多行输入框 & 文档更新 (#362) 5f31c2e @Amber-Nan
- 📖 doc(website): 更新 Android(Mac) 打包文档。 (#363) e865ad9 @Amber-Nan
- 🐞 fix(docs):增加v2->v3文档 c2a34d7 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 docs(v2->v3):文档更新 2822c67 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 docs(Typography):文档更新 8cdc77c @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(ActionBar):新增ActionBar 0e7c803 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(ActionBar):add focusIndex api && add 增加首项末项阴影 && add scroll状态下跳转功能 b70a204 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(DragDrawer):修复内容无 法滚动问题及文档更新 (#364) 052ad86 @Amber-Nan
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency kkt to v7. cb938d8 @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3.5.4 (#339) 369fd91 @renovate-bot
- 💄 chore: update yarn.lock 154af23 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: format code. a006c2e @jaywcjlove
- 🌍 website: fix the development preview issue. #365 0043236 @jaywcjlove
- 🌍 website: remove redundant codes. 40d16a9 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: add clean scripts. #365 16f7bac @jaywcjlove
- 🌍 website: remove redundant codes. 26d99bd @jaywcjlove
- 🌍 website: Update changelog. c7257b1 @jaywcjlove
- 🆎 type(Calendar): Fix type error. a457c72 @jaywcjlove
- 💊 clean(website):v3 component menu 3a6dc8b @ChenlingasMx
- 🌍 website: fix mini-css-extract-plugin is not added. cf9b04d @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(RnText):update tooltipProps props f135386 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: Update changelog document. d8eecb0 @jaywcjlove
- 📄 Update a55cc8c @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.4.7 (#366) 9399fb3 @renovate-bot
- 🌟 feat: 删除组件 删除依赖 @react-native-picker/picker 优化DragDrawe实例 08d64bc @cuilanxin
- 🌟 feat(ImageViewer):增加图片查看& 文档更新 (#368) a1c2657 @Amber-Nan
- 📖 doc: Update awesome-react-native/ 822647f @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: update yarn.lock fb1fe83 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore(deps): upate react-native0.66.1 to 0.69.1 6d13661 @ChenlingasMx
- 💄 chore(deps): ^指定版本 792c5ef @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 docs: 更新rn环境安装文档 8709796 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 docs(website): android环境安装文档更新 caffc1d @ChenlingasMx
- 💄 chore(deps): 0.66.1 to 0.69.1的android环境 bcf752e @xingyuefeng
- 💄 chore(deps): 0.66.1 to 0.69.1的android环境问题 (#379) e14e27e @matuancc
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency color to v4.2.3 (#355) (#380) 550aeb0 @renovate-bot
- 💄 chore(deps): update devDependencies (#380). 954f0bd @jaywcjlove
- 📖 doc(environment-setup): Update d2df576 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. 7259f52 @jaywcjlove
- 📖 doc: add unpack document. c059d5e @jaywcjlove
- 🌍 website: update development document. 27853bf @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.4.5 (#357) 60a2c87 @renovate-bot
- 📖 doc(website): 更新 iOS 打包 APP 文档 (#358) 17d7e49 @Amber-Nan
- 📖 doc: Updater 49b25ea @cuilanxin
- 🌟 feat(RNText):增加文本截取提示功能tooltipProps a902518 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(TreeSelect):新增TreeSelect级联选择器组件 4b7df45 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(TreeSelect):优化样式 2e39e90 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc(website): Update TreeSelect (#359) cb049e3 @Amber-Nan
- 📖 docs(Radio):更新文档 301ead5 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(pull):pull branch master code 7393ba1 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Radio):增加borderColor和checkedColor api & 更新文档 293a1ab @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(RnText):新增RnText组件 a7ca94f @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat():增加bar api 06de641 @ChenlingasMx
- 💄 chore: update .github/workflows/ci.yml b2cf5a9 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: update .github/workflows/ci.yml 725332d @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: update .github/workflows/ci.yml e512eb5 @jaywcjlove
- 🌟 feat(Calendar):增加农历假期展示 & 文档更新 & 解决冲突 (#338) fa671eb @Amber-Nan
- 🌟 feat(Calendar):增加农历详情展示 & 文档更新 (#340) be47772 @Amber-Nan
- 📖 doc(website): 增加DragDrawer目录 (#341) 5e1d0b5 @Amber-Nan
- 🌟 feat(DragDrawer):增加自定义图标 & 文档更新 (#342) e851f33 @Amber-Nan
- 📖 doc: Update awesome-react-native badce73 @jaywcjlove
- 📖 doc: Update awesome react-native. 13c7171 @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency color to v4.0.2 (#346) 76918f8 @renovate-bot
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-code-preview to v2.2.3 (#349) 3c47cab @renovate-bot
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.5.0 (#345) 41e827c @renovate-bot
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v17.0.37 (#281) 2b2dc01 @renovate-bot
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.4.2 (#350) 47b27b7 @renovate-bot
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.4.3 (#352) b189a93 @renovate-bot
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.4.4 (#354) 0ade65b @renovate-bot
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-code-preview to v2.2.4 (#353) ba75110 @renovate-bot
- 🌟 feat(DragDrawer):自定义抽屉样式 (#351) 9025a9a @Amber-Nan
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-gesture-handler to v2.0.0 1299a49 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Picker): 修复无法自定义显示key属性 a6117a5 @cuilanxin
- <Picker key="label" />
+ <Picker rowKey="label" />
- 🐞 fix:发布 iOS 应用商店:一. 创建AppID
- 🐞 fix:发布 iOS 应用商店优化排版
- 🐞 fix:合并冲突
- 🐞 fix:ios应用商店文档更新及排版优化
- 🐞 fix:修改环境安装文档语法错误及部分内容优化
- 🐞 fix:更新ios应用发布流程
- 🐞 fix:ios应用商店发布更新
- 🐞 fix:安卓上架更新
- 🐞 fix:增加button自定义文本实例
- 🐞 fix:增加checkBox复选框size调整及文档描述效果展示
- 🐞 fix:解决SelectCascader 在安卓端不能选择问题 #289
- 🐞 fix:修复Modal 弹出动画底层延迟收起问题
- 🌟 feat:NoticeBar 通告栏增加文字样式修改及页面demo展示
- 📖 doc(website): Update NoticeBar
- 🐞 fix:解决 MenuDropdown 安卓下拉菜单被遮挡问题
- 📖 doc(website): Update Progress
- 🌟 feat(Progress): 新增进度图标及文档网站 (#306)
- 💄 chore(Progress): 删除多余代码 (#307)
- 🌟 feat:Progress 增加进度提示字展示 及 doc(website): Update Progress
- 🌟 feat(Progress): 增加进度提示字展示 及 Update (#308)
- 🌟 feat:Ellipsis 增加弹出展示全部文本内容
- 🐞 fix:解决 Ellipsis 报错问题
- 📄 style:Update local code
- 🐞 fix:解决 NoticeBar首次渲染报错问题
- 🐞 fix(NoticeBar): 解决 NoticeBar首次渲染报错问题 (#311)
- 🐞 fix:SwipeAction 增加key
- 🐞 fix(SwipeAction): 增加key (#312)
- 📖 doc(website): Update (#313)
- 📖 doc(website): Update (#314)
- 💄 chore: Update ci.yml
- 🌟 feat(DatePicker): Add new component
- 🌟 feat(Picker): add readonly props
- 🌟 feat: Upgrade react-native to v0.66.1
- 📖 Update
- 🌟 feat[Card]:Add SelectedStyle prop<Card 组件增加自定选中状态api>
- 🌟 feat:Pagination 增加页码跳转功能
- 🌟 feat:Pagination 增加页码跳转功能 及 doc(website): Update Pagination
- 🌟 feat(Pagination): 增加页码跳转功能 & 更新文档 (#319)
- 📖 doc(website): Update
- 📖 doc(website): Update
- 🌟 feat(Pagination): 增加简洁版本 & 更新文档
- 🐞 fix(Divider):优化 gutter属性不生效问题 (#323)
- 🌟 feat(Divider): 增加分割线标题的位置调整功能 & 更新文档 (#325)
- 🌟 feat(Rating): 增加自定义每项的提示信息 & 更新文档 (#326)
- 🌟 feat(Rating):增加只读功能 & 文档更新 (#327)
- 📄 style(Picker): 修改激活状态为中间显示
- 🌟 feat(Timeline):增加自定义图标 & 文档更新 (#328)
- 🐞 fix(Picker): 数据量小的时候会有点击无反应
- 🌟 feat(Timeline):优化自定义图标 & 文档更新 (#329)
- 🌟 feat(ScreenRoot):新增ScreenRoot组件
- 📖 doc(ScreenRoot):更新ScreenRoot文档
- 🌟 feat(ScreenRoot):增加StatusBarProps api
- 📖 docs(ScreenRoot):更新文档
- 🐞 fix(website): update dependency react-router-dom to v6 #333
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.4.4 #282
- 💄 chore: update .github/workflows/ci.yml
- 🌟 feat(Calendar): 新增日历组件 & 添加文档 #334
- 📖 doc: Update
- 📖 chore: update .github/workflows/pull_request.yml